Reviews from

in the past

DLC muito boa, gostei bastante, gameplay boa e batalhas incriveis.

l'ho droppato quando il gioco mi ha costretto ad uccidere 170 nemici in un solo incontro

currently playing dbz kakarot so i decided to get this one out of the way and i think any complaint i may have is made null by the fact solid state scouter plays during the last few fights

also bardock is SUPER fun to play he hits like a truck and his default combo animation is one of the coolest ive seen in a dbz game

that's what i am talking about

was pretty fun, didnt have a ton of content but still expanded on bardock's story
I did have to fix a glitch that makes you play the game as goku from the world tournament that makes the game unplayable unless you bypass it but yeah i had fun

Decided I wanted to play DBZ Kakarot in the canon order, so started with this DLC. I know enough about Dragon Ball to go on, but for someone learning about Bardock for the first time this was quite fun. The mini Vegeta story at the end was fun to play too.

Solid State Scouter playing in the last few fights was a nice touch, all in all I enjoyed the DLC but I could tell there wasn’t a massively high budget for this as there was a decent bit of padding in the main and side content.

Ouf ça va ça commence bien.
Un poil moins bien que Trunks, et plus court, mais les osts sont super et Bardock est super agréable à jouer.
Très cool !

Melhor que a do trunks é nois bardock