Reviews from

in the past

I pirated this game when it came out and I played for quite a while, then I downloaded it again last year via PC Game Pass. I'm stuck at last 4 bosses, no more upgrades, weapons, eggs or trinkets for me to discover. I am going to uninstall it BECAUSE I'M SICK OF SEEING THIS GAME ON MY COMPUTER

Ok, so I'm in the last room with one heart, and its right before the last boss fight. This has been my first run-through and has been really easy so far. Before I fight the final boss I scavenge for more hearts. Soon I find a chest behind a stone wall, but its ontop of a stair case so throwing a grenade at it is not so straight forward. So I jumped and timed my grenade to hit the stone wall. However, IT DID NOT EXPLODE WHEN IT HIT THE WALL BUT BOUNCED BACK AND KILLED ME. so mad I uninstalled and decided to tend to my family and never play any more games ever again.

Ah sim, a critica superficial ao consumismo (e ao Pewdiepie????) feito pela checa...checa...China....

BTW, o jogo parece ter sido feito por uma IA. Desde a arte até a gameplay. Parece algo que meu mano ChatGPT faria se eu ensinasse ele a programar jogos

Malo e incoherente a más no poder.

I really wanted to like this one, but damn near all of its systems feel superfluous, and differences between the MASSIVE arsenal feel extremely shallow. It's great to look at, but there's very little to keep you playing

Maybe too long but a neon light has a lifespan of 40.000 hours, so it is understandable

4.5☆ - An incredible roguelike bullet hell game with great music, themes, enemies, art, design, items.

Solid Rougelite. Better than Enter the Gungeon, but not as good as Binding of Isaac... you feel me?

when i first played this game i enjoyed it to a point i mainly just talked to friends while playing this in the background since there isnt that much you need to concentraite action wise. but when i came back to this game after sinking 22.3 hours into it my save was gone and the only thing that was left was a save that says ive been playing for 8 hours. just really disappointing since i wanted to just play it as a game where i can go numb but now i cant even do that.

played this alot more than I thought I would, I wish there were more roguelites that were 2d side scrollers

i cant describe what it is about it but its not it

very samey and boring, good for a bit but only thing that makes you win is if you get a gun that shoots 5 bullets

Me gusta el diseño de arte pero no fue suficiente para atraparme.

The dullest, shallowest roguelike that ever got a modicum of attention. Awful guns, awful progression, awful enemy design and awful bosses. The only decent thing is how it looks.

This game fucking sucks and it feels bad to play. I played it and involuntarily screamed "UGH EW" when I started moving around for the first time. Call it pee on a piss.

It was the fastest I ever refunded a game on Steam.

Playtime: 9 Hours
Score: 7/10

Fun little indie shooter! While I'm not a huge fan of the of some genres like soulslikes because I'm not really into challenging games, the roguelite genre has always been something that has enticed me. Something about dying in a run and then being like "One more run?" is what keeps me going and want to play more. Games like Neon Chrome, Slay the Spire and Loop Hero are really what got me into it and I'm always on the look out for a good roguelite. I got this game for free on the Epic Games store one week and it sat in my library for a while until I finally decided to give it a go. So what did I think?

The shooting is really fun in this game, as you go from room to room in 2D side scroller fashion. It does use a twin stick shooter system, that I generally detest playing with controllers, but I have found its much better on keyboard and mouse. The game overall controled really well and I found it easy to zip around and take out enemies. The guns you pick up in this game are a lot of fun to use to. The game does feature difficulty settings which I'm not used to in these types of games and it felt nice to be able to play on something like easy. A far cry from games like Slay the Spire where you can only get an "easy" mode through modding.

I also loved the exploration of the dungeons, as you go from room to room, as the map slowly starts to build out, highlighting key items and locations. As a QoF feature, it even highlights things you left over, like if you were at full health and didn't need pick ups but can easily travel back when you do need them. You also find plenty of fast travel points every few rooms to make getting around the dungeon a bit easier which in turn makes exploration more rewarding. You can also find special rooms like catherdrals that will often have cool relics, upgrades or equipment to pick up that gives you cool bonuses. You can also stack on multiple helmets, masks and hoods which can look ridiculous after a while but it just adds to the fun. As you kill bosses you pick up faith gems, which is the currency you take back with you at the end of your runs. These can be used to unlock new playable characters, as well as new types of rooms or game rules that can appear during your runs. This adds a fun building mechanic of sorts and you can toggle things you've unlocked on or off, which I found to be a nice touch.

