Reviews from

in the past

It took me 5 years, but starting with the classic series, then playing X, then Zero, ZX, and now Legends... I am finally done... every single mainline Mega Man game!!!!

This game was a blast. Starting this up with the improved controls was orgasmic, and the graphics actually have improved somewhat.

I feel like with this game there a lot of things that balance each other out. I don't think it was quite as charming as the first game, but I enjoy how we move from one island to another. The dungeon layouts and designs were MASSIVELY improved upon, but non-dungeon story missions were fucking INFURIATING. Chicken level fucking SUCKED, Nino Ruins water SLOW AS FUCK, and the gravity section was kind of annoying too.

The story was interesting, too, but am I alone in thinking it was a little hard to follow? It's cool for what it is, but I want more!! It is a shame MML3 will (probably?) never come out. Who knows... I'd play that shit!!!

I like it about as much as the first one, which is to say a lot.

The sequel feels faster in all regards. From traveling to pacing to the analog controls, just about everything feels like it wastes your time less than the original. Weapon upgrades still cost too much. Prefer the story of the original but the characters are still super charming and provide some great moments.

Termina em cliffhanger e eu não gosto tanto de algumas coisas deles apesar que parte disso acredito por que foi skill issue e por conta disso pretendo jogar de novo um dia, os controles nesse jogo é MUITO melhor. Assim como o primeiro, anseio por um remake.

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.

I'm having trouble hearing the dialogue, which is unfortunate since this seems to be a story-driven game. I know it was far from standard at the time, but it would be nice if there were subtitles. I really need to get some speakers.

The controls are improved over the first Mega Man Legends and its spin off, but they still feel clunky/early 3D. I didn't find the combat to be very engaging, and those controls are a big part of the reason why. It felt like I was just blindly locking on and firing away at most enemies without needing to react much.

The story doesn't seem good enough to warrant the large amount of dialogue and cutscenes. Even with the help/saving NPCs, it's often unclear where to go. Having the main objective and the save NPCs marked on the map would help a lot.

This is based on about an hour of gameplay.

I still dream about a version of this game where you can carry over your weapons to an NG+ save file, with the possibility of changing them at save points instead of just with Roll and that severely reduces the ludicrous prices for many of their uprgrades. And maybe some difficulty changes along with those.

Until then, it's "just" a solid 4 stars.

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.