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in the past

The Resident Evil Camera™ was already close to intolerable in actual Resident Evil games; sticking with it here is an act of design terrorism. Easy to see why DMC was influential (every other action game boss since then is a riff on Nelo Angelo) and I understand how it was popular (console players have this incredible ability to just put up with absolutely anything out of brand loyalty), but man, you couldn't pay me to play this even back in 2001, the Resident Evil jank is too much.


De la idea de ser creado como la 4ª entrega de Resident Evil, se decidió coger lo ya creado y readaptarlo para crear una nueva franquicia, la mejor decisión que pudieron tomar.

Es cierto que, a día de hoy, el juego no tiene nada que hacer comparado al Hack'n Slash actual, es un juego limitado con jugabilidad limitada. Pero que está adaptado para que todo funcione una vez sabes dominar el juego.

Por no hablar de que, gracias a su concepto previo de ser un Survival Horror, posee un estilo oscuro y siniestro que le da mucho carisma y que, desgraciadamente, no repitió en la saga.

Un gran clásico, pero ten en cuenta a lo que vas cuando lo juegues.

the devil never fucking cries btw in case you were wondering

Видит Вергилий, я пытался.
Но грёбанные схроны в начале уровня и два жирных босса в конце - это смэрть. Я просто устал бегать. А спускаться в лёгкий уровень сложности я не буду.
В остальном игра прикольная. Побегать по готичным локациям под эмбиент. Боёвка +- может фана принести. С павуком было прикольно дратся. И с шакалом. Но когда появляются летающие мобы и боссы, то я сразу потерял интерес. Я в ДМС или как? Почему я должен бегать по карте и выстреливать нечисть из гранатамёта.
Сюжета ещё наваливают только под конец, до которого я не дошёл, но ладно.

6 желтых камней из 10

Absolute banger. While it doesn't have some of the improvements of DMC3 and onwards, I do enjoy that the first game still contains a lot of Resident Evil DNA. The vibe of running around that old castle fighting puppets and demons is impeccable. So many DMC sounds are burned into my head for the rest of my life. The WHOOSH of the double jump, the menu sounds, the sound for picking up orbs...

Got so fucking bored, this isn't for me.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but in all honesty, DMC1 was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I can't even lie, I tried getting into this so many times in the past but always dropped it because of the absolutely God awful first mission where the camera is so fucking bad it literally made me feel nauseous. But outside of the first level, it didn't bother me that much. It isn't "good", but it was manageable. The boss fights were janky as hell at times but still quite entertaining.

So yeah..... Surprisingly pretty fun. There are a lot of things that haven't aged all that well and can be massive inconveniences a lot of times.... but it was manageable, that's all I'll say. To sum it all up, It wasn't outstanding in any specific aspect, but the overall experience was quite fun, and in all honesty I think this'll grow on me even more and I might increase the rating in the future.

Devil may cry is a pretty good game! I really liked the combat, I liked how much depth it had, and all the weapons were great to use. The boss fights were also pretty fun, my favorite one is probably one of the Griffon, or Nero Angelo fights. I honestly forgot there was a plot to the game at times, the story was very hands off. The level designs were inconsistent, they were either pretty good or straight up bad.

I had two main issues with the game. I disliked the "checkpoint" system a lot, since there are no checkpoints unless you either find a yellow skull or buy it which is very annoying. Another thing that I disliked was the camera.

Eu não gosto de hack n slash mas o jogo é legal, deixando registrado aqui que tentei

devil may cry nah the only one who cried was me after those water levels
jk this game is surprisingly good
for a game made 23 years ago (older than my ass ) i think it has its charm
i f alot with the combat
the story iz goofy
charismatic main character
alastor is such a fun weapon
but the voice acting is kinda shitty and the water levels holly f those were bad
i don’t really mind the fixed cam
I can’t really name any other boss besides mundus which was a pretty good boss fight imo
i like the ending
yea overall i like this game
i’m feelin a solid 7/10(i don’t think im hatin on my boy Dante but who knows give it a go if u like slash slash games )

Nature calls? It's in the back.

