Reviews from

in the past

A bad ripoff of souls like game also I’m glad Suda left gung-ho.

1.5 stars just cause I like how it looks, pretty much nothing else is good about it

Great soundtrack and atmosphere. Some cool designs. Absolutely let down by the free to play model it employed. If this had a been a retail game with the f2p mechanics stripped out, it could've been something.

Mira, el juego esta muy guapo. Graficos interesantes, un esqueleto con gafas en skate, una torre que ascender. Buena tematica y ejecucion, pero requeriria de una cantidad de tiempo insana.

a really quirky game with an even weirder story, Let It Die is an entertaining game for the most part if you enjoy Dark Souls-esque combat and gameplay loop, it is a F2P though so you will see a microtransaction here and there, and they may throw said microtransaction in your face, but besides that it's fairly decent

this game is carried by a really cool soundtrack signed by Akira Yamaoka

lo empece en ps4 y me olvide que existia pero juegazo