Reviews from

in the past

This game is truly sickening, evoking a visceral sense of repulsion and disbelief. It pushes the boundaries of acceptability to such an extent that it leaves one questioning the depths of human creativity and moral sensibility. It's difficult to fathom how a concept like this could originate, let alone be transformed into a fully-fledged video game. Upon delving into the game's content, one is confronted with a nightmarish landscape of depravity and grotesquery. It's a world where the boundaries between right and wrong, decency and obscenity, have been obliterated. The very premise of the game seems like a descent into the darkest recesses of the human psyche, exploring themes and scenarios that are more disturbing than anything one could imagine. The creators behind this game must possess an unsettling blend of imagination and audacity, as they've managed to craft a virtual realm that defies conventional norms and societal standards. They've essentially constructed a macabre playground for the most twisted and perverse aspects of the human condition. While some may argue that artistic freedom should know no bounds, there comes a point where the line between art and moral degradation becomes perilously thin. This game tests those limits, forcing us to grapple with uncomfortable questions about the nature of entertainment, the responsibility of creators, and the potential harm such content may inflict on impressionable minds. This work stands as a stark reminder of the extremes that can be reached in the world of video games, challenging our perceptions and moral compass. It's a disturbing journey into the abyss of human creativity, leaving us to ponder the consequences of pushing the boundaries of acceptability in the name of artistic expression.

This game reminds me of the on-rail minigame in Rayman raving rabbids.

Gal*Gun is an on-rail shooter franchise that just doesn't really do anything unique in its gameplay but it's definitely not something you can say about the presentation and plot. The plot of the game is pretty straightforward, you play as a boy who got hit by a powerful love angel arrow and now every woman loves you, your goal is to find your true love before the end of the day to live the rest of your life with her.
With this plot, you are now tasked to travel the whole school while hitting women with your pheromone shots which are used as the gun system for this game. The overall gameplay is really basic as something you'd expect from an on-rail shooter, you just hit the girls like you'd hit a zombie in House of the Dead, and you hit the girl's weak spots just like you'd do in any other on-rail shooters.

The game is extremely short like most on-rail shooters but here you have some replay value as there are different endings based on choices you make during cutscenes or based on your overall love score which is done by playing minigames placed in-between missions and these honestly suck, some are easy and some can but straight up broken, they ruin the pace of the game and they take ages to go through, I don't like them.

I personally only went for one ending and I don't need much else to be honest, one playthrough is good enough and I don't want to replay the same stage over and over with those stupid minigames and a bunch of stages are just variations of old ones so it feels really repetitive at time.

Should you play it? Yeah, it's silly so why not. This one is probably most people's pick for their first rodeo with gal gun since it's really cheap on steam and it seems to be the first game of the franchise because gal gun 2 exists and it's actually the third game, gal gun double peace being the sequel to gal gun which was an Xbox 360 game that received a remake recently but it's too expensive so I just picked Double peace.

A PAIN to complete when perfection is demanded.

I am at a VERY low point in my life

Right so we’re not gonna sugar coat it. This is a decent rail shooter with a very down bad gimmick.
Story is whatever. Extremely generic and you’ve seen a dozen times in every ecchi harem anime.
Wish the game specifically told you what dialogue options are locked behind personality trait so you don’t have to look up or reset to figure it out.
The mini games are dumb and just tedious. And screw that stupid circle motion on the touchpad. That crap doesn’t work 90% of the time and always gives a low score.

they don't make them like they used to, super fun light gun game with tons of replayability and enough girls to cover everyone's basis

too bad the PC port is so bare bones, you gotta fix it with ini files

Maya > Shinobu

This game has no business being this good

Despite the obvious pervyness in this game, this is actually a really good rail-shooter similar to games like House of the Dead or Time Crisis where you have to take down various enemies with different difficulties and bosses that are also challenging and fun.

I quite love the stories for the different romance options in the game, including the possible sister route which is a lot of fun as is Aoi's true ending where she attains her dream that you helped her reach!

I would recommend this more on a discount for those interested and it's a lot of fun for multiple playthroughs.

The only downside is, as of writing this review there has been a bug where it sometimes crashes (usually when in big picture) and it has yet to fixed in this regard.

some people decry this game for its horniness but they are missing something more important: that its boring as shit

it'll sit on my steam library tho so maybe sometime ill give it another shot. doubtful

- Ecchi!!! -
Esta cosa es 100% fan service con un gameplay muy fácil tipo Railshooter donde tienes la chance de dejar semi desnudaz y desnudaz a las chicas/enemigos que se te atraviesen.
Es un juego muy chistoso desde el punto de vista de lo absurdo y raros que pueden ser los juegos nipones xD.
No es un juego para todos y personalmente no lo recomiendo pq a muchos les puede desgustar y aburrir

i hate that i enjoyed this game so much, but the gameplay is pretty fun and the characters are lovely

Si tenéis problemas en algún FPS haceos un par de runs de este juego, vais a flipar en como te mejora la puntería.

Pretty sure the only time I played this was when I was high. It was fun, but otherwise it was just. Fine. Love that demon girl tho

this game is creepy, no doubt about it, but i'd be lying if i said i don't find it fun ( you're allowed to judge me btw )