Reviews from

in the past

Online action-roguelike with vaguely Souls-like combat and extremely hot character models mucking about in the grime. Really, a dream; too bad the difficulty was balanced around its awful F2P model. God!

the first game to have the most swag but no soul. music is goated though.

Believe Me When I Say This Game is Freaking Amazing When I First Played it I Couldn't Stop Playing it All Day it's Honestly Fun And There's Not Much To Even Do in it But It's Fun And The Skull Guy is Funny To I Forgot His Name

The fact that Akira Yamaoka got artists he liked to contribute tracks to the OST and had all their songs named "Let it Die" is genius.

Other than that, the game has a solid premise and gameplay loop that suffers from its free-to-play model, and that's a shame.

would have been such a good game if paying didnt make you a deity

Like every Suda51 game, the writing is funny and juvenile. Uncle Death is amazing. It's fine to play, but if it wasn't designed around being a live service game I'd have played more of it.

In true Grasshopper fashion, this was CBT

I really really do like this game. Played on both ps4 and pc since the launch and it's killing me that they have added 0 to nothing new elements to the game since. This game as so much good materials in it's hands and could be more popular as hell. Oh and i'm gonna pass the super hard climbing that makes you feel stuck for ages in exchanges of many hours and energy spended.

This was a mistake that gave us some cool ass designs.
It's kind of a trademark for the no more heroes dudes.

Great soundtrack and atmosphere. Some cool designs. Absolutely let down by the free to play model it employed. If this had a been a retail game with the f2p mechanics stripped out, it could've been something.

meu ps4 nao tem espaço pra jogar essa bomba e outros jogos ao mesmo tempo, entao eu nunca mais joguei depois das primeiras 2 horas, mas era legal

Muito daora, mas chega um ponto que a dificuldade disso se torna absurdamente fora da curva com bosses esponjosos e podendo te matar com um simples hit, além que não é nada F2P

Not as rare these days (unfortunately), but in 2016 this game had the most predatory monetization I had ever seen, taking very dark inspiration from "quarter cruncher" arcade games, using an extremely oppressive take on Dark Souls. Impossible to beat without paying tbh but fun to see how far you can get while staying free. I think I lost all my complimentary lives and equipment trying to fight the first main boss, I got rinsed out.

Tem tanto elemento foda mas é tão chato que dá dó.
Eu amo os visuais dele e a ideia é muito boa, só queria gostar de jogar

De lo poco que e logrado avanzar como player free2play puedo decir que me ha gustado, me parece interesante como funciona el juego basandose en la torre de babel y su forma de sacarte dinero fingiendo como si fuera una maquina arcade xd.
Me gusta que si tenga el toque de suda51 en muchas cosas como en sus personajes, crudesa y musica.
su formade jugarse es dificil pq es como una especia de Soulslike/Roguelike donde puede perder tus cosas y aparte el mapa busca castigarte siempre con multiples enemigos y trampas xd

I had a guy tell me this was nothing at all like dark souls. Gacha rots the brain and taints the soul

Definitely not for everyone. Requires a ton of grinding if you're into that kind of thing. Love the characters and soundtrack though.

grasshopper take on dark souls its different for sure... idk if i would ever have the patience it takes to finish it though

game sucks but the free album it comes with is really good

i've had a damn solid time with this so far. quite repetitive and grindy to a fault but it's always full of suda's trademark insanity and fourth wall shattering humour. it has a pretty fun soulslike combat system to work with, and a great soundtrack and sense of style. but it being free comes with the caveat of microtransactions for any kind of progression. once you hit a certain point, the game essentially becomes pay to win, and for someone of my astronomically low skill level, that point came fast. its all about stats and things as well, meaning you can't ever really 'git gud'. still very fun for those first few hours though.

Razoável, limitação técnica compreensível, é um jogo gratuito que sofre com a jogabilidade e fluidez, porém da pra se acostumar, interessante as mecânicas, como elas são apresentadas; a mudança no menu do jogo; interação com o cenário; dinâmica de narrativa. O jogo esbarra mesmo na gameplay muito repetitiva e ultrapassada, durabilidade das armas bem ruim, apesar da temática justificar, o level design é MT preguiçoso e quase todos os inimigos totalmente esquecíveis

Fun while it lasted, wish it stilled worked

Téléchargé pour le personnage d'uncle death qui m'intriguait énormément de par sa DA. J'ai pas joué plus de 2h tellement le jeux était ennuyant, moche, pas engageant

its like dark souls but free but you have to pay for everything so its not very fun

On paper, this game should suck omega gnards. A free-to-play souls-like where you can spend money to prevent a game over.

The game just oozes charm and style. I actually made it pretty far up the tower just to see all the cool blueprints/levels ahead!
The difficulty is borderline unfair though. It includes grinding for hours on end to get enough magic mushrooms to cheese the boss. If you do die, you go back to base and have to fight back up. You could just buy a VIP elevator pass to take the golden elevator instead...!!! oooooo