Reviews from

in the past

eu decidi que era fã de Tron desde o momento que eu joguei o mundo dele em Kingdom Hearts II. amo a fase, fui atrás do o filme e amei, e agora eu amo Tron 2.0 também. a estética neon do filme é reproduzida lindamente aqui! eu adoro como a linguagem de computação é aplicada para tornar sistemas comuns de RPGs em elementos diegéticos, como o seu nível ser um número de versão de software que você vai aumentando conforme avança na história e coleta itens bônus (eu terminei o jogo em v9.8.1, por exemplo), os upgrades do seu personagem são sub-rotinas com versões "Alfa" "Beta" e "Gold" e que muitas vezes devem ser desfragmentados/portados/descorrompidos para poderem ser usados.

esse jogo é tão dedicado em usar terminologia de computador que o menu de ajuda passa mais tempo contextualizando o que os termos representam dentro do jogo do que qualquer outro tutorial presente, o que eu acho muito engraçado. realmente fizeram o jogo para aquela pessoa que sabe mexer em um terminal unix e que constantemente tem que ajudar os amigos que não sabem abrir uma planilha no excel sem acidentalmente instalar um ransomware. fun fact: eu sei relativamente pouco sobre computadores ao ponto de ter perguntado para minha namorada quase formada em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas pra ver se eu não usei um termo errado nesse texto, mas eu sou mais alfabetizada em como fazer coisas no computador do que um cara que meu pai conhecia que literalmente enfiou um ransomware no PC depois de jogar um "Ad0be Ph0t0sh0p 2022 cr4ck baix4r grátis" no Google. eu tô falando sério (censurei por via das dúvidas lol).

acima de tudo, Tron 2.0 aplica a mesma filosofia de design de mapas que incentivam exploração atenciosa presentes em CRPGs como Deus Ex e Arx Fatalis mas com a vantagem desse ser um mundo explicitamente virtual, com um realismo mais baseado na ideia de "videogames" dos anos 80, ao contrário dos jogos mencionados que se passam em realidades mais similares à nossa. enquanto jogava uma das fases, eu percebi um bloco flutuante que parava em um ponto bem alto do mapa, que parecia estar lá só como um "enfeite" para a atmosfera. na curiosidade, eu subi nele e fui levada à um lugar secreto, com um upgrade novo e uns emails extras que dão um contexto a mais para os eventos que aconteceram entre o filme original e o jogo. e honestamente? o uso de emails como uma ferramenta de narrativa em Tron 2.0 é bem mais elegante aqui do que em muitos jogos pós-System Shock 1 e 2 que tentam preencher detalhes da história com logs encontrados no mapa (acho até melhor que os dos Fallouts 3D, INCLUINDO New Vegas).

mas o que incomodou MESMO foram as corridas de Light Cycle (as famosas corridas de moto de Tron). elas são conceitualmente muito empolgantes, mas a câmera insiste em manter um ângulo que não ajuda muito e a inteligência artificial dos adversários é avançada demais. em vários momentos eles fazem múltiplas curvas extremamente precisas em um piscar de olhos enquanto você com o seu cérebro primata não consegue nem reagir à primeira delas e morre. a sorte é que os momentos que a corrida é obrigatória possuem checkpoints frequentes, mas ainda é bem frustrante a forma que todo o ritmo e a história dão de cara com a parede para essas seções acontecerem. infelizmente esse jogo também se inspira no confronto final de System Shock 1. no sentido de ser um tanto ruim e uma maneira meio desapontante de terminar algo que eu estava gostando de coração. o encerramento em geral tem uma sensação de ser um pouco apressado demais, até mesmo na narrativa. o clímax é estranhamente fraco considerando que o resto da história possui beats intrigantes e confrontos legais.

mas eu amo ele de toda forma. eu adoro essa época onde videogames servindo como sequências de filmes eram lançados. infelizmente assim como "Os Incríveis 2" tornou o jogo "The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer" não-canônico, Tron 2.0 sofreu o mesmo destino após o lançamento de "Tron: Legacy". o que tudo bem, afinal quem disse que o poder de decidir o que é canônico ou não está nas mãos de grande corporações? olha o meu cânone de Tron: Tron (1982) - Tron 2.0 (2003) - Kingdom Hearts II (2005).

olha o meu cânone da Turma da Mônica: Turma da Mônica (1970 - ) - Mônica no Castelo do Dragão (1991) - Fallout New Vegas (2010).

