Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun seeing and agreeing with this tweet yesterday & blindly starting From Dust only to realise it was exactly the same thing.
I think being an observer of the press cycle and online blowback in 2011 for this game coloured my expectations a little - those were my halcyon Born Different, Born Innocent days - I expected shit from a butt I'll be perfectly honest with you. Thoughts and prayers for the unfortunates who purchased this game at release, full price, expecting a fully-fledged God Game by the then on-top-of-the-world Ubisoft. People were pretty scathing as a result of their expectations being sidestepped, to the extent that I was successfully scared away from even trying the game all the way until now, over a decade later.

Anyway I thought this was fine lol. A fun little puzzle game where you worm around a map, scooping up elements and plopping them where they'd hopefully aid and protect your villagers from natural disasters. Hits some surprisingly high notes at points with thanks to some surprisingly good fluid physics and overall level of presentation - making tsunamis, terrain-warping earthquakes and volcano eruptions a truu thrill. Routinely £2 on Steam, which I'd say is apt, but you're honestly better off pirating the thing. The version of uPlay From Dust is packaged with is about ten layers deep into being fucked beyond repair, and the port in general feels like it's peddling to power its own iron lung.

Basically you pick up sand and put it back down again.
The story is you play a magic ferret to help the cheese face people to toot their horns and go in the tunnel. Thanks Eric Chahi!

The kind game moloch would enjoy

I just love this game, super interesting mechanics, great puzzle/strategy

Ubisoft has tried their hardest to make sure this game cannot be played

The concept is interesting and I like the visual style. I'd like to come back to it some time.

Very fun physics game with a free story mode too!

I remember seeing Markiplier play this a long long time ago, so this has always been on my wishlist, bought it recently and wallah! Its pretty fun

It’s a great little physics game, I will replay it and update my review to reflect this.