Reviews from

in the past


IFs where the mc fucking hates themselves are always the best ones

Unsure why mobile isn't a platform option here, I played it on iOS.

My view on this one was a little dampened at first as I'd played the publicly available demo, which turned out to be 90% of the entire game, so when I purchased the full version I was pretty let-down by the fact that I'd already experienced almost all of it. I'll keep my expectations tempered for future demos.

Ignoring that personal issue, though, Retribution is even better than Rebirth, which was already well-loved and oft-recommended for a reason. Retribution adds Argent, Herald, and Steel as possible romance options, as well as fleshing out the Ortega/Herald, Ortega/Steel, and Ortega/Argent polyamorous routes, which is massively appreciated as I found the initial two options of Ortega and Mortum in Book 1 to be a little sparse.

I'm emotionally invested in my protagonists for this series at this point, and I'm eager to see how they end up.