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in the past

Just released a video about this game too if you'd like to support my YouTube efforts!

Mega Man Legends 2 is a fascinating game. The moves it makes going from the first make sense, going bigger, more cinematic for the time, pushing the animation and graphical power of the PS1 pretty far quite honestly and impressively!

However the problem for me lies in how quite unsatisfying the entire experience is. Like yeah, it plays better, but the pure gameplay wasn't why I came to Legends in the first place. It was for the sense of place, the thought put into Kattleox as a location, the ways it gets you attached to it so specifically, the way it makes you feel apart of its world.

I could care less about the world of 2. Each location doesn't get much to it, the side quests that are there aren't really always the most engaging, the NPC's aren't as interesting or memorable as a lot of even the smaller minor NPC's from the first game. It feels like a game that scales up but doesn't expand the depth of its world to reflect that change of scale accordingly.

The story also takes quite a hit in this as well because of similar issues. What starts with quite honestly one of my favorite game openings ever with how it sets both the stage and its tone in such a razor sharp and crystal clear manor falls into quite a lot of meandering, empty plot threads and wasted time by the time all is said and done.

The few scenes that do pay anything off feel like an oasis in the neverending desert of constant setup that seems to only exist for another game to pay off which......

I'm bummed I feel so harsh on this game. Legends has become such a special kind of experience to me, so seeing that this is how 2 turned out is quite honestly a massive bummer. Like maybe 3 would've retroactively justified it in ways depending on how that went, but something about the world and this setting and all the cool mystery setup in Legends just feels like completely wasted potential.

It's not like the worst thing ever, but while I can accept The Misadventures of Tron Bonne being fine, this one honestly hurts more because of both what it could have been and where it could have continued to go given the chance.

They couldn't even get him off the moon in spirit man.

oh so thats why everyone wants a mega man legends 3

God this box art is awful.

Wow I finally get it now. This was incredible from the opening scene that gripped me instantly to the ending. Especially after that, I'm annoyed this is yet another MM to cancel their next game with no chance of Capcom intervening.

The first town you're set loose in is during a cozy snowstorm! There is even a way to set your difficulty inside the game! I went for the highest one, which I didn't know at the time but gave me a lot of extra zenny drops. This made getting lots of upgrades and just flavour stuff in the game very manageable. You get to explore more diverse areas than the 1st game, actually use your ship more than once, and a lot of dungeons. 🐵

The only negatives I can think of are targeting has become a bit worse and I wish there was a button to swap between your special weapon/throw. I'm going to take a small break from my rest of the series binge after this one but what a way to end it.

Mega Man Legends if it were bigger and better. It's just a straight improvement from the already good original game; better controls, better locations, better missions and dungeons, better enemy variety and bosses, better customization, better weapons, better story, better music, and so on and so forth. I had so much fun with the game. My only complaint is the Nino Ruins dungeon. I understand that it was that slow likely due to hardware limitations, but still. Regardless, I'm not gonna let one iffy dungeon sour the rest of my experience. I also found the end-game to be super cool too, particularly learning about Elysium and Mega Man's history. I hope that one day it's expanded on further.

Cant wait for... Legends 3...

Really strong conclusion that ups the ante on the OVA-esque drama and setpieces, though it also has its fair share of low points like the mission where the mayor suicide-bombs his own town if you miss a few targets and the god-awful water dungeon. A transition away from 1's lackadaisical homeliness to a more epic anime fare. The transition brings its own strengths and updates to the original's gameplay and design, though its ambition often gets the best of it. It can often feel like the controls took a single step up while the rest of the game design takes 2, demanding a level of money grinding and enemy challenge that a ps1 game can't prepare you for.

I'm still pissed Legends 3 never came to be but I also don't feel like it would've been very good under Inafune's direction. The way he was setting it up treated 2's ending like a major cliffhanger that needed to be formally resolved instead of a brief end-credits gag. Literally insane that the MML fandom at large has been gaslit into believing otherwise JUST because of this one man. What a deranged person.

