Reviews from

in the past

“The book is always better” people were real silent when this dropped

One of the first youtube video game reviews id ever seen that would also eject my 11 year old ass into getting more into looking at all the awesome shit you could find online. Even as a kid it was very easy to see tht even though James Rolfe was playing a character, there ws genuineness and fact being shown on my friend's moms shitty dell laptop

This game looked like it sucked in the late 80s, it looked like it sucked in the early 2010s, and finally here i am having played it in the 2020s telling you that its definitely never been exaggeration LMFAO

But you could probably guess and be safe on that guess off of just 3 seconds of gameplay footage in action. This is a unique premise for a game where youre actually moving Jekyll in tandem with Hyde going from point A to point B
it sounds simple enough except your walking speed is atrocious
the enemies are all nonsensical to the point of their AI even feeling sporadic in how they want to pursue you and attack you
It's like the developers wanted to make the most intentionally aggravating kind of adventure platforming ever thatd stress you out, like putting you in the shoes of a paranoid schizophrenic person(i Imagine) thats been having a lot of consecutively bad days and everyone feels like they could set you off.
When it happens to you, and its gonna happen a Lot, you get to play as the expected big angry fuck doodooragonist and use his SUUUPER CRZY PSYCHO WAVE OH MY GAHHHHHHHHHHH AUUUUUUUUH AUHHHHH and it still fucking sucks and takes a lot of predicting to even get a kill with its insane LMFAO
like cool he can do a laser thing
thts abt it though/
your other means of attacking are utterly worthless and i came into two game softlocking bugs where a bomb blew up and i literlly couldnt move at all but all sounds kept going
its also funny to me how against all odds this is actually a pretty solid idea for a game that in anybody elses hands could make something cool with

the way its made is shit in such a highly specific way to ruin anyone's day,,, and they fucked it up even more by removing content and all that from the japanese version of the game and there's like an alt ending
which is laughable alone that theyd thikn anyone would care enough to genuinely see this game through a second time or wind up saving them by sheer chance

this is kind of dissolving into just me poking and picking at- not even a dead horse LMFAO like its not even dead this is more like just examining bones in a graveyard if anything and wondering how an animal moved around with the structure in the first place

This wont be the last time i beat an NES game of a property thats not from japan thatd get pushed and forged in japan though, because i found out there's actually more instances of this happening.. though im pretty confident Ill like a n y of them more

Also the Cover art goes hard atleast...
yea i got nothing LMFAO see ya

O jogo ruim dos jogos ruins! É esse cara aqui, ele mesmo, seu polícia! Doutor Jaca e Mister Esconde!

Baseado em um livro incrivelmente famoso, "O Médico e o Monstro", que conta a história de um simpático Doutor que se usa como cobaia para um de seus experimentos, cujo efeito acaba sendo dele se tornar em uma criatura abominável toda vez que se irrita, já deu origem a dezenas de adaptações e paródias na TV e no cinema, inclusive serviu de inspiração para o Incrível Hulk! Então como pode um jogo baseado nessa história ser tão ruim?

O enredo do jogo é que nosso amigo Dr. Jaca vai se casar, então, precisamos guiá-lo até a igreja. É só isso.
Claro, uma vez que você se desvie das crianças arteiras, dos loucos que soltam bombas, de cachorros doidos, gatos abestados abelhas aranhas gigantes pássaros cagões coveiros cantoras pessoas barris bombas cachorros bombas bombaaaaaAAAAAA
Mas claro que você tem uma arma. Você tem uma bengala. Ela não faz nada. Mas você tem uma bengala.

Então, claramente, tudo ali é feito pra deixar o Jaca puto da vida e virar o Mister Esconde. Nesse caso, o jogo fica espelhado, fazendo parecer que você está voltando, mas não é o caso, eu já explico. Neste modo, criaturas grotescas aparecem para te atacar, mas agora você tem ataques de verdade. Um soco fajuto e uma bola de fogo bêbada. Apenas use a bola de fogo que ela uma hora ou outra acerta os inimigos.
Eventualmente, você ganha sanidade o suficiente para voltar a ser Jaca e continuar seu caminho.

O que acontece, todos os ataques que Jaca sofre baixam sua sanidade a ponto de virar Esconde, mas você não quer isso, porque as fases do monstro são o caminho que você já percorreu, mas espelhado, o monstro começa na casa do Jaca, e se ele alcançar o ponto eu que ele se transformou em monstro, um raio atinge ele e vai de arrasta pra cima. ENTÃO COMO SE JOGA ISSO??

Você precisa conseguir chegar são até a última fase (acho que é a quinta), onde aí você precisa trazer o monstro também para lá, que no final da fase no modo monstro, tem um chefe final, que uma vez derrotado, irá revelar o final bom, chegando lá como Jaca depois. Porém, você deve entender que isso é extremamente difícil e nada divertido. Jaca é uma pessoa normal que não consegue se defender de nada! Qualquer ataque que vem contra ele, é quase certo que vai acertar. E além da barra de sanidade, tem uma barra de vida também, então, se você não morrer do raio, vai morrer de tanta merda que te jogam na cara mesmo.

É um jogo que pode ser engraçado de jogar uma vez, fazer seu amigo jogar e ele ficar confuso com tudo que está acontecendo, mas finalizar ele é algo inviável, a quinta fase inclusive começam a te jogar um barril atrás do outro e não tem o que fazer ali, simplesmente.

