Reviews from

in the past

Score: 70/100
I have bias for this game, but it was a fun rpg with good graphics for the 3ds.

2 mal versucht zum final boss zu kommen 2 mal abgebrochen wegen dieser gammel toad suche die keiner mag. paper mario ist ne gute idee und hat auch geile partner moves aber der rest vom game ist garnicht geil, höchstens ein okay

Okay, I get why people don't really like this one. In hindsight, that is. But this was also one of the first RPGs I ever remember beating, so I'm blinded by NOSTALGIA :D nah but I do have a soft spot for this despite its flaws.

Un bon crossover mais les zones sont beaucoup moins originales et l'histoire assez anecdotique. Le système de combat marche toujours aussi bien, et comme pour tous les jeux de cette licence le boss final est épiquissime.

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam attempts a crossover between the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series, but it falls short in execution. The writing lacks the charm and depth characteristic of both franchises, resulting in a narrative that feels flat and uninspired. The jokes, a hallmark of the Mario RPGs, fail to land with the expected impact, often coming across as predictable. While the game is passable in terms of gameplay, the absence of compelling storytelling diminishes its overall appeal. In the realm of RPGs, where narrative excellence is crucial for player engagement, Paper Jam's shortcomings in writing hinder its potential greatness.

Some good, some bad. Genuinely the definition of mid

dude this game was so disappointing

So immensely tragic. I really like this series, and i really like this game. But the game STINKS of missed potential!! Mario and luigi crossing over with Paper mario could've been SUPER INTERESTING. but they took the most boring parts of paper mario, slapped the brothers in really lackluster areas, and removed ALL the cool characters that were a staple of the Mario and Luigi series. The game is still fun, the writing is good, combat is really good, and the pacing is way better than in dream team, but it could've been so much more.

i see the toads in my nightmares

Avait le potentiel d'être le meilleur de la série mais ils ont juste pas compris le principe de crossover

i realized today that i have no desire to keep playing this game

Would love to see this remade with paper Luigi and Fawful and Dimentio teaming up

Aren't a compelling story and cast of characters like... the absolute bare minimum things for an RPG to have? How did they mess this up?

The only person who put any effort into this game was Yoko Shimomura.

Worse Mario & Luigi game. One word: Toads

It is pretty decent. This is the weakest game in the series,

It's just mid, not as good as the early M&L games.

This is such a weird game. On one hand, it probably has the best combat in the series. Adding a third controllable character does wonders for this type of combat. On the other hand, there's.... everything else. Characters are boring, story is boring, and it's barely even a crossover. People say only Sticker Star gets referenced, but the truth is NONE of the Paper Mario games get referenced throughout the game. Nothing more than "this character...but PAPER."

Biggest sin of this game, though, is it's pacing. People complain about "toad hunting" a lot, but it's a much bigger issue than that. Origami King integrated hidden Toads into it's gameplay loop and it worked fine, but the problem with this game is the fact that EVERYTHING outside of combat has to be treated like a minigame. Simple scavenger hunts and fetch quests feel the need to cut to a separate scene, restrict you to a limited area, and give you a "ready...GO" with the same like 3 themes playing for each "event." This extends to Toad hunting too, because every time you find a new town you'll need to enter the Lakitu house and choose between the 3-4 new Toad hunts that you just unlocked. And don't save these for later or else you're gonna have a REALLY bad time. This sounds like a weird complaint out of context, but it really takes a nuke to the game's pacing.

Add to that the weak writing and the not-very-good papercraft battles that you're often forced to do and you get what's esily the worst in the series. Not a bad game at all, but could have been so much better. Shame that the last original game in the series had to be such a low point.

Well, this is it. A sad conclusion to an unfortunate series that started amazingly, got a hiccup, hit again awesomely and then...yeah. A bland fourth game, 2 remakes (1 completely unnecessary) and this.

We come from a long way but the series finished not with proper justice.

The battle system is fun and way more interesting than what Partners in Time and DTB had to offer. Story is there.

This must be a Paper Mario game more than a Mario & Luigi game...Because it do be kinda mid.

It's a great idea, and having a third party member that grants Mario and Luigi crazy paper attacks is cool...But it's just more of the same...

I feel like up until Dream Team, each one of these games were trying different things, each idea better than the last, just to mix things up. But Dream Team was kinda just Bowser's Inside Story again but with Luigi instead of Bowser and not nearly as interesting.

Because of that, this one just feels like another Mario & Luigi game...Except Paper Mario is a party member now. The enemies are generic Mario enemies, same with the toads, locations, the story is as basic as it can get with Mario. It's almost like I'm playing one of the platformers.

They do try to mix things up with the giant paper character fights...I guess? But like...That's just the giant fights from BiS and DT but way worse and not even fun.

It just feels like modern Paper Mario levels of random bullshit they add that isn't even fun. Just because they want to make the game anything but a good traditional RPG.

It's not terrible, it's not even bad, it's just serviceable. There were parts I enjoyed about it...But I probably will never play it again, which is a shame considering this was the last original Mario & Luigi game we ever got.

it was actually really decent looking at it for what it is, backtracking was a bit annoying along with the story not being the best but it was a fun run through for myself

Yeah it's kinda generic, but it has maybe funniest script in whole series and a really nice difficulty curve.

Oof, another game that was awesome as a kid but now all I can see is wasted potential

A huge disappointment compared to the rest of the M&L series, but still a good RPG to play in general.