Vivid images of a Legends 3 with Vanquish (2010)'s Gameplay flash into my head, leaving me blind to life's reality, as I wander into the street and get run over by a car.

Manages to be infinitely charming despite having nightmarish hazards in every dungeon. You may need a guide just to find all the equipment you need to beat the game, but it'll be worth it because at one point Rock wears an apron.

Mega Man Legends was an ambitious title for the franchise, and 2 continues that trend by adding more characters, lore, and locations. Honestly with how big the opening cinematic for this game is, clocking in over 9 minutes for just starting up the game, Legends 2 truly doesn't want to play around with it's story this time.

I'm not going to lie to you, this game is a bit confusing the first time around, from just the sheer amount of info we get before the title screen, and all the neat lore dumps throughout, Legends 2 is constantly building on some sort of pay off. Literally from the start we are introduced to a new character, Roll's mom, and figuring out where she has been the whole time. Throughout your search, you start encountering more and more enemies, mystery reapers, and of course, the Bonnies. The game does it's best to build on the lore and legends that the first game set up, and does it so well that fans are still glamoring for a sequel. Which is a little sad considering it's been roughly 20 years without even a hope of one.

As for gameplay, thankfully Legends 2 doesn't have the awful difficulty spike of the first game near the end, but it is still quite a spike in difficulty. It's honestly kinda astonishing how the rest of the game is fairly capable of being played through with little to no worries, till at the end where the final boss just really kicks your ass.Thankfully you just have to be a little more prepared compared to grinding for levels. Dungeon design is even better than the last one with a number of dungeons having themes to them or an overall mystery to what the boss is and how you'll face them.

Really each time I think about Mega Man Legends 2, I think what a shame that all the lore and set up did for what amounted to nothing because we didn't get a sequel. Not that this game was bad, just that it set up everything so well that it's a wonder this part of the franchise gets nothing in return.Maybe someday we can actually get Mega Man Legends 3, but Legends 2 is still a great game built off the first.

This game (and its predecessor) feels like a real adventure from start to finish. Exploring deep, forgotten underground ruins, fighting pirates, flying trough the skies on your ship, helping and defending the townspeople, scavenging and equipping weapons that really feels like you have them equipped on your body, changing your gameplay a lot. Great presentation and pretty good graphics. A fantastic game overall.

An absolute improvement over the first one in basically every aspect. They improved the controls and have analog support, the story is more coherent, cohesive, and provides substantial world lore, the ost and world overall feels more alive and varied.
Of course, there's still occasional jank that stems from it being a PS1 3D platformer, and the water dungeon wasn't exactly fun.
Fun overall, definitely worth playing.

Also get him off the moon.

A great followup that expands on everything in Mega Man Legends 1 in the best ways. It is better than the OG game. The story is fantastic.
Too bad we never got a third game.

an improvement over the first game, hard not to love it, charming and full of personality, and it has an unique art style that even to this day looks good.

i really hope we can see Legends 3 some day...

I would like to give a standing ovation to whoever designed the water dungeon

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The last, chronologically speaking, version of Mega Man is canonically lost in space forever.

Wish we could at the very least get more games like this. If I had enough faith in my game dev abilities a spiritual successor is definitely a dream project along with a Tomba clone. Maybe some day. As is, I can only throw Tail Concerto and Solatorobo anywhere within the same ring.

