Reviews from

in the past

Fuck J.K. Rowling. Do not continue to financially support the Harry Potter brand.

Anyway, compared to Years 1-4, this feels "just okay" to me--an unfortunate step down from one of the highlights of classic-style Lego games. The QOL improvements are nice but are applied to stories that much like their respective movies, are drifting away from the whimsical initial selling points of the series and towards more dour circumstances--something I just don't think these games benefit from. It's worth finishing the story after investing in it with Years 1-4, but the 100% reward is now a stud fountain, don't bother going for it.

yall know i hate this franchise but dw i pirated this game so im allowed to say it was a little fun

All the simplicity of a Lego game, but doesn't quite capture the fun of the original. Gamefeel not quite there, especially where vehicles are concerned - and the increased specialisation of each character leads to more tedious levels that the 1-4 game.

Plusy: klimat Harry'ego Pottera, niezłe poziomy, humor
Minusy: kilka błędów, to znów to samo Lego

An excellent follow up to previous game and super fun to play, while I have never been that into the Harry Potter books or movies this is an exception, it improves on the previous game in all the right ways. Simply phenomenal.

I remember being confused and a house burning

Like years 1-4 i played this game so much that i had every unlockable character in the game.

lui aussi je le connais par coeur mdr j'y ai tellement joué, les émotions

3.5☆ - Both Lego Harry Potter games blend together in my head so I'll properly review it when I replay it. Nostalgia +1☆.

Fun game! Some of the puzzles are a bit obtuse and the final boss fight was very frustrating, but overall a fun co-op experience with your partner!

played the collection kind of annoying to reboot the game to play the earlier years but tells the story of harry potter in lego's goofy style of story telling

Voldi mega glow down ogólnie

After enjoying the first part, I finally had the chance to take a closer look at the second one. In some aspects, I like the second part even better than many others believe. However, it became somewhat repetitive towards the end. All in all, a solid game. I'll probably complete it 100% soon if time allowsˆˆ

This game was absolutely an improvement from the first installment. This time I was able to complete the game 100% without any game breaking bugs. In fact I didn't encounter much bugs while playing this game while the first installment was just full of bugs. This game had a lot more gimmicks compared to the first one, most of them were fun but the one i was really annoyed about was Aguamenti. Main reason why I hated this spell was because it was bugged at times. There was a point I was afraid I wouldn't be able to 100% because of this spell while getting one of the collectibles the water meter wasn't going up. Other than that I didn't really have any other complaints about this game. Overall this game was more enjoyable than the first LEGO Harry Potter game.

I dont know why i bought this having not seen any of the movies at the time. I might revisit it sometime in the future

Just as fun as the first game, in that I really didn’t care for it besides fucking with NPCs

Amo jogos Lego, e esse daqui tá mais lindo que o primeiro

el god of war desearia llegar tan lejos como llegó este juego (en mi corazón)

Does everything better than its predecessor. A lot of fun.

Unlike the previous Harry Potter Lego, this game's jokes are a bit off-putting. Especially if a fan of the book. Some are hilarious, but others fall short, but that's a problem with how much darker the source material got and the people who made this game trying to get in jokes and hilarious moments in the sensitive and depressing scenes of the series such as the death of various main characters.

The last two years are a massive pain with Death Eaters appearing everywhere and then causing you damage by shooting you and getting mobbed by them. This is a cause of frustration, however as this mostly happens in the last part of the game then you don't lose any studs when you get killed which is very suiting.

As I managed to unlock the x4 multiplier I've managed to get enough studs to afford anything and make completing this game 100% so much easier.

I really can't wait to play the Marvel Lego heroes game.

Best of both Lego Harry Potter games

It was okay, especially with friends or family.

Esse é um jogo melhor que os dos Anos 1-4, é mais bonito e tudo mais. É bem divertido, vale a pena principalmente se você gosta de platinar jogos!
No level bonus tente não deixar sumir nenhum stud, senão vai ter que jogar mais de uma vez!

Отвратительный сиквел, который не решает ни одной проблемы Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4. Из-за этого игра становится еще более скучной и нудной по сравнению с первой частью. Не советую никому. Один из самых худших игровых опытов, который у меня когда-либо был.