As for story, there is one in the game, but its very simplistic. Its very meta about game development and they keep referencing Hades the game which I thought was cool. A lot of the items you pickup as well are references to other games and franchises which I liked too. Overall the story is mostly just in the background and isn't that groundbreaking, but the gameplay is fun which I think makes up for it.

Some of things I didn't like are small, but they really dragged down the score for me. The first is not having a save and exit option mid runs which is a major drawback. There is an exit option which takes you back to the hub area, but doing this will make you lose progress in the dungeon but you do at least get to keep any gems you've picked up. Games like Slay the Spire let you save and exit mid run, and its very convenient since runs can get so long, especially in this game. As you defeat bosses, the dungeons just get longer and longer which doesn't help with their being no way to leave without losing progress. The dungeons are proceedurly generated which does help keep the layouts fresh, but the background art just looks so dull and samey after a while.

The major issue for me though is the lack of item descriptions before you pick something up. Once you do pick up something you do get clear descriptions but only once its picked up. This would usually be fine, but the game is constantly making you have to choose between 2 items whether it be in treasure rooms or at the merchants shop. I guess the intent is for you to experiment and familirize yourself with items just by looking at them, but I'm just not into that. Every time I encountered items I was not about to waste gold on something or pick up something at the cost of another, just on pure luck of the draw. I ended up just googling the items to find out what they did, and it got tedious after a while. You can unlock a character later that can see item descriptions before picking them up, but he has a major downside that makes him harder to play with. I shouldn't be punished or forced to play as one specific character just to see item descriptions. I know some roguelites do that, but there are plenty of ones like Slay the Spire that don't and I prefer the latter.

Overall though, Neon Abyss is a fun indie shooter which felt more accessible with its difficulty options and its easy to pick up and play. I recommend it to anyone who likes Roguelite games and doesn't mind the issues I mentioned.

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

It's weird. I kept coming back to this game thinking that it would get better through more runs (more unlocks, etc.), but it keeps that same formula running. It's a shame that the items are uninventive and the controls are stiff, because I think this game looks genuinely great. Its foundation was weak and its progression even weaker, amounting to quite the slog throughout repeated runs fighting the same bosses that don't change significantly even with differing items and builds.

Un rougelike de disparos/plataformas bastante malo, el juego simplemente copia mecánicas de otros juegos y las empeora, por ejemplo tiene las salas de ángel y demonio de Isaac pero llegas a una u otra dependiendo de si pagas más con vida o maná, tienes los teleports de Enter The Gungeon pero solo puedes ir entre ellos y no desde cualquier sala ya superada hasta un teleport, además una de cada tres salas es sala de teleport y al contrario que en ETG donde esas salas son como cualquier otra pero tras superarlas te puedes teletransportar a ellas, en este juego son salas enormes pero vacías solo con un par de plataformas y el teleport, además una de cada dos o una de cada tres salas es sala de teleport y hace el juego muy lento y tedioso.
Además el juego es muy fácil, los enemigos no hacen daño por contacto y la gran mayoría solo atacan a melee y tienen que quedarse quietos por un par de segundos para atacar así que mientras te muevas eres inmortal, aunque igualmente sueles acumular muy rápido una pila de vidas y escudos. Aunque es difícil llegar a perder una run, si pierdes tres runs seguidas en la siguiente tienes un modificador como pickups (llaves y bombas copiados de Isaac) dobles así que la estrategia óptima siempre empieza por resetear 3 veces antes de jugar. Los enemigos mueren de uno o dos disparos siempre y muy rápidamente mejoras tu arma para que dispare más rápido y dos, tres, cuatro, o muchos más proyectiles por disparo.
Ya para el tercer (de 6) piso al entrar a una sala puedes cubrirla de balas y todos los enemigos mueren. Además puedes desactivar los enemigos que te den problemas y armas u objetos que no te gusten para que no aparezcan. Al contrario que tantos otros juegos, este hace el juego fácil para que te sientas poderoso, creas que eres bueno, y sigas jugando.
La estética es inconexa, el hub es un bar en un mundo ciberpunk pero los niveles son un castillo vandalizado con pintura fosforescente, los items y armas son objetos aleatorios o si eso alguna que otra referencia a otros juegos, los bosses son "dioses" de las cosas más aleatorias osea tienes el dios de las carreras el dios de los cantantes el dios de los peluches el dios de los videos del movil, ¿que significa todo esto? Porque el juego no tiene más historia que tú bebiendo con otro señor que te dicen que mataron a tu familia antes de tu primera run, solo eso.
El movimiento se siente mal, es posible softlockearse, las descripciones son vagas excepto si eliges un personaje en concreto, las salas especiales, bosses alternativos, personajes y demás se desbloquean en un arbol de mejoras con los puntos que recibes al matar bosses, algo que también está parcialmente robado de Enter The Gungeon pero ahí se ejecuta mejor (créditos de la Hegemonía).
La única mecánica original del juego son los huevos. Aleatoriamente encontrarás huevos como un recurso más, estos pueden eclosionar para darte "mascotas" que no son más que familiares del Isaac.
Todo esto es una pena porque el pixel art y las animaciones están muy bien hechas, pero el resto del juego es un collage de mecánicas mal copiadas y peor aún ejecutadas.
El boss final ha muerto en 5 segundos.