The most painful cliffhanger in gaming history. Capcom is sadistic.

i'm still unsure which legends experience I ultimately prefer, especially with this game having rougher segments (water dungeon lol) than the first one, but the 100-question quiz minigame with questions such as "who wrote the communist manifesto" and "what inspired hinkley's assassination attempt of reagan" is the most unhinged ps1 era localization shit I've ever witnessed and I can't help but adore it, along with other charming additions and control improvements this game features.

the story, while admittedly cliched and confusing in some bits, left an impression to me especially given how the legends series is last in the mm timeline (yes I take it seriously shut up!!). aside from the fun hijinks facing against the bonnes and the other pirates in various areas, I'm very fond of this game's conclusion because of how hopeful it was in comparison to other mm spinoffs which usually have darker, less optimistic ends. the robots should be allowed to stop being slaves to an ecofascist system and live with peace in mind after a series worth of robots experiencing so much trauma because of a petty squabble between two goofy-ass scientists.

i'm so mad that we're living in the timeline where legends 3 for the 3ds got canceled. would've died for a comfy, portable legends experience with more gameplay improvements that followed modern control sensibilities the PS1 couldn't replicate. peak gaming was taken away from us.....

Legends 2 is more ambitious in scope, storytelling, stage design, and combat mechanics, and it retains the original's audiovisual charm; but falters severely in some major sections, and lacks the previous game's balance and sense of place. Still fond of it, though.

A true hidden masterpiece. Everything from the graphics to the story to the gameplay is PS1 gaming perfection, the only knock I have against the game is I sadly don't think there will be anything like it again, but my faith in Legends 3 still holds strong

one of the most memorable games ive played in a while i think. a definite improvement over the first in all but a few areas that left me rather sad the series had to end this way. someday we can see an ending maybe....

Maior e mais bonito que seu antecessor, mas não melhor. Me diverti bem mais em Legends 1.

A sequência tem mais ilhas, e cada uma com seu próprio clima e estilo visual. Mas nenhuma delas se compara em tamanho, charme e coesão com Kattelox Island do primeiro game. Similarmente, os templos são maiores e cada um tem seu gimmick, mas esses gimmicks ficam numa tênue linha entre "interessante" e "irritante" e acabam consistentemente caindo em "irritante" — temos até direito a um templo da água, e incrivelmente ele não é o mais irritante.

O combate é menos "janky", mas os inimigos batem muito mais forte, são difíceis de acertar e têm a enfurecedora propensão de explodir ao morrer, te causando dano se estiver por perto. Os chefes são nojentos. O jogo anterior podia ter controles que não eram imediatamente intuitivos e um combate simples, mas pelo menos depois de pouco tempo você sentia que "entendeu" como funcionava. Aqui, mesmo ao final do jogo, senti várias vezes que estava lutando contra os controles.

Apesar de até agora só ter falado coisas negativas, MML2 é bacana. Ele dobra a aposta na estética e vibes do antecessor com muito sucesso. Parece até um anime nostálgico dos anos 90. E quando ele não te irrita com os chefes e gimmicks do mal, é bem divertido.

please let me see my son again

this game became old enough to drink before megaman got off the moon

If you squint hard enough at the moon, you can see a little blue man with more patience than god

Every bit as charming and compelling as the first, but with tighter controls and better gameplay. Absolutely wonderful.

It is in many ways "bigger and better" but in many more ways its sort of less charming. This game is in Full Narrative Mode. RIP Mega Man Legends 3, I was there when the curtain dropped.

Where the original game was played mostly in samey-looking claustrophobic corridors, this added a whole lot of variety in both stage structure as well as mission objectives; this was both good and bad. One minus-point is that the controls didn't evolve enough from the first game to reflect some of the new situations you'd find yourself in, and so I routinely found myself pressing the lock-on button and then turning my back on the FIVE TANKS advancing on me showering me with deadly bullet in order to lock onto one single turret chilling behind me. The very existence of That One Dungeon left enough of a bad taste for me to rank this one slightly below the original in terms of my enjoyment of it.

But in general this was a more than worthy sequel to the first game made with more of the same charm and personality. Some boss battles were really nail-biters (particularly the final boss) but nothing felt overly unfair or frustrating. The voice acting still holds up. I only wish the teased third installment didn't get canned.

Also, I ship Volnutt and Tron (Voltron?) Dont @ me

All i remember is putting out the fire.