Reviews from

in the past

A laudable attempt at creating a AAA, high-budget detective game that runs itself into the ground with it's need to always continue it's cases no matter how badly you fail and a vague interrogation system that often leaves you feeling cheated against arbitrary decisions.

At some point in the development of this game, the developers started to look at it less like a game and more like a movie. When you look at it from the outside, it looks like a GTA or Mafia game, but once you start playing it, you immediately realize that there are serious differences. Unfortunately, none of these differences are good. The gameplay is way too difficult. The detective mechanics are too complicated and you get bored of the game very quickly. One of the other biggest reasons for the game's lack of success was the developers' insistence on using the most advanced facial animation rendering technology available at the time. L.A Noire would have been a much more memorable and popular game if they had focused on other aspects of the game instead of spending so much time on this, and probably the development company would not have been shut down. In short, L.A Noire was a boring, unsuccessful and average game for me, with a good story but overly difficult and complex gameplay.

What a great ride this game is. Some of the facial expressions are a bit too obvious and I wish there was more side content, but playing a detective solving mysteries and fighting bad guys is my kind of game.


not as obsessed with detail as i’d hoped. it’s, like, a really economically poor story! characters, locations, evidence, case after case… it’s just too much stretched too thin. 25 hours of setup and no room left for anything to just be alive; no room to care about the details

Bu sictigimin oyunu 18 saatimi çaldı çok denedim çok dayandım ama yok bir türlü olmuyor sevemedim üstüne üstlük bitiremedim yarısını kat ettikten sonra bıraktım cehennem gibi aşırı sıkıcıydı dedektiflik yapabileceğiniz belki de en iyi oyun ama ben bittim gram zevk alamadım.

When it came out there was nothing like it, the facial motion capture whilst goofy today was insanely impressive. It drags it heels a bit at the end and almost overstays its welcome but it's always a fun game to come back to. The ending was still as dissapointing as I remember. Absolute masterclass in acting on display here, standouts for me are Phelps, Biggs, Rusty, Fontaine, Kelso, Donnelly and that asshole Earle.

I like the setting, the music, wasnt a fan of the ending and just wish there was a chance to explore it more.

Truly awful gameplay at times, but the vibes are immaculate here. Gumshoe detectives, men saying “beat it, toots”, casual racism around every corner, and even explorable ice cream parlors.

This one is special, has interesting story how it's made and how it ends up with Rockstar. The facial expressions were huge for that time and despite the memes in my opinion they are still great to this day. It definitely submerge you in this atmospheric.

Esse jogo merece todos elogios possíveis, toda trajetória até os cargos mais altos é feito com total sutileza, todos personagens são únicos do primeiro ao último diálogo, eu mesmo posso sonhar um dia com um sucessor espiritual de L.A noire

bem, pensava que era um jogo de mundo aberto com varias opções de diálogos que mudava o rumo da história, me enganei.
apesar da época existir poucos jogos desse tipo eu só queria chegar no final para terminar esse jogo, mas tem uma história boa recomendo para jogadores casuais que queiram ler e desvendar mistérios.

Incredible narrative with fun gameplay all set in a breathtaking recreation of 1940's Los Angeles.

Another game I couldnt finish in a weekend cuz of renting it thru blockbuster but I'll get to it eventually teehee

fiz a primeira missão e abandonei.
deve ser legal, ainda sinto uma vontade de jogar e zerar.

One of the most underrated games of Rockstar Games. With its gripping story and the atmosphere of 1947 Los Angeles, it makes you feel the spirit of detective work to the fullest. Although some cases feel like they are recurring, there are various and detailed cases to solve in the game, and some cases can be linked to each other, which is one of the important factors that highlights the detective and mystery element in the game. It has been a good job for many famous real-life actors to give life to the characters in the game as well. Although the side events to be held in the city are not as diverse, they have played an important role in making the city look alive and in the diversity of the game. Some gaps left in the story could have been closed with DLC or a sequel game, but unfortunately none happened. As for the result, L.A Noire can easily be considered one of the best detective games ever.

Developed by Team Bondi and published by Rockstar, L.A. Noire is a reversal on Rockstar's signature mainstay, Grand Theft Auto: instead of playing a criminal, you play as a detective, and instead of a over-the-top satire take on modern America, the story is set in a gritty, realistic portrayal of 1940s Los Angeles.

As a detective in the time before DNA testing, solving a crime comes down to your own gumption in finding physical evidence, and exposing the truth through interrogation. Starting as a rookie traffic cop, you control Cole Phelps through various "desks" in the LAPD, tackling a wide variety of criminal cases while piecing together a larger mystery in classic film noire fashion. At the scene of the crime, you'll collect evidence (sometimes cleverly hidden), and speak with witnesses to piece together the foundation of your investigation. Whether it's a witness or your prime suspect, everyone has something to hide, and so you'll have to use evidence or your own intuition to move through interrogations to discover new pieces of evidence, or even key information needed to solve the case. Part of this is gauging the character's facial expressions, which can clue you in to whether they are telling you the truth or not. The game is highlighted by the developer's advancements in facial animation, and while some moments are marred by the uncanny valley, the system works well enough to base the game's core gameplay around it. Between scoops in your investigation, you'll work as a patrol cop, picking up emergency calls from dispatch and engaging with crime you witness on the street. Thankfully these portions are not the bulk of the game, because movement, driving, and combat controls are rough around the edges and usually leave you wanting to go back to cracking the case.

The amount of care and authenticity in L.A. Noire is enough to justify playing it through to completion. It's a unique step away from the usual gaming formula in the same vein as Red Dead Redemption II.

Como nunca mais usaram esse sistema de investigação cara é TÃO LEGAL

Better facial animation than more recent Bethesda games.

the open world feels way to big for a game that barely lets you interact with it but it's still fun being a detective

I was gonna give it a 2.5 but I liked the part where that one cop punched the necrophiliac

jogo divertido sobre policial, uma pena eu nunca ter terminado :/ porem pretendo um dia retomar em alguma outra plataforma

gameplay legal e investigaçoes com mecanicas interessantes

what i love about this game is that even if come out in 2011, which is thirteen years ago, it feels new in terms of gameplay.

it´s locked at 30fps even if you have a killer beast machine because of the capture engine they used to capture face expressions. the capturing itself and actor they used are amazing, you can just tell them that they hide something or lie.

i love if you make a mistake when interogating someone game just keeps going on and you actually feel like lost a short-cut to solve the case.

the chase scenes, environment, musics and graphics are just incredible. the amount of immersion you get from a game which released a decade ago does tell how good the game was and still is.

Had some great things going on, then decided to go in an odd direction that felt like a slap to the face. Still recommended, but you'll see what I mean.

A riveting old-school crime noir thriller with an incredible score and engaging mystery plots and stories. Feels like a playable TV series.

First Rockstar Game. Felt nice.

This review contains spoilers

When Rockstar decided that killing the protagonist would be in every game