Genuinely the worst camera I have ever seen in a video game. Everybody that complains about the camera in games where it's completely fine (RE/SH/SM64) needs to be strapped down à la A Clockwork Orange and forced to beat Dante Must Die with no items

The first entry in the devil may cry series was definitely a solid one however it does come with its fair share of flaws.

Positives are it has a pretty decent story that is somewhat predictable. Dantes character in this game is also written pretty well in my opinion. The gameplay is also nice being a hack and slash with a decent variety of physical and long range weapons. The visuals are also quite nice for a 2001 ps2 game. Also provides a nice level of challenge atleast on normal which is not to bs but also not a easy walk through the park.

However negatives are that the camera is so annoying in this game as you are constantly battling the camera as well as the enemies as its got that resident evil 1 and 2 type camera. The controls are also pretty jank which is to be expected but can kinda be annoying when in combat.

Other than that though id definitely recommend as i thought this was a very solid game and i enjoyed the majority of my time on it when playing.

Man am I glad to be done with this one. This game has been a barrier to getting into the Devil May Cry series for me because it's hard to get myself to play games that I don't really like. I could have skipped over DMC 1 but the fans kept saying that this one is worth playing - with some fans even saying that it's the purest form of Devil May Cry and future entries water things down. The idea of anyone being elitist over this game is ridiculous to me. I suppose if the motto of JRPG fans is "It gets good after 80 hours" then the motto of character action game fans is "It gets good after you go for a perfect ranking on the hardest difficulty". Yeah, I'm not doing that. I'd rather invest my time in an action game that isn't randomly flipping the camera all over the place with no regard for the player.

The camera ruins the game for me. In a game that's supposed to be hard but fair, the camera does everything in its power to make sure the player experiences plenty of cheap deaths. It should be obvious, but a resident evil style camera doesn't work for a game that's very fast paced, relies on a quick succession of inputs, and allows the protagonist to perform different moves depending on the direction he's facing. A random camera shift could happen at any moment that changes what your inputs do, resulting in a loss of player control. Once again I have to ask why there are any hardcore fans that prefer this game when the constantly shifting camera limits the degree that you can be in control of your own moveset. I know people prefer Kamiya directed games because of their focus on the ranking system but this easily one of Kamiya's worst games. It has a solid combat system for the time and you can really see the aspects that make it a Kamiya game... But it's just needlessly frustrating due to the camera.

Devil May Cry can feel like a boss rush at times and while there are a number of challenging encounters, most of them you have to fight 2-3 times with little variation in their movesets. I can see that Devil May Cry wants to be the game that's constantly throwing challenging fights at the player, but this isn't as impactful when it's the just the same fight in the same way repeatedly. The final boss encounter was also underwhelming. There's a shmup section for the first phase, which is fine. It is a Kamiya game after all. But the second phase which is fought on land is also just a battle of projectiles, which seems like a ill-fitting way to round out the experience. It's not an outlandish idea to suggest the final boss should have used the melee mechanics which you've been using the entire game.

For the origin of the acclaimed Devil May Cry series I was pretty surprised to see how weak the story is. I enjoyed the character Dante more from cultural osmosis, memes, and SMT Nocturne than I did in his own game. His personality is far less confident and quippy than the internet would have you believe. I've heard from purists that the games after DMC 1 ruin Dante's personality... bro, what personality? When people compared original RE4 Leon to Dante I was expecting him to be similarly badass... But it turns out Leon makes a better Dante than Dante himself. I never once bought into Trish and Dante's character relationship. The game expects you believe that these two care for each other but they've only spoken to each other a handful of times... And one of those times was Trish betraying Dante.