I enjoyed this game alright. I think a fair comparison to it would be Jedi Outcast, in how the game feels to play.

I feel like this game's story captured my attention better than the original TRON movie. In the movie, the computer world felt too disconnected from the real world, that there weren't any stakes, and that nothing affected the real world (I could be wrong about this, this was just my impression). Here, they do a much better job at linking what's going on in the digital world in the real world. I also liked the corporate espionage angle.

The art direction in this game is absolutely on-brand. It takes the idea of TRON and runs with it only a little bit, but otherwise just nails it. I think that TRON: Legacy's interpretation was a good evolution of the aesthetic, but this game works very well.

One thing I liked was picking up tidbits of backstory through emails. It's like the Metroid Prime logbook entries (though that game executed those way better, I loved reading those).

Gameplay felt very...stiff. Here's where I'll make comparisons with Jedi Outcast. JO and T2.0 have a very, almost eerily similar gamefeel, from what I recall of the former. Kind of stiff, feels like the game is fighting against the engine to do what it wants to do. Both games are very slow in terms of movement, even sprinting, but I feel like JO's level design mitigates this issue. T2.0's level design has a lot of scope, scale, and interest, but a lot of them had, from what I recall, a lot of travel time. A faster sprint and/or a tightening of the time taken to backtrack or get to the next point would have fixed this.
I found the levels where I couldn't get the required permissions to open certain doors, turn on certain panels, etc, to be quite frustrating. I understand it was probably intended as a way to hint that there could be more to the world, while not actually making it, but it felt like a key that I should have been able to get, but couldn't.
The memory system was quite interesting, but the means to obtain or upgrade subroutines to higher levels were few and far between. I wasn't able to explore all the features I wanted to, because I was trying to keep my loudout economical.
Speaking of loudout, the weapons. They were kinda there, I guess. I found it annoying how any weapon outside of the basic disk drew from your energy pool as ammunition. If they were going to do that, have the energy pool recharge on its own. Going to find energy recharge spheres in the middle of a combat section using the Mesh.Blaster, Rod.LOL, or even Disk.Sequencer really breaks up the flow, and leaves you vulnerable. I get that the main draw is the disk weapon, but since they included other weapons at all, I feel like they should have been accommodated better. Either that, or just keep the disk weapon on its own, and refine its gameplay mechanics. The disk didn't have any tactical capabilities outside of maybe headshots doing more damage, and maybe, if you're lucky, getting one ricochet into an enemy. Yeah, I know, it's 2003, but Halo had been out for two years by now, and it had bouncing grenades.
Also, more attacks should have been blockable by the disk, especially with the Power Block subroutine.
Also. Fall damage. Fall damage is either just a scratch or instant death, no in-betweens. Most annoying thing about level traversal.

However, these criticisms are nothing compared to the lightcycles.
The lightcycles were awful.
Their implementation was identical to both the TRON game and the movie's depiction of them. On that level, I appreciate them.
But holy cow, it did not translate well to good gameplay. Or maybe it wasn't executed well. And I'm gonna contest any accusation of skill issue here, because there are like 3 or 4 times where you go on lightcycles, and it was so hard for me to get through all of those levels. The controls weren't logical in the slightest. I feel like a major improvement could have had the acceleration button be on the space bar or the mouse buttons, and have the WASD/directions be absolute instead of relative. So many times I made a wrong turn because I was facing the lightcycle from the front, and I wanted to turn left, but ended up going to Jet's left instead of stage left. So either they be absolute directions, or act relative to the camera.
Or, you overhaul the system entirely and make it like Legacy (I know it didn't come out yet). That would have been a lot more fun.
Oh, and they take away the beautiful, iconic, sleek 1982 lightcycle away and replace it with an objectively awful design that I can't believe Syd Mead actually made. It actually almost looks out of place in the world, and is only saved by the telltale TRON elements. I don't even care about its better specs, I want my 82Cycle back! >:(

I'm ragging on this game a lot, but only because I care. I did enjoy it, but it has a several flaws that I wish could be amended. I respect and appreciate the love and admiration this game has. A TRON game that not only shows love and respect for the IP, but is also an FPS? Absolutely fantastic! I just found that the execution kinda stumbled occasionally. This game is definitely enjoyable, and the criticisms I have of the game are just my personal opinion, but only because I care about this franchise too.

I don't know if I'll play it again, but if the next update for the Killer App mod comes out soon, I just might.

