Reviews from

in the past

Smoother gameplay than the original, but not quite as good a story. Still an excellent game I'm glad I'm finally getting around to.

One of the first games I ever played, I used to play a lot on my uncle's ps2, then I got a good pc and emulated to play again because it was so fun.

Takes the formula that made the first so good and just improves in every way, different and new abilities, a few more sub weapons, God Of War 2 does everything the first did and then some.

Had version played via god of war saga

Playing GoW 2 in 2024, different from playing the first one, was a very good experience! It´s impressive how this game is SO MUCH better than GoW 1, considering they have only 2 years of releasing difference.

Es un juego tremendo en partes (especialmente el inicio y el final), pero en otras es una experiencia sumamente frustrante, tediosa, y simplemente no divertida. Recomiendo jugarlo en normal o inclusive fácil, porque es un juego digno de experimentar.

Gráficos e Áudio:

Didn't enjoy this one as much as the first game but still a fun time.

Slightly better than the first game but has too many puzzles and it can get frustrating.

This is my least favorite God Of War game but still an amazing game its absolutely phenomenal especially the second half when we see that kind of vengeful god kind of Kratos fully take hold its a really fun game too with some more improved gameplay and yeah just still a great game I love it a lot.

Evoluiu MUITO o primeiro jogo, foi nesse jogo que demostrou que essa saga seria uma das mais importantes e melhores da indústria.

its not bad but its not good either, the puzzles are brain numbing easy and while i get that they exist to break up the pacing, damn it doesnt change the fact that they are boring and unnecessary. Certain combat segments can range from pretty fun to just awful in every way. In particular, the straw that broke the camels back, was the segment where kratos has to push up the guys in a cage to the buttons while getting hit at the same time. Maybe theres a way to get them to stop spawning but i just didnt feel like trying after the previous spree of unfun segments

I thought this game was a decent amount of fun. I liked the mythological side of the game a lot and loved how it is used in the game. I like the concept of going around to the different gods and "interacting" with them. Still, the story hasn't aged very well and the gameplay isn't outstanding.

Platform: PlayStation 3
Date Started: April 10th, 2023
Date Finished: April 20th, 2023
Time Played: 7 Hours

"If all those on Olympus would deny me my vengeance, then all of Olympus will die."

A huge improvement in every way over the original title, God of War II builds upon each aspect that made the first game successful and amplifies things to make it a more memorable, more fun and more engaging time.

We see more variety in both the environments and game-play here, with some fun flying sections and the great Wings of Icarus item, and the puzzles feel more engaging and satisfying whilst not being too frustrating of a challenge. The Titans are a really cool set of allies for Kratos and show just how powerful he is as we see him going into battle with literal giants by his side against the pantheon, although I would have liked to have seen a little more of the individual titans throughout.

Kratos continues to be a great protagonist, and after hours of fun combat with interesting spells such as the magical bow and an earth-quake type deal (which are basically just aesthetic alternatives to the previous game's options, and I never used the sub-weapons, although they were nice inclusions), the game finishes up on a strong cliff-hanger that perfectly sets up an epic conclusion.

God of War 2 feels like an improvement on the first game in almost every way.

There's more weapons and the combat has been adjusted to be more exciting and satisfying. They fixed both of my problems with the first game by making the areas more diverse and memorable and by making it faster to get more upgrades.

Although it did have mostly improvements I feel like this game started to drag it's pace about 1/3 of the way through it and I was only playing it just to finish it at that point which sucks because I still think it's a great game.

It's a well-made hack and slash. The QTEs are obnoxious. The puzzles feel like filler.

i feel like i'm crazy every time i see somebody rank this as one of the best entries in the series, maybe i'm lacking nostalgia that people might have or maybe it just never ended up clicking with me but i felt like the combat was pretty clunky and badly aged and the story was mostly uninteresting except for the beginning and end kinda. at least it set up god of war 3 to be sick as hell

God of War 2 is still as great a game today as it was when I first played it. For a PS2 era game, the controls and combat all work perfectly well together. There are some really amazing boss battles in this game.

The one thing that kinda dips it for me now compared to when I first played it was just how many puzzles there were. As a kid I found them interesting, but now I was just meh about the puzzles.

But God of War II takes what God of War I did and improves on it in every possible way.

My only complaint about this game is that are still some enemies that are just annoying to fight against and I felt there was some urgency missing during some story parts.
Everything else was upgraded from the previous one, the voice acting, graphics, gameplay and story are all better here!
The boss battles and puzzles were so much better here too!
If there's a remake of GoW 1 and 2 coming I hope it's more of a visual-only remake and that they don't change a lot.
If you haven't played any GoW game yet please do so you can play this amazing game!!

Big improvements as a sequel should have but only enough to make it a more fun God of War with the same issues I had with the original