I respect and appreciate what this game accomplished by inventing the character-action game genre. But as a game I didn't enjoy it very much. This is the only DMC game I've played so I can't speak for the series, but I'm already seriously doubting the purists who say that this one's the best.

this is my favorite game ever and is the reason i got back into gaming after so long. one of my dads friends got me dmc 5 for christmas and i thought it was cool but nothing really stuck out to me. then after i graduated high school i downloaded the dmc hd collection of the playstation store and holy shit was i hooked. i’m really bummed out they cut out the whole gothic setting and aesthetic of the first two games as i much prefer them to the cheesy action aesthetic of 3-5. if you know anything about dmc 1 you’ll know the reason why the first game is so different from the others is because it started life as the prototype to re 4 and you could really fucking tell that. the fixed camera angles a lot of backtracking and the use of keys the music and it’s so dope and makes it one of the most unique action games i’ve ever played although some mfs complain about the fixed camera angles which i mean get good at the game lol. another thing that i like about this game compared to other dmc games how much less shit there is in the game. there’s only two devil arms and if you farm enough red orbs you should be able to get every move for alastor (i use alastor for mode and ifrits on hard mode and i would recommend the same) i get in later games it’s for replay value but honestly i would rather much just replay the whole game rather than certain levels. i also love how this game doesn’t throw a boss at you every level too it creates a new sense of pacing and it feels more realistic fighting the same boss three times i feel like this getting too long so i’ll end it with this. if you bitch about the underwater levels you’re fucking gay lol

Played for the first time through the DMC HD collection. IDK man there's just something special about ps2 action RPGs—they just don't make them like this anymore! OK sure the camera is annoying and the autolock is janky and some of the fights suck, and yeah I got stuck a few times on normal, specifically at the scythe mob in the small arena and the final boss, but overall the game far outshines its flaws. I love a good hack and slash and DMC is fun to play, combos are satisfying, missions are nice and short, getting new weapons feels cool, and the game just oozes personality. The melodrama of the story kind of works in the game's favour since it plays it so serious but really it's just cool to be Dante and move through cool levels. I adored the Mundus in space fight, beautiful design and I love suddenly being in a bullet hell shmup; more games should be this comfortable subverting gameplay expectations (shout out the Sea of Stars true ending final boss). After that dope ending cinematic I rewatched the NG+ intro cinematic just to see it. Not 100% but I may return to hunt some more achievements at a later date, this was just the short and sweet palette cleanser I needed after a 70hr slog.

Very pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable this was. Definitely shows its roots as an RE4 concept quite clearly with its puzzles and level design, but feels like it comes into its own thing towards the end. Except from that ending, which is straight up the same as RE4's ending lol. Camera angles were really cool as well, but the game controlling the way it does make this a bit finicky at times. I also wish it was more clear with the combos you can do. I went through the entire game without realising you could use R1 combined with the melee attacks for different moves. Maybe this was just me being dumb though?

The more I play this game the more I like and respect it

Okay, okay. I see the appeal now...

I'm sorry, but I refuse to play the last three parts, what agony, I don't enjoy anything, I force myself, the remaining half hour I will watch on YouTube, fuck u (Look below, new review)

Updating this review after finishing it, myself, not YT.
A good game, definitely the last 3 parts are the best. The problem I have had is the repetitiveness, monotony and accessibility/settings. The pacing is a bit meh, there's hardly any dialogue, and it's a pain in some parts. But apart from that, it's a good game for the time, now I'm scared, because it's time to play devil may cry 2 😭

"Devils never cry" "Jackpot" 🔫

This was my first Devil May Cry game which might not be an ideal pick but I think it has given me a great appreciation and weird lens to view the series generally.

When I first purchased a used copy of this game back in 2019, I bought it alongside Resident Evil 4 for the Playstation 2 (aka I am the kind of weirdo who immediately fixated on this being spawned from RE4's development). When I REALLY went through the game and dropped it around mission 20 it was 2020 and I was frustrated with the game more than anything but still respecting of it being the first action game. Like many other times I choose a game to finish I felt internally compelled to pick this up with no logistical reason besides my internal emotions after finishing the last game, maybe I was nostalgic for when I was in college with this game and listening to the DMC1/3 ost or maybe living on my own weirdly reminds me of how isolated yet ever-so-characteristically quippy Dante is in this game.

