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This game is peak Metroid. It's got all the great things about the 2D games but now in 3D remastered beautifully
on the switch.

It's open ended and has tons of fun items, enemies, upgrades, and locations to explore. The game has spectacular atmosphere and drives home the feeling of being alone on an unknown planet.

My main problems are it's a little too long and I've got a little bit of a problem with these types of games in general. I love exploring and getting upgrades but I absolutely hate getting lost and I did get lost a couple of times while playing. Also I feel like the combat is a little undercooked. It's just an endurance war between you and the enemy most of the time.

Overall a great game I've just got a couple personal problems with it.

I really wanted to love this game but to me it screams all style, no substance.

The visual presentation is a love letter to the series and it's fans. It's got all the voices and music and style like giant text appearing and stuff like that. All the UI is styled after life fibers and it looks super cool.

Unfortunately the gameplay is so whatever that I don't even wanna get into it. It's an anime arena fighter and it's got all that stuff and to be fair I was never a fan of that style to begin with but in this game it feels even more half baked. I get through by button mashing and there is probably more in depth tech but why even bother because button mashing works so well.

The unique thing is this bloody valor mechanic and it's basically rock paper scissors for a buff in battle but more than not I end up losing so I try to ignore it as often as possible.

The creators of this game were obviously fans of the series because it's got so many cool references and tons of care and accuracy put into the presentation but the gameplay just isn't good enough to warrant playing it.

The game has aged but it's still pretty fun and 100% still playable by 2024 standards.

The story and characters are kinda whatever and take a backseat in favour of the gameplay which is pretty good. I felt like Dante doesn't have a ton of different options in terms of combat even after getting upgrades and more weapons however his base moveset feels satisfying enough to keep you entertained for the short runtime.

I had a couple problems specifically with the repeated boss encounters, problems with targeting, and lack of teaching the player game mechanics. You fight ever boss 3 times and it gets old real quick especially against the nightmare boss the can take forever if you're not careful. My targeting problems are also with the nightmare boss, you have to hit these things on the wall to make the boss vulnerable but most of the time Dante will turn around and try and hit the boss and it was really frustrating. When I started the game I felt like I was playing it wrong because the game doesn't explain what it wants from you during combat so you just gotta figure it out and they could turn new players away.

Overall I enjoyed the game despite those flaws most likely due to its short run time. I love short replayable games and Devil May Cry fits that bill perfectly.