Única coisa boa que eu posso falar dele é que os cenários no modo Jaca são bem bonitos, fazem muito bom uso da paleta de cores do NES. Mas é, de resto, eu acho que a noiva do Jaca tá querendo dar um fora nele e ele não tá se tocando.


Though I can respect how the developers at-least tried to tie some of the story's themes into the gameplay, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES has earned its notoriety with its awful, sluggish, and frustrating gameplay, confusing and punishing design, and ruthless difficulty. As a wise man once said, "I've had more fun playing with dog turds!"

I knew it's bad but I didn't know it's that bad

You think we're silent? Fine. Then I'll say it loud and clear: THE BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER!

This review contains spoilers

What I'll say here will sound counter-intuitive and somewhat inflammatory, but I genuinely believe in what I'll be saying so strap in.

I've attempted to play this game countless times on, let's say not original hardware, and throughout all those attempts I never made a dent past the second level. It is a grueling, tedious slog that sends you back on your way like a Chaplin-esque pratfall at your expense. You as Jekyll, attempting to make your way to your wedding and fighting the Hyde inside you, must face the many MANY obstacles ahead. Whether they be the work of demons silently influencing the townsfolk or natural mishaps and provocations that'll send Jekyll over the edge to Hyde. You are challenged to keep Jekyll calm amidst this constant chaos lest he turn to Hyde and either regain his composure or die right where he began.

As I've said, it is grueling, it is tedious, and I haven't even seen far into the game myself. However I can't help but be captivated by anti-game meta narrative at play, intended or not it gives me the kind of feeling that might drive people who play Pathologic to keep going with that game. You have to succeed as Jekyll, resist temptation of falling back as Hyde and being overwhelmed by your demons and triumph non-violently, turning the other cheek to all the vitriol the game itself throws at you. It's a Sisyphean task, and isn't that enticing in of itself? I don't have to beat it to appreciate that built into the very gameplay is a greek tragedy that instills the horror of the original story into the meta narrative, that instills it within the player. Maybe I'm a masochist, but I'll pop this game in every now and then just to enjoy the atmosphere of it all, the beautiful daytime stroll belying the bubbling anxiety and dread of becoming the monster again and undoing the progress you've so carefully maintained.

And I do have to compliment the atmosphere, the artistry of the game. The music has this victorian gothic kind of flavor that sets the mood for the game perfectly, and the pixel art just as well. The palette chosen and the black outlined style pixel art make for a kind of pulpy horror feel that is just great, especially in the Hyde section under the moonlight and with everything in ruins and facing ugly odd demons. It's the NES sure, and it's primitive, but I think they made the most with the limitations and it makes for a good horror mood. Add to that the limited story that, without dialogue presents itself clearly and the stakes understood through its' gameplay. I really appreciate the effort put into making a good and bad ending, however limited, that feels true to the story and doesn't just give a saccharine happy end. The boss fight at the end, which in the Japanese version when the boss dies has a silhouette of the main demon impaled on the Church's cross, and that's a pretty damn awesome conclusion, as well as the ambiguity of the wedding scene where the monster in Jekyll still lives... It's just real neat little story details! And while nes RPGs and games like Ninja Gaiden have more fleshed out stories, the implied story in this game plus the gameplay further nailing down the themes makes it special in my eyes.

All this to say, I'll probably never beat this game in my lifetime, and there's a lot unfair about it that could be done better. Could this game having a dodge roll for Jekyll make it so much better? I think so, as a further nonviolent approach, but maybe that clashes with the whole idea of Jekyll "keeping his composure". All in all, I think this game does something really cool with its sparse horror narrative, its chilling atmosphere and art, and anxiety inducing gameplay that comes together to make a game that is a futile effort that you can appreciate. This could've been just a Castlevania type throw potions to kill enemies as Jekyll and save the princess type game par for the course, and a lot of people wanted that out of it I think. But I really DO appreciate it as this kinda anti-game where you have to beat it as a composed non-violent Jekyll, perhaps stumbling as Hyde along the way, but still just moving forward against all the frustration and odds with a brisk walk through the English countryside.

TL;DR : This but unironically

It's half the first strand type game (as dr. Jekyll) and half a shmup (as Hyde).

Honestly not as bad as I remembered. The first time I played it I just made fun of the game with my best friend. Even if we knew the mechanics from yt videos we just sucked at it.

Now I made it pretty far, but the game throws so much shit at you it's like a bullet hell, so I just quit.

Some times the screen is filled with literal shit, bombs, spiders, and the worst enemy: women running at you. Other times it's a walking simulator.

I can see why it's not well received but it's definitely not one of the worst games of all time. Maybe it's one of the most misunderstood games of all time. It can be hard and frustrating but I like the dynamic of trying to get as far as you can before turning into Hyde, then if you kill enough monsters as Hyde you return where you were with (mostly) full health. There's infinite continues too from what I played. Maybe I'll come back to finish it one day.

hello it is me the real dr jekyl and mr hyde and this game is only kind of bad

It's easier to walk in real life than in this game

"All it takes is one bad day", the video game. A unique mechanic that had potential, but was worn down by a dull execution.