Anyways (lol)

Devil May Cry to me is still a lot of fun but it is the definition of unrefined and a key transitional game between the PS1 and PS2 be it the direct usage of fixed cameras when everything moves as dynamically as you'd expect in an action game, random mechanics thrown in to sort of add some diversity in the gameplay, or maybe the fact that I still wonder if this game was ever designed to not be split up into levels and that maybe it was going to be one continuous map before some genius(?) realized it would not be a good idea at all for an action game.

Summary: Momma's boy action game good (and kind of overhated? like idk go back in time and try and tell these guys how to make an action game lol), still pretty janky but this was 6 hours so that really ain't that bad

Real talk I am baffled that Capcom is just throwing out Resident Evil remakes that don't need to exist meanwhile this game would probably be insane with a remake, like I'm saying this as someone who hates the trend like literally why did RE4 get a remake before this LOL (I do in fact know why). The horror presentation here to where it feels like the premise was Dante being so powerful that these things don't impact him that much feels like an underutilized idea.

dmc é muito incerto de si, ele não é um produto de ideias e influências, e sim uma junção de extremos opostos que operam ao mesmo tempo: o edgy e o humor tosco, a nobreza e a malandragem, armas longa distância e armas curta distância, o suspense atmosférico e a ação tiro porrada e bomba, a câmera fixa e as sessões de plataforma.

certeza que seria confuso um jogo com todas essas ideias juntas, mas ele funciona bem, graças ao espírito arcade que o jogo tem, que te provoca pra conseguir o melhor tempo, com os melhores combos, com as melhores pontuações, tudo pela satisfação de um S (Stylish!) no final da missão.

confesso que sofri bastante com a dificuldade dele, os orbes amarelos são muito punitivos e o combate tem vários detalhizinhos que da uma piorada com a câmera fixa.

um comentário fodase, a espada do nelo angelo é igual a drake sword do dark souls 1 e o final boss é digno de mario galaxy

completely kicked my ass. have a few issues with this (mainly the camera and that the final boss is kinda bad/unenjoyable, even if I only really dislike the first phase) but really I can't complain about a game that made me actually proud of myself for beating it. dante must die will take years off my life

After playing the other DMC games, 1 feels comparatively more archaic. The combat, while really fun, doesn't offer the freedom of the sequels (especially 5). Similarly, the level design isn't bad, but it carries a little too much Resident Evil to be great for an action game.

That said, it still holds up impressively well, not only for a first entry but for a pioneer of its genre.

Jogasso. Por mais que eu tenha passado um perrengue ridículo, já que o jogo tem uma dificuldade bem fdp, ele é muito foda. O Dante em si é um personagem carismático, a quantidade de combos e golpes que dá pra fazer desde o primeiro jogo é imensa, podendo combar os inimigos absurdamente, o que dá mais pontos, que acumulados dão uma boa quantidade de orbes vermelhos no fim de cada fase. Orbes vermelhos são a moeda do jogo, tendo suas variações, com os amarelos sendo orbes que te garantem vida extra caso morra, orbes azuis sendo úteis pra desbloquear uma parada que eu esqueci, acho que era mais um slot de devil trigger, algo assim, fodase... e por aí vai. Tu pode comprar com os orbes vermelhos desde combos novos, inclusive ataques novos pra cada arma em específico, até itens de cura, vida extra e por aí vai. Tem como conseguir orbes vermelhos só matando os inimigos ou também completando alguns desafios espalhados por cada fase, não encontrei muitos mas eu tlg que tem.