A surprisingly consistent good time, decent fun the whole way through. Light cycle segments, well designed disc combat, rewarding customization options and a pretty good continuation of the movie's story. Very pleasantly surprised

I played this game back when it was released after years of yearning for more TRON. It was all that I could ever hope for and more. It nails the aesthetic and feel of the movie while providing a visual upgrade, bringing the world of TRON into the new millennium.
A lot has changed since the 80s. We have the internet, PDAs are becoming obsolete and the old mainframe systems are being phased out. All of this is reflected in TRON 2.0, providing a believable backdrop for a sort-of-continuation of the original story.
While the story in this game is no longer considered canon, it's a much better sequel than the new movie. This will always be the true sequel in my eyes.

The gameplay is based on first person shooter conventions, but you have a lot of different tools at your disposal. In addition to the iconic disk, which can be used both at range and as a melee weapon, you have a host of typical projectile based weapons, variations of these and subroutines that grant you special abilities (perks).
The controls are sharp and responsive and help you feel grounded in the computerized world you inhabit. It controls just as well as any recent game I've played, if not better.

All in all, this game is a fantastic realization of the TRON universe in interactive form. It has tons of charm and nerdy references and details, plus a great story that absolutely stands up to the original.
If you're a fan of TRON, you have probably already played this game. If you haven't, you need to play this game.
If you aren't familiar with TRON, I highly recommend playing this game (and watching the original movie). In doing so you'll be treating yourself to quite the unique experience.

Definitely feels like a 'proper' sequel to the original Tron movie. I loved how you were the son of Alan Bradley (programmer of Tron) and they kept calling you Alan 2.0. There were also some nice touches, like calling the bar "The Progress Bar" and the blue screen of death in the final cut scene. It was also fun optimizing your subroutines and leveling up with new version numbers. There were problems though, lots of frustrating design decisions (especially the UI and not making switches and doors obvious enough in the levels). Overall a fun experience, but probably only recommended for Tron super fans.

İçinde ufak rpg ögelerinin olduğu, ısmarlama usulü film oyunu. Art stili dönemine göre deneysel ve ilgi çekici, siber dünya olayını retro fütüristik bir şekilde konu alıyor, bu konsept günümüzde komik gelse de dönemi şartlarındaki insanlara teknolojiyi anlatmak için iyi ve ilgi çekici bir yöntem diyebilirim. Bütün bu bilim-kurgu olaylarını ortadan kaldırıp oyunu re-skin ettiğimizde elimizde 90-97 döneminde çıkan fps oyunlarından farksız bir dizayn kalıyor. Oyunun bölüm tasarımları berbat, hem kendini anlatma konusunda kıt, hem de bu kadar tek düze bir oyunu bu kadar anlaşılması zor nasıl yapabiliyorlar şaşkınlık verici. Dediğim gibi berbat dizayn... silahlar kullanışsız ve tatminden uzak, disk dışında bir kaç farklı silah olsa da hiç birini kullanma ihtiyacı hissetmiyorsunuz. Akılda kalıcı herhangi bir müzik yok hatta müzik doğru düzgün var mıydı onu bile hatırlamıyorum. Tekrar oynar mıyım bilmiyorum. Belki üstünden biraz zaman geçerse ve nostalji açlığım tutarsa tekrar denerim. 2003 yılında demosunu oynadığıma tam sürümünden daha iyi hissettirmişti. Evet eskiden böyle bir olay da vardı, bazı oyunların demoları tam sürümlerinden daha iyiydi

Dipnot: o araba sürme bölümleri var ya onu dizayn edeni ıslak sopayla bayıltana kadar dövmek gerek

Dipnot2: her boka da hidden gem demeyin lan artık. Bok gibi oyun işte.

Dipnot3: aynı ekibin elinden bir kaç yıl sonra FEAR gibi bir şaheserin çıkacağını o yıllarda söyleseler inanmazdım ha bir de no one lives forever var o da ayrı bir konu.

This is the very definition of hidden gem.
Monolith (yeah the fucking mordor people) made a tron game in 2003 and it slaps.

Every detail is made with such care and fully captures the nerdy tone of the original movie. All the program-refrencing lore of the original is on brilliant display. the npc programs have file names, the enemy users have email addresses.
It's all so perfect I love it.

The upgrades are version points. items get slotted into your ID disc and each level has fucking BANDWITH so you can only have so many items cause they take up file space... this game is amazing.
if only this game had Daft motherfucking Punk to do the soundtrack it'd be the Tron that every Tron nerd wants you to think Tron really is.

The one and only good Tron game