Reviews from

in the past

would've been 5 stars in 2013

haven't played this game recently but when it first came out it was kinda fun

I remember building a "vehicle" that was just a chair, some helium balloons, and a railgun. Managed to make it into whatever the lowest power bracket was. I couldn't move away from the spawn point (well, besides upwards)... and I could only realistically fire once every 30 seconds or so, due to the extreme recoil vs my ultralight balloon chair.

On the other hand, anyone who could fit wheels or hoverjets on their craft at this tier couldn't possibly be also using a railgun, so... I was nearly invulnerable up there, pressed up against the skybox, even if I could hardly hit anyone either. It was probably the worst build I made in the game, but thoroughly entertaining.

I will definitely never play this game again since they removed the flight-simulator-styled control scheme for planes. I'm pretty sure there were a lot of other changes that made this game less than what I remember it being, but it was pretty neat once.

Kendi Savaş araçlarınızı yapıp kapıştığınız bir oyun bu kadar iyi ve özgür olamazdı. Ana bir gövdenin üzerine seçtiğiniz eşyaları otomatik takmıyorsunuz, aldığınız her parçayı her küpü sizin kendiniz atölyenizde takmanız gerekiyor. Araçları savaşta denedikçe (aracın zayıf noktalarını da anlayıp) tekrar kendinizi atölyede aracınızı farklılaştırırken buluyorsunuz. Muhtemelen oyun sizi hazıra alıştırmayıp her şeyi sizin yapmanızı istediği için yeterince popüler olamadı.

Era divertido demais, mas muito repetitivo e pay2win

Construir o robô é mais legal do que qualquer coisa, pena que é p2w e tem 3 jogadores online.

4 stars for the first 2 years, 2 for the rest

was fun back in years, not anymore.

was raw as fuck back in the day

2.5☆ - It was fun but it got very repetitive very quickly and it wasn't engaging enough to retain my attention. Nostalgia +1☆.

Cool idea but the devs had no idea what to do with it. I swear progression was different every time I launched it.

oh i really loved playing this one back in the day

our dumb wee tanks

Was good, now bad. Good memories as a child :)

good idea but in actual play its hard to get your bot past the "brick with guns" stage and actually have it be practical

suprisingly fun and it was free!

The game was amazing on release, but they ruined it.

game fell off, was great in 2017

Pretty unique and creative game where you build your own craft and go fight on teams to take objectives and destroy your enemies crafts. Lots of decision making. Only played it a little a long time ago, but I imagine the game is plagued by minmaxxers.

very interesting concept but not that fun

makin shit was fun back in the day

Seemed more fun than it was.

One of my favorite games from a few years back

this was so cool back when it came out