Good game. Not bad at all.

Not the best game but also not the worse, lacks substance at times, and feels like a slog.

Roguelike é minha ruína.

Este tipo de juegos no me suele llamar pero justo este me lo goze como el que mas, y siguen metiendo updates

Buen roguelike, para pasar el rato con un par de runs esta divertido, además de que tiene un estilo artístico muy bonito.

Es que tenía que jugar otros (?)

alright rougelike with amazing pixel art

very Functionally Fun although lacking in the basic polish or mechanical depth* that gives the best action roguelikes longevity. you play as some kind of cyberpunk-y... contract agent? shadowrunner? who gets sent into this big underground labyrinth managed by Titans, all of whom represent figures from greek mythology translated into the internet-era. i think this is all supposed to be a riff on the sort of 'gods' of our modern day lives, so theres like a God of Tiktok or a God of Playing Racing Games that you have to fight against at various points... the theming comes off as goofy and shallow as it probably sounds here. i swear to god theres like, a youtube lets play god named Pewdiepie or something that i kept encountering

the actual gameplay elements are about as shallow as the set dressing - the game has a lot of different little loops and mechanics that i can only assume were meant to spice things up & add another layer of complexity to an otherwise pretty simple game (its a platformer + you shoot stuff), but you pretty quickly realize that most of them aren't particularly interesting and offer few benefits so you learn to pass them over. the few mechanics which are worth engaging in (maybe the wave-based arena rooms? or the little crystals you activate on each floor?) are goooood for your run but not really that cool or engaging otherwise, ive probably retained like 0.2% of what this games presented me.

i hope the above two paragraphs werent so negative as to entirely turn you off of the game because it is actually pretty fun!! turns out its very hard to fuck up the simple run & gun formula. my brain still feels very satisfied with picking up little coins and killing enemies and shooting bullets on a primal level, its hard for some dumb theming & superfluous mechanics to spoil that. i will go ahead and add a caveat which is that sometimes (probably pretty rarely but still!!!) i will get hit by some absolute nonsense attack that appears out of nowhere and is virtually impossible to dodge which feels like a pretty damning fuck-up for a game like this, but for the most part i was able to put up with it. i ended up putting like, 15-20 hours into this game over the past few weeks and i'll probably continue with it for a little longer. sometimes you just need a simple imperfect game that clicks on a basic level but doesn't offer much more

Joguei um pouco. É um roguelite, eu cheguei na quarta de cinco fases na primeira tentativa, mas não deu vontade de jogar mais. O combate não é muito satisfatório, nunca dá pra saber se o seu dano é alto ou não. A arte é mais ou menos e é difícil de ver os ataques inimigos no meio dos efeitos.

Atualização: Um ano depois, não lembro de nada desse jogo, além do gráfico ruim.