Reviews from

in the past

Short and sweet with a decent plot and I'm very happy with the ending. I absolutely love Kaito and the insights we got into his character were delightful.

With that being said, this DLC is very overpriced and I feel like they could've expanded more like letting us take Kaito to Ijincho or at least give him a few more side activities.

As I said in my Lost Judgment review, I feel like Kaito was pretty much wasted in that game, and so when I saw that he had his own DLC story I rushed to buy it, and thankfully it didn't disappoint. The Kaito Files, while short and a tad predictable, has a really interesting story that delves into our favorite gorilla's past and private life, which is really welcomed. Characters like Mikiko and specially Jun are incredibly fun and charming, and I hope we see more of them in the next entries. As for the gameplay, this DLC offers us two different fighting styles: bruiser, which is basically a brawler style but with the ability to repel attacks if you time yours correctly, and tank, which is pretty much beast from Yakuza 0 and is incredibly broken. There's not much else to say about The Kaito Files, it's a solid DLC that's necessary to play if you're a fan of Kaito.

Great side piece to an already incredible game. It's short but does what it wants to perfectly. Kaito feels great to control, new music is great, and the fights are like always still fun as hell.

Great Ending and not to long but not to short. Give me more Kaito RGG or I riot

Masaharu Kaito es el hombre definitivo.

The only thing I can remember from this DLC was Kenmochi's buldge during that fight QTE and Kaito's red haired pronoun son. WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!!!

A DLC que supre um pouco da necessidade de ser pai em algum momento

this has the funniest rgg final boss to date there was no need to make him that good

other than that this was really great! really expands on kaito as a character and honestly made me like him a bit more than yagami in some areas. jun is goated and i need to see him in judgment 3 ASAP and i need kaito to be playable as well cuz holy SHIT dragon engine brawler and beast are fucking insane man you can do so much crazy shit with them.

A fun little DLC side story for Lost Judgment, where Kaito takes on a case that has a bit of a personal stake on it.

Honestly, with how depressing and heartwrenching stories that RGG have been producing lately (which isn't a bad thing), it was a nice breath of fresh air to see where The Kaito Files was going in the story.

Short and sweet, but really builds upon who Kaito is as a person, and how much he's changed since he's been with the Yagami Detective Agency. Technically/gameplay-wise, it isn't so different from the Lost Judgment base game, however, some parts of the game felt a little too long when you're using your detective/stealth modes. As far as the story goes, there were also some odd pacing story beats, but didn't seem to overly take away with what the game was trying to present.

Overall, I loved it even if it had those really small non-issues. Just felt like it was worth bringing up.

It was fun and I liked the story just wish there were more combat sections

Just when I thought LJ couldn't get any better, IT DID EXACTLY THAT. THIS IS A BRILLIANT DLC WITH AN AWESOME STORY THAT EASILY CAN STAND ALONGSIDE THE ENTIRETY OF LJ ITSELF. Aside from kaito using the dame da ne guy's moveset, there are a couple of additions to it that makes it feel completely new. I love LJ more after playing now and it's already in my top 5

I hope judge 3 makes kaito playable again

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i teared up at the end it was so good.



I love Kaito and think this makes, conceptually, a good case for how he should step-up as being a proper main protagonist in a hypothetical Judgment 3, but woof man this was mid incarnate. I was disappointed by how the supporting cast in Lost Judgment got shelved but this didn't bother to make up for that either. A very perplexing choice to make a story expansion around Kaito's past but Higashi is hardly involved at all and the Matsugane stuff isn't really deepened whatsoever. Outside of Jun and the final boss, the story was a total lull with occasionally fun gameplay sprinkled in, intentionally reminding you of early mainline Yakuza/Like A Dragon, but nothing memorable to write home about than just boredom. I don't know how RGG or Sega can look at this with the small content provided and think this was definitely worth charging 30 bucks.

Short DLC campaign but its super sweet and relieving to get a good ending in an RGG game with no strings attached for once.

