Reviews from

in the past

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first play: killed erin in blacked out room, killed kate in glass room, killed max on boat

Supermassive traz um conceito interativo interessante para os jogos, realmente proporcionam uma diversão única em escolhas. Nesse sentido, é sempre interessante consumir as antologias ou derivados, o problema é que os criadores não buscam inovar o método narrativo, procurar uma temática mais incomum com escolhas mais criveis, e personagens mais desenvolvidos, esses aspectos dariam uma profundidade a mais no universo. Devil in me são 6 ~ 7 horas, que começa legal, mas com o tempo excessivo acaba se tornando monótono e repetitivo. Sem contar que é muito estranho a parte técnica desses jogos, os gráficos são razoáveis, mas as expressões/animações são esquisitas. Muitos problemas técnico, cheio de bugs e glitches.

Enfim, é um jogo ruim que consegue entreter legal até a metade ao menos. Zero valor de rejogar também.

Disappointing. Starts out promising and has a few genuinely great moments, but those are few and far between in The Devil In Me's overly long story. There are way too many long sequences wandering aimlessly or fumbling around in the dark that grind everything to a halt. Long QTE sequences where a single mistake is punishable by death and arbitrary decisions with surprise fatal consequences make this the hardest of the Dark Pictures games as well, extra frustrating when the game is already so bloated.

I feel like this game is Supermassive giving in to some of their worst tendencies, and I hope they learn the right lessons from this misstep going forward.

A real drop in quality after how great House of Ashes was. Easily the buggiest and most rushed feeling of these games, I had nothing but issues with it the entire time.
The set-up and framing of the story was enjoyable but it eventually fell flat very fast, a decent enough cast, I liked a good handful of them, a lacklustre villain though and somewhat boring ending.
This game is saved by the incredible "Murder Hotel" trick house setting used to great effect in the first half.

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I appreciate them for trying something new, but god, the new exploration gameplay was so boring. In moderation, it's fine, if a bit lacking, but having exploration after exploration after exploration really ruined the tension and pacing. Especially since they got rid of the fixed camera. Which, yes, the fixed camera was annoying at times, but it felt like a staple of the series. The absence of it, plus the changed exploration really made it not feel like a Dark Pictures Game.

Another factor on that note was the seeming lack of choices. In a choice-based game. There were so many instances where I expected a QTE, only for there to be none. It was so drastic that when they finally did give me a QTE, I failed it because I almost entirely forgot they were a mechanic in the first place. There was also a lack of dialogue choices – multiple conversations happened in full without a single choice option. It made the story feel very railroaded, and I have to wonder how much my choices actually altered.

In terms of an ensemble, the characters were a lot better here than in the previous games. I usually only truly like one or two out of the cast and keep the rest alive out of obligation, but only a few scenes in and I liked the whole group. Charlie went kind of downhill for me (the blood trail scene,,,,,,,,) but I was very happy to see some lesbians!!! On the subject of Kate, I wish they showed more than they told with her. All the characters were constantly calling her vain, but outside of her flashlight being her hand mirror (which is a great writing choice lol), I didn't really see it. And the whole thing with her friend and her survivor's guilt was something I really wanted to see fleshed out more. I saw the slasher vibes in this game, and it would have been cool for them to lean into that and Kate being a final girl.

Easily the best part of the story was the serial killer plotline. Particularly, the interviews between Munday and Sherman; the reveal of Morello pretending to be Du'Met; and all the backstory tidbits for Munday. Honestly, I felt myself caring more about the clues than the murder house, Saw traps situation going on. Maybe I just didn't get them in my playthrough, but I would've loved to see some flashbacks or more of a direct, verbal confrontation with Du'Met. Just. More of him in general.

Also, I feel like more could've been done with the animatronics. Especially in the beginning, where nothing scary happened for like three hours. I think it'd be interesting if we saw more of helper animatronics, like the bartender. And have them 'glitching' out and providing some minor tension in the slow introductory parts at the start of the game. Plus, since Supermassive Games love their plot twists so much, they could've done another ghost/haunting fakeout lol.

This one was so hard to rate because while there's stuff I like or even really enjoy, and the finale is perfect (big slasher vibes and great action), the beginning is literally so unplayable. I can't see myself willingly replaying it, and can you really rate something high if the first segments suck so bad you couldn't even force yourself to do it again?

All in all, the usual missed opportunity I see from Supermassive Games; a genuinely compelling serial killer storyline/backstory that will probably live rent-free in my head for a while; and that slasher finale and epilogue,,,,, <3

Honestly one of the worst of the series. Was this even playtested? The amount of times I'd fall through the floor, clip through walls or start a conversation with a character only for all the dialogue to suddenly become muted was astounding.

