Reviews from

in the past

its hard, but thats what makes it really fun, especially if you're playing with other people. even if you're playing w someone or others that are bad at dst, honestly i think it makes it more fun bc you're stressing out so much it makes you laugh #Smile but once you get the hang of it, it's not bad at all.. (i'm too scared to get to winter by myself though. i'm not THAT good at it......)
every time you replay it it's a completely different experience no matter what & i think thats what makes it super enjoyable bc you always have something to look forward to. it's a simple concept of trying to survive for as long as possible, & i think it's executed pretty well

You need to be VERY into survival permadeath games to enjoy this one. Some can argue that doing that is hard, but finding other players that are as dedicated it's harder imo

Definitely a fun game to play with your friends! I had a blast while playing with my husband and a few other friends.

I love this game so much. The art style and overall feel of the game is so unique. This game needs more recognition. I go through phases of DST/DS every year.

igual o clássico só q com atualizações com muito carinho sempre!

This is defiantly my favorite co-op game. If you are looking to play this, make sure you are going to play multiplayer, if not defiantly get the original. This is better, but should be played multiplayer. 100% buy this when its on sale, or not.

A fast-paced game with satisfying mechanical depth. Very fun to play (and laugh over) with friends.

Why is this game have so many mods with absolute any fk character?

Amazing art style and an interesting take on the survival game genre. I think that playing with as many people as possible is the best way to play this game but even then, it's fun with only two. but thats the thing. You gotta have a friend or brother or something because playing this by yourself is like baking an entire layered cake only to eat it alone. Overall I like it a lot

One of the best survival games ever with beautiful art and character design
definitely a must play for anyone ever

The more I play with a good friend the more I like this game, has such a good balance of chaotic and cozy atmosphere with all sorts of things to scramble across the map and do

O meu jogo definitivo de sobrevivência dentre todos os que existem

Reason why I'm not giving it a 5/5 is because of Summer. If they made a rework update on that shit and make it more enjoyable to play on it, then it deserves a full 5 stars rating. Until then it's going to have 4.5/5.

Good thing you can remove it from your world and can play without it.

Połowa moich przekleństw, których użyłam w życiu, była przy tej grze

Trop exigeant frr laissez nous prendre du plaisir un peu, j'étais stressé du début à la fin

One of the best Survival games on the market, fun by yourself and with friends. A tense hostile world thats fun to learn and master, with a huge amount of content and a fair business model. One of Kleis most popular games for a very good reason.

Tore my friend group apart

Such a good game, but can't play. (skill issue)

My sister got mad at me for constantly using the pan flute on her.

Jogo está muito mal otimizado no switch

This game was just mid in general. Some things were fun ig, but I dont think ill ever play this game again. Its just not for me.

sin ver ningún vídeo las primeras 2h lo pasas como si te encierran en una jaula atado a una silla con 6 tigres alrededor

anoiteceu e você não tem madeira? faz o L.
esqueceu de catar florzinha pra manter sua sanidade? faz o L.
tá com fome? faz o L.
spawnou um demônio de 4 metros e destruiu sua base? faz o L.

The only game where I've legitimately been afraid of the dark

Apesar de eu n gostar de survival, é um ótimo jogo