Reviews from

in the past

It's more grow home! It loses the focus and goal the first game had, but it's still very fun. The new movement options are incredibly fun to play around with, but they are all completely outclassed by the glider.

Going back to log my games, I don't remember why I stopped playing this. its a nice sequel to grow home where you just collect cool rocks, scale the world, and upgrade your little doo-hickeys.

a fun romp around a beautifully cute planet with ur best bud!

Makes Grow Home seem like a proof of concept. Another super fun and comfy game. This time 100%ing is actually really enjoyable! Big recommend for a chill game.

Very chill platformer. Your meant to struggle climbing around and gathering parts. As you progress you get more movement tech but it still involves mostly climbing which is pretty unique for me. Honestly my biggest take away is how peaceful the game can feel yet still be such a massive world. I hope we get a sequel.

Si BUD sisi tu sigue con tu sonrisota de tonto mientras me paso 2 horas buscando los 2 últimos cristales en todo el mapa a plenas 4am

Honestly a 10/10 experience. This sequel perfected the first in every way possible. I enjoyed every aspect to the point of 100% the game (not too hard since it's a small game) but still was worth the time. Such a treat, again I have to recommend!

Gahdamn this shit is so charming and fun

It's endlessly fun to ride these roots and build a large plant sculpture. This expands on the first one, and it was just as fun. Has a noby noby/katamari vibe to it, and while it can be a little floaty and frustrating, its core loop is satisfying enough to not dampen the joy of its pure interaction

Simple, fun, not a very heavy game. Controls get wonky at times but the overall experience is super chill and relaxing

It adds so many new things to do compared to Grow Home and yet it just feels shallower. It's too sandboxy and not as tight as the previous game.

the movement mechanics were too clunky for me

This was a fun, breath of fresh air, lighthearted couple hours. Really nice, really comfortable.

One of those sequels that thinks bigger = better. Grow Home didn't need the average ubisoft style open world formula. The first game was a journey from point A to B with open ended exploration on the way. This is the typical Find 1/25 of the exact same mission type on your map to cross it off your list type gameplay. It's ok but not as engaging, tightly designed, or unique as the first one. It's like ubisoft shocked themselves when they put out a decent game for once so they tried to make a mid version of it to compensate.

if MOM and BUD really played tic-tac-toe 12,046 times or whatever the number was, theres no way BUD wouldnt get a single win. tic-tac-toe is not a particularly skill-dependent game, so unless BUD was actively sabotaging himself 12,046 times it is impossible that he would not blunder his way into at least a few wins. its called Infinite Monkey Theorem, MOM, look it up. anyway this game controls like shit

Proves that AAA companies can make successful small-scale low-budget titles without pretending to be indie. Nexon should take notes.

The gliding system was a good replacement over the jetpack

Not that great, honestly, I can't see that many changes compared to Grow Home. Don't get me wrong, it's great and it's fun. But I expected a bit more. At the end of the day It's still cheap, y'all should try it but expect more of the same. I just prefer Grow Home

i don't really remember how this game was that different from the first. it's still good though, just felt like more of the same.

Just a lil robot wearing silly costumes and floating around a planet, ain't life great! Well I suppose life would be better if MOM wasn't in pieces, but then we wouldn't have the premise for the game.

Seriously though, Grow Up is a fun, medium sized open world platformer that has a lot of creativity when it comes to its world building and sense of exploration. The controls and movement feel appropriate for a little robot in space, though, as a result, they aren't quite precise enough for me to get fully hooked and locked in to 100% everything. My only real complaint is having to grow the star plants, it's a great concept but in practice it's their too unwieldy and platforming on the plant itself is too rough for it to be fun when it can't quite reach your intended target and then you have to turn around and find the next growth spot to try again (and probably again and again and again.)

Very charming, it would surprise you to know that Ubisoft were involved in this at all

baixei sem nenhuma expectativa e quebrou todas
realmente divertido, quanto mais você sobe, mais bate a vontade de ver o que tem no topo
joguinho comfy

Nothing crazy. You just play as a little dude climbing some big plants. A fun time.