At this point they're just throwing these out as fast as they can and the gameplay quality is suffering because of it.

This game did something I never thought was possible, it made a British person likeable.

Voltando ao velho slasher e sua grande referência (Until dawn), o jogo acerta demais na tensão , puzzles melhorados e personagens mais carismáticos que outros jogos da franquia.

Strong start and middle, which slowly fell off towards the end. Also seemed to be the most technically buggy of the series. Overall though still a fun play.

KORT SAGT: Trods en efterhånden noget forældet designfilosofi fænger Supermassive Games’ nyeste mordsimulator med et underholdende mysterium, et fænomenalt truecrime-setup og masser af bestialske dødsfælder.

Min anmeldelse for Soundvenue:

Vraiment incroyable, c'est je pense mon Dark Pictures préféré avec House Of Ashes.

Seul défaut que je peut lui donner c'est son début long et chiant.

Entertaining horror flick but has to be played with another person, I don’t think I could sit through this alone. The ending was a bit lacking and overall a step down from houses of ashes and the quarry but still a good entry in the series that had a rough start with man of Medan and little hope. The added movement options were a nice touch but the items given to each character were largely completely useless. Fun with a friend however!

Confesso que eu esperava mais, gostei da temática mas me incomoda muito como diferente de The Quarry e outros do mesmo gênero essa série não tem tantas diferenças nas escolhas

For full context I have played all of the Dark Pictures games, Until Dawn, and The Quarry.

The Devil in Me is the Dark Pictures game I've enjoyed the most. (Until Dawn is still the best of this series overall by a wide margin though.)

The ending brings up a lot of questions but in general it was fun and had a lot of interesting death scenes.

The negative: The inventory system was less involved than I expected. I feel like the camera system and the individual characters special abilities could have been better utilized. Some of the character reactions seemed forced and downright weird.

The positive: It's a beautiful game and they made good use of the environments. The pacing had good spots to catch your breath while also keeping you a bit on edge. The overall plot was fun if a little accidentally goofy at times. I enjoyed playing it and thought the information was spaced out well. With every new game they improve the controls and this is no exception. I did have trouble with the hide mechanic but that's more of a me problem than a game problem and there are a lot of instances where it's not so much that success at a quick time is "success" as it is a different action. The introduced that in House of Ashes and I'm glad they kept it as it really heightens the choose your own adventure book feeling.

I haven't gotten all of the endings and achievements yet but I have played through a few times and plan on getting them all at some point.


Мое первое прохождение этой истории было просто ужасным, пришлось перепроходить. История основана частично на реальных событиях, ведь Холмс в действительности существовал. Спасибочки Dark Pictures за адаптации различных криповых историй и легенд.

По началу было кринжово, казалось намечается чисто какая-то повесточка, но потом игра разогналась и пошел добротный такой слэшер с вайбами Пилы, Коллекционера и Хэллоуина даже. За сюжетом было следить интересно, и самостоятельно гадать над личностью антагониста, хоть игра и такое ощущение не дает окончательного конкретного ответа. Концовка истории конечно не такой ахуй как в Little Hope, который я проходил ранее, но все равно остались сугубо приятные ощущения. Понравилось, что тут геймплейные моменты расширили и эта часть стала более иммерсивной, и исследовать локации стало интереснее из-за необходимости решать небольшие простенькие головоломки. Ещё отнес бы к плюсам повышенную сложность на фоне других частей, в которые я играл. Тут сохранить всех в живых намного сложнее, чем в том же Little Hope, где я потерял только одного перса. Короче игра все ещё кайфовый кинчик, который особенно раскрывается если играть с друзьями.

Все что касается плюсов игры я могу выделить лишь:
1) Неплохую, нагнетающую моментами атмосферу;
2) Геймплейная составляющая (добавили разнообразные фичи, при этом забивая на некоторые из них же сразу после первой демонстрации);
3) Если Вы играете в компании (а я нег представляю как в проекты серии Dark Pictures можно проходить в соло), то можно от души посмеятся с некоторых кринжовых моментов.
Все остальное в игре ужасно:
1) Маньяк. Максимально тупой болванчик, который просто ходит и делает максимально все, чтобы ваши персонажи не были убиты. У Вас больше шансов умереть от действий сокамандника, чем от убийцы.
2) Отвратительный, унылый и каррикатурный сюжет, который не преподносит ничего интересного и не даёт никакого игрового опыта нового. Твистов просто нет, хотя в предыдущих трех играх серии авторы как-то пытались под конец немного перевернуть восприятие игры.
3) Сами главные герои также максимально глупые, в их действиях, иногда, полностью отсутствует логика, да и харизмой и какой-то интересной историей они не обладают.
4) Большие проблемы с технической составляющей. В первую очередь, хочется выделить отвратительные лицевые анимации и анимации передвижения. Все это выглядит дёшево для 2022 года.
5) Огромное количество ненужной информации в виде листовок, которую вываливают на игроков. Увы, все читать это максимально скучно уже к середине игры, потому что там нет абсолютно ничего интересного. Да и без толку, потому что мы в своём прохождении не нашли только штук 5 из 50 примерно и все равно не имели нормального и внятного представления о происходящем.
По итогу хочется сказать, что в это играть надо исключительно в компании, а лучше вообще не играть, потратив 8 часов на что-то более полезное.

