Reviews from

in the past

There are certainly better games where you hold RT until you reach the end of the track, but few that accomplish this much in so little runtime. Excellent-feeling controls that are a perfect match for the blisteringly fast, topsy-turvy obstacle-courses this'll digitize your way. It could be a bit of a sticking point that the main story isn't particularly difficult, but it's adherence to atmosphere and unbroken speed is more thrilling than the game devolving into Happy Wheels imho. Adore the sound design and the slicing mechanic!!!

Really fun and stylish game. The platforming, driving, abilities, levels, and music all combine for a perfect experience. This game just oozes cool ambience. I'm not really into racing games or cars at all but that isn't really what this game is about, it's a really unique platformer.

Great game, was originally a student project at DigiPen Institute of Technology called "Nitronic Rush" - they visited my middle school when I was a kid, nice to see the full game come to fruition - and it's workshop support for tracks, this game is great!

Um ótimo jogo de corrida para quem gosta de Hot Wheels

The difficulty gap between most of the main campaign and what comes after feels really weird and uneven. I like Distance a lot, the presentation I think really holds it together, but there's enough to like. Honestly, it feels like it shares more of its DNA with a platformer than it does a racing game.

2018, pongo un vídeo en YouTube llamado "Top 10 juegos creados como proyectos de graduación", me encuentro con un juego que me llama la atención llamado Nitronic Rush, veo al poco que el equipo de Team Nitronic se han convertido en un desarrollador con todas las de la ley para pulir su proyecto a Distance y, por cosas del azar acaba en mi biblioteca de Steam.

El juego en si es bonito con ganas y la banda sonora pega muy duro con tremendos BANGERS pero... cada vez que juego esto me entran dolores de cabeza de la hostia. Es un juego exigente a la hora de pedirte que aprendas sus sistemas para moverte con fluidez y la verdad es que está bastante pulido.

He completado el modo campaña que se hace en cosa de dos horitas aprox y el resto del tiempo ha sido para hacer el primer nivel del modo arcade. El último circuito me ha llevado 41 minutos para hacerlo bien hasta sacar el oro. No tengo ni el tiempo ni la energía para aprender en profundidad como va este juego (quizás por eso mismo abandoné Rocket League también), así que lo dejo en abandonado.
Un único consejo si queréis probar este título: En el modo arcade, bajad el volumen de la música al mínimo, por que taladra muy fuerte en la cabeza y como digo, me ha dado dolores de cabeza solo de estar unas pocas horas escuchándola sin parar.

I was really intrigued by the mad stuff going on but for some reason for me the wall riding sections got a bit infuriating when you mistime a jump so I just ended up throwing in the towel. Also weirdly painful to play on the steam deck!

Крутая аркадная гонка с кучей механик, которые без продыху используются во время заезда и требуют конкретного освоения. Стиль неонового футуризма и электронная музыка задауют атмосферу, из-за которой хочется гнать без остановки и ошибок.

I love racing games where you have wings for gliding. Only other example that comes to mind is Rush 2049

Really good solo racing game. The story is hard to follow, but the vibes and style are really good and the speed feels real.
Also one of the best "ride on the cieling and walls" deal of game.
In VR this makes you puke.

Great experience on the Deck. I played a lot of this when it first came out, but only finished it this year.

this feels less like a racing game and more like a drive thru art project with obstacles, especially while playing the campaign mode when youre the only person on the track. The turning mechanic is boring and barebones but to make up for it the game has thrusters and flying mechanics for midair maneuverability which are cool but can be frustrating. The best part about this game is you can get your car sliced in half and still be able to drive it to the next checkpoint and have it fixed mid race, that is so fucking sick.

If you enjoy a racing game where you hold the gas and boost without worrying about drifting and pick it up it goes on sale on steam for dirt cheap.