Reviews from

in the past

The best game with Melee in the title on GameCube.

godzilla 90s 😇
godzilla..... 2000 😈

Decent fighting game. I have nightmares about Mecha Godzilla busting my ass.

Mecha Godzilla has won! Repeat: Mecha Godzilla has won!

Not a riveting experience by any means, but a fun and bombastic 3D fighter with a great roster highly-recommended to any fan of the source material.

Decently fun party fighter. Maybe I would like it better if I put more time into learning the characters.
Feels a bit sluggish and I wish there was more, but it works well for what it is. Combat is fun in spite of this, and there are incredibly satisfying moments. The energy/breath mechanic is a ton of fun even if it can feel busted sometimes.
The AI in solo can be brutal but I think it was a lot of fun.

Super Smash Bros Melee if it was good.

I fucking love that you can pick PlayStation 2 as the platform when it never released on that system. Like great research guys, who the fuck is running this site Joe Biden? Like who's asleep at the wheel this shit is only on GameCube/Xbox you quacks!

Really fun godzilla arena fighter, would be nice to see a modern one made.

it's not actually good but it's some of the most fun you can have with friends with any game

Imagine making a game which perfectly represents the movies where Godzilla and bunch of other kaiju fight each other, but forgetting to make Mothra playable.

pleasantly surprised that the coolest thing about this one isn't the badass kaiju fighting, but rather getting to obliterate london

This game is fun, especially with some friends. Based


I LOVE this game and series. I still think it's the best of the trilogy, but of course the rosters got better in future entries. Recommended if you want a janky, chaotic brawler.

This game goes so god damn hard, fuck that Gigan dude tho, hate him with a passion.

>>>>>>>>>>> smash bros melee

most fun godzilla game ive played

the anime arena fighters needs to take notes from this

The first Godzilla related media I’ve ever experienced and made it my favorite franchise ever

This game is so freaking dope. It has endless cheat codes to use, ranging from military artillery destroying everything in a second to GodZilla2000 spin throwing Orga in technicolor. The movesets could have more to them but they still feel unique and balanced to each individual character. Only knock I can give to it is the flying characters are super finicky to play against, it's either 45 seconds waiting for them to come down from the airspace or sweeping screen clutter from them grabbing you mid-flight. All in all though this game is such an explosive 3D arena fighter with weight to each move and I really enjoyed my time with it... I luv u godzilla <3


a perfectly adequate gamecube-era arena fighter if you’re willing to overlook a lot about what makes a fighting game good and instead focus on the sheer chaotic glee of seeing your favorite big monsters wonkily hitting each other, an exercise that becomes as effortless as breathing to any die-hard fan of the endearingly scrappy source material. it’s not tekken, hell, even when the game is firing on all cylinders and you and a friend are a little tipsy off your favorite substance of choice, it struggles to even hang with a sloppy punch fest like power stone, but that’s kind of inconsequential to me. would i love to see what a team like arc system works could do with a property as legendary and storied as godzilla? to see my beloved video james receive their own artful elevation of my favorite big lizard á la hideaki anno’s shin godzilla? to see biollante perfect parry a cross up from baragon? obviously, but i also think that this game’s janky joyousness, that quick and dirty glorious trashiness, is kind of exactly what the spirit of kaiju and tokusatsu stuff is all about. is it a perfectly balanced test of skill and reflex with near bottomless character customization. no, and i don’t care, man. to a monster freak like me, it’s still food and i’m still starving. does your favorite ultra-polished competitive fighting game have a playable anguirus? i thought so.

Imma need a new version of this game with a bigger roster and more combos ASAP whose dick do I have to suck for this