Reviews from

in the past

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First things first. I really hope that everyone who has played the SAO games get that they revolve around an alternative timeline. Like hello Eugeo actually got to live in the end soooo. This game consists of 6 chapters where the first one is almost a recap of the Anime's events. In Alicization Lycoris, the player notices this is an alternative timeline as soon as they meet the new addition to the roster, Medina.

The visual novel aspect is present the most in this game, compared to the other SAO games, so if you don't like visual novels in general, you're straight out of luck.

I think the pacing is slow on purpose 'cause there's a trophy that requires the player to have a 100 hours of playtime at the end of the story. They sort of push you towards that goal, so that you don't have to start another save where you have to play the whole game all over again and have that 100 hours. Really stupid addition if you're not a completionist.

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is everything I would expect from an SAO game, a visual novel with RPG type of combat.

boring & slow combat compare to other sao games, dead online idk mid

Не самая качественная аниме игра. Странная боевая система и очень серьезные проблемы с производительностью на консолях

AL had some solid combat with some nice little story segments (particularly the bed talk scenes) and an original character (won't beat Eydis) but Medina was ok...I guess Eydis is def peak original character for SAO tho all in all I enjoyed the game a bit