O Devil Trigger é uma das habilidades do Dante. Em resumo, faz com que o Dante fique ridiculamente mais forte e resistente, conseguindo tankar dano pra caraio de inimigos e matar eles com muito mais facilidade. A fita é que o Devil Trigger é a parada mais pica do jogo todo, juro. De todas as habilidades que tu consegue durante o game o DT é o mais pá. Ele é absurdo contra inimigos insuportáveis, que tem de monte no jogo, desde a bosses filhas da puta que te matam muito rápido com poucos hits. A melhor coisa do DT é que ele é muito rápido pra encher de novo, o que significa que tu pode usar ele várias e várias vezes sem se preocupar muito. Não significa que você vai ficar invensível pra sempre ou algo assim, porque mesmo usando o DT você ainda pode morrer, mas ele é uma mão na roda enorme pra tankar a dificuldade do jogo, que é enorme. Esse primeiro DMC é difícil pra caralho irmão, pprt, os inimigos (mais pra frente principalmente) são muito chatos, às vezes vindo em bando pra cima de ti e principalmente dando um dano do caralho e demorando pra morrer, ainda mais os bosses que são muito apelões, o que vai render muito sofrimento, já que se tu morre, independente da onde você tá na fase, você vai ter que reiniciar ela. Não existem checkpoints. Isso é muito desgraçado, principalmente quando você tá no fim da fase e nela tem uma boss fight, com você todo fodido, sem vida, acabado porque enfrentou inimigos chatões, tendo que lidar com um boss fdp. Eu lembro de ficar irritadíssimo com isso.

Os bosses se repetem 3 vezes, com a terceira sendo a última vez que você enfrenta eles. Os bosses consistem em uma aranha gigante feita de lava, um falcão gigante pau no cu, uma versão maligna do Dante que se transforma em um cavaleiro bizonho (que mais pra frente a gente descobre quem realmente essa versão é), uma máquina estranha hi-tech medonha que atira lasers (???) e por fim, o chefão final, Mundus. TODOS os chefes são difíceis, sem excessão, mas a melhor parte de enfrentar coisas difíceis é a sensação de satisfação depois de conseguir superar elas, e é exatamente isso que esse jogo proporciona (mesmo que eu preferisse não sentir essa sensação, já que ela vem com um bocado de dor, sofrimento e pensamentos suicidas).

A soundtrack é foda pra caraio, todos os bosses tem músicas bem daoras, e a dublagem do Dante em específico é de longe a melhor de todas. Ele é muito carismático, passa uma vibe de molecão, mesmo já sendo um adulto... pelo menos nesse jogo ele é.

A história é, em resumo: Dante descobre que um menor chamado Mundus quer comer o cu de geral, e essa informação veio de uma mina que invadiu a casa do Dante de moto quebrando tudo (era uma moto? eu nem me lembro pqp) sem mais nem menos. Depois dos dois se socarem um pouco eles se juntam pra derrotar o menor mamão e salvar o mundo, mas pra isso o Dante precisa ir pra um castelo em uma ilha lá no cu do mundo, pra acabar com o Mundus. Chegando lá ele percebe que tá fudido porque tá cheio de bicho nessa desgraça de ilha enorme e tem que fazer um monte de parada e descer o pau em um monte de bicho. Gostei da história, achei divertida.

As armas que a gente tem são variadas, a gente começa com a espada que o Dante herdou do pai dele, o lendário spartacus, pera é sparta o nome dele eu errei foi mal. Depois ele pega outra espada que eu nem vou tentar lembrar o nome mas ela solta raios e é muito foda. Depois ele pega uma espada enorme gigantesca que eu também não lembro o nome, mas era do pai dele também e é daorona. A gente também pode usar armas de fogo, como as ebony e ivory que são as pistolas do Dante, ou a shotgun serrada, muito potente e (ao meu ver) muito melhor que as pistolas). Ah e podemos usar luvas de fogo também. Elas são daoras.

Enfim jogo muito foda, genuinamente curti embora tenha tido partes extremamente frustrantes e não seja muito intuitivo, eu gostei bastante e acho que vale a pena a experiência. Recomendo. Agora é partir pro 2 o que eu acho que vai ser doloroso pq se não me engano ele é um lixo

first ever game character malewife

My only complaint is how small of a role Vergil had in this game, one of the best fixed camera angle games I've played.