Reviews from

in the past

could be a little dialogue heavy at times but with that said OOOO CUTESY PINK MAGICAL GIRL CREATURE COLLECTING SIGN ME UP

I admit it feels bad giving the game a score this low. Despite its countless flaws that for me made the game damn near unplayable, it's evident from even a slight glance that boatloads of love was put into it. I wish I could call Moco Moco Friends an overlooked gem, but it really isn't.

I don't think the developers understood their target audience when they developed this game. It's one of the most laughably easy JRPGs I've played, and is evidently intended for very young children, and yet the amount of pointless dialogue you have to slog through drains my soul from my body, and that doesn't account for the fact I have a developed attention span.

It also oversimplifies the combat way too much, not only making it easy, but also void of any and all entertainment value for me. It has the same recruitment mechanic as Yo-Kai Watch, but without any apparent way to tweak the RNG in your favor, or much incentive either for that matter.

If you insist on giving the game a go for its admittedly excellent presentation, I advise keeping your expectations low. This was a miss for me.