Sucker for these games but this one's change in gear from supernatural horror to 'Saw'-like serial killer vibe didn't land entirely. Still intermittently fun though (and gruesome), plus I like that the DP team are mixing it up from game to game. Bonus points for a Jessie Buckley starring role. Bring on S2!

L'histoire du jeu est bon le côté JigSaw est cool, mais pas assez poussée , les nouvelles mécaniques aussi même si à certain moment ça rend le jeu clairement stupide. Le système de l'inventaire est assez inutile pour le 3/4 des personnages donc un peu inutiles. Et même problèmes que les 2 précédents jeux si vous jouez en ligne avec un ami un des joueurs aura un jeu plus intéressant que le 2ᵉ

Toda la saga Dark Pictures me parecen extremadamente inferiores a Until Dawn y, los 3 primeros, muy mediocres. Sin embargo, este último me ha sorprendido gratamente en algunos aspectos y supera con creces a los 3 anteriores. Kate, Erin y Jamie son geniales

Dos quatro jogos da Dark Pictures esse daqui para mim foi o mais tenso e que até me deu um certo medinho. Acho histórias "caseiras" muito mais assustadoras do que coisas assombradas, criaturas e etc... Ter um ser humano que não há nada de especial, mas é extremamente cruel, frio e inteligente te perseguindo num hotel cheio de armadilhas é de dar um certo medo sim... (Pelo menos para mim kkkkkk) e mais bizarro quando é baseado em algo real. Nesse último capítulo da Dark Pictures nós vamos para o Hotel do primeiro Serial Killer dos Estados Unidos fazer um documentário e obviamente da tudo errado!

A Supermassive se esforçou um pouquinho mais nesse jogo dos os outros que ela lançou. Agora temos mecânicas que não mudam muita coisa, mas deixa a gameplay mais "viva". Os personagens agora tem inventários, podem fazer certas ações como pular de lugares para outros, se esgueirar, empurrar objetos para ter acesso a novas áreas e outras coisas, além que cada personagem dos 5 tem alguns itens especiais que dão mais personalidade para os personagens, e isso eu achei bem legal! Os personagens são até que bem legais e eu gosto de todos e consegui salvar todos (não sei como kkkkk) e também salvei o cachorro! A história é bem interessante, tem as pistas que vão se ligando, nós temos surpresas, um vilão maldoso, nós temos várias armadilhas e decisões difíceis e muita perseguição! Eu me diverti jogando esse jogo e para mim isso é tudo

they are getting more and more creative with the deaths but honestly it is difficult to enjoy with the expressions of the characters.

Great atmosphere. Wish they'd introduce combat mechanics like other survival horror games. Without them, it feels like it's more a walking simulator than anything else. A really well done one, mind you -- I appreciate the clues and butterfly effect choice system, but it could use some decent puzzles and combat. Their stories are usually good and characters, atmosphere, voice acting, and vibes are top notch. Just another pretty fun game from Supermassive Games.

keep thinking about that part where that one guy just falls through the floor

Jump scares great but a lot of bugs so sad.

Until Dawn was my first Supermassive game, which I found fantastic. Man Of Medan was a letdown (tedious trophies). When I found out, that this game has less tedious trophies, I gave it a try. I enjoyed my time with it. It has a good atmosphere.

Decent but definitely not their best. Most riddled with bugs and weird pacing out of all the Dark Picture games NPC's teleporting getting forced to progress forward because of your co-op partner. Inventory system basically not existent and becomes kind of annoying. Had the most trouble in this game trying to puzzle out how we possibly could have saved some people.

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This is their latest game on the DP Anthology. The story of H. H. Holmes is interesting and made me like this. The traps were cool.

This is the first time they introduced movement capabilities which was okay, made the game kinda long-ish?

And an Inventory System that apparently "impacts" the game which it doesn't really. I was expecting for that to happen, but the inventory system just acted out as a mini-game.

I hope that the upcoming one- Directive 8020 - would have an improvent to the inventory system.