Reviews from

in the past

Crazy how all you need to make Mario 64 one of the best Mario games is a better camera and a Hanyuu mod

Same feelings I have as Ship of Harkinian, just a fantastic show of love for such a wonderful and revolutionary game.

Gold standard for source ports, tons of options, Render96 fucking rules. No reason to go back to any other version after this.

nintendo doesn't deserve their fans and this is proof

Shigeru Miyamoto, You Fucking legend How did you come up with this!?

Shout out to adderall for allowing me to focus on this game so hard I beat it in one sitting

I finally beat Mario 64 for the first time and did a BLJ on my first try

Good game

I played this with a mod that lets you play as Mega Man X.
8/10 better than playing Mega Man X7

The best way to experience the classic. While this game has aged in many aspects, the good more then makes up with it. Running through the open sandboxes and combining different moves to collect stars is a blast even to this day and anytime I start a playthrough I can't help but beat it in that sitting. A must play for any platformer fan

Muy divertido si lo juegas con el modificador de knockback y con amigos, una experiencia por la que todo el mundo deberia pasar al menos una vez

Revivió la escena del moding del 64 y expandió el horizonte para crear cosas nuevas e interesantes con el juego base

i played this on my browser in chrome. it was really cool. i even got all 120 stars. it's really cool that i could do that. however, it was awful playing with my keyboard. thanks alot bowser.