Judgment always felt like Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios trying to bring a similar experience like they did in the classic era (1 until the first Kurohyou) to the Dragon Engine era and they succeeded while giving the series their own feels. And Kaito Files is they going 100% with this idea but in a small DLC and man they did this perfectly.

In a short DLC you have more of a very cool character in a very cool conflict that ends beautifully with one of the coolest reuse of assets. Is pure RGGS shit in a short way and man I hope the next Gaiden is more like this.

They took a character I really liked from the base game and made him into one of my favorite MCs. I'm not sure what my expectations were for this DLC but I can tell you that I definitely loved it. Kaito handles different from Yagami in almost every way and getting to play as him was awesome. The final two fights in this are up there with some of my favorite RGG fights along with having great OSTs.

The Kaito Files is an excellent expansion that gives some needed spotlight and it's more than worth your time.

I always wanted to see more introspection into Kaito's character, so I was actually really excited to try this DLC out.

In same ways, you can really tell it's the first time RGG has done an actually meaningful DLC. The structure is kind of sloppy in the first act (it pays-off a lot later) and the general direction of the content seems kind-of experimentational. Yes, we've got Majima saga before in Kiwami 2, but this is something consistently more ambitious.

As I said, I find some issues in the presentation of things, but ultimately I've had a blast going through Kaito Files. Once you're hooked up with these Judgment games and the characters, you really can't get enough of them. I really liked what this adds to Kaito's character, and is a great addition to Lost Judgment's experience. Props to Jun, I ended liking him a lot, hope we see him again in Judgment 3.

Despite being a short DLC story of one of my favourite characters, the story doesn't really pick-up towards the end. The final boss+ending alone on this DLC story is a 10 however the gameplay basically being a worse version of Kiriyu from Yakuza and the flawed story pacing brings it down to an 8.

Brief but satisfying, it makes up for one of my disappointments with the base game of LJ, with a more enjoyable cast of characters which feel much more engaging.

It still has the wonderful mechanics of LJ and the new remixed styles from Yakuza 0 feel unique, tho a bit lacking in some of the basics you'd expect from just upgrading your combat style. It doesn't affect the actual campaign that much but Yagami feels much more complete to play with.

The side-content being locked to just collectibles is dissapointing but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the funniest crap in the world to have Kaito be turned into some Tarzan man who sniffs out stuff.

This is a genuine example of what RGG is truly capable of when it comes to contained story DLC and I hope more than anything it slowly becomes the norm (although after seeing much of LaD8's DLC we still have a ways to go) for Yakuza and Yakuza-centric games moving forward.

This is a good 6-8 hour integrated story for Kaito, lovingly written and beautifully executed; clearly RGG have mastered diluting the 60-80 form into 6-20 hours between this and Gaiden from how the skill and revised experience systems work, to how they manage to fill the environment with life and, most importantly, how they managed to contain what would ordinarily be a 13 chapter epic down to its base components in 4.

I loved every second of this DLC. I know RGG can do better past the (redeemable in some ways) controversy of recent cosmetic and "easy mode" item hauls and truly expand the worlds of Kamurocho, Yokohama, Ijincho and now Hawaii. Please let The Kaito Files be the constant going forward in 2024 and not the exception.

That being said, goddamn welcome to the longest tail quest in Judgement history, holy shit.

Short and sweet, sometimes predictable but never without heart, The Kaito Files was a fun experience that allowed Kaito a much deserved moment in the spotlight.

Despite some minor issues with gameplay and the plot, I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent playing as Kaito and hope that RGG brings back Jun and Mikiko for future entries.


What if they made Yakuza 1 AND the Majima Saga good and interesting

Media estrella menos por valer 30 euros

Sem muito a comentar. Bom e tal

I really enjoyed my time with this. Its a short game (7 hours for me) and the story is rock solid. Kaito has 2 styles that are from Yakuza 0 (Brawler and Beast) but because its in the LJ engine you have access to juggle combos and instant style switching making it very fun. If you are at all a fan of the Judgment games or Kaito as a character i'd recommend picking it up