Reviews from

in the past

Le concept est bien puis il décide d'arreter et de devenir chiant pendant 30 minutes et ainsi de suite

A short, but incredibly endearing game. A fun concept done particularly well. Writing is incredibly fun, and the ending feels concrete. Incredibly well-done, especially for a game that's entirely free-to-play. With clear inspiration from Paper Mario, Celeste, Sonic the Hedgehog, and more, it's a fun game that knows how to balance itself out; even if it takes some getting used to. Lots of depth to be found, regardless of how short it is. I do recommend using a single 16:9 display, though - some parts of the game don't like 32:9 displays or display scaling above 100%.

very fun unique game that's completely free

Nice and cute meta-breaking game. The gameplay sections kinda sucked though the only good one was the school section

is so amazing for being a free steam game :3

cannot believe this game is free. what a great concept executed very well!! replayed a couple times both for fun and to get the achievements, had so much fun with that too.


No está mal. Tiene algunos gags graciosos, pero no llega a ser bueno de verdad.

La gracia creo que se le olvido instalarla.

for what it is (a free indie game about exploring your desktop and doing some platforming sections) outcore is actually a really well-made game. i thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. the humor worked perfectly for me, and i grew to really care about lumi.

some of the gameplay segments were a little rough, but that's moreso because of my inability to play platformers, i think.

i kinda want a lumi shimeji now...