Reviews from

in the past

I had a good time with this content. I really thought it was interesting how parts of the level felt really different and got more difficult depending on where you were. I also liked the aesthetic of it with the more Japanese style.

The first DLC for Vampire Surivors and the larget map (at the time). Having a detailed map unlike the large plains that you would explore in the main game was nice and the new slew of characters and how you have to play each of them and max their weapons to unlock the next made replayability high and brought a lot of great items to the game.

DLC comprada, jogo base no Xbox Game Pass. Legacy of the Moonspell funciona em trazer mais conteúdo pra Vampire Survivors, mas achei meio meh no geral. O mapa não é super legal (eu acabo querendo ficar no mesmo lugar ao invés de super explorar os labirintos todos), não tem muita progressão além de ir pegando personagem/evolução nova.

Eu gostei mesmo só de 1 arma (Silver Wind/Festive Winds) e 2 personagens (Miang e Megalo Menya), mas o preço é tão pequeno que não é como se não valesse a pena.

[see my review of basegame] i have all achievements on this too

A very solid update to one of the best games ever.

No sé, existe, sin más. Completamente innecesario.

Acha que não da para colocar mais conteúdo em um jogo extremamente denso? Achou errado otário!
Legacy of Moonspell expande pra caramba o jogo base e sem sair da fórmula vencedora, coloca novos desafios, segredos, um mapa não procedural e novos poderes com efeitos mais uma vez geradores instantâneos de dopamina!

Sadly my October gaming festivities have been pretty underwhelming this year, so I figured I'd make things a little better by playing a game I already know kicks ass. Legacy of the Moonspell continues that ass-kicking tradition with some really cool characters and weapons. I can't really analyze or critique anything here, it's fuckin' Vampire Survivors. It rules.

cool DLC with cool map and fun new items :D

Still worth getting with how cheap the price is. But I'm not a fan of most new weapon or characters, and the new map, while cool conceptually, really just gets more in the way of the gameplay during the later half of the run.

Kinda disappointed by the first DLC ngl

fun dlc with fun weapons and characters and a fun map!

Good DLC with a great amount of content. Not a huge fan of most of the new characters, but the new stage is really different than the ones in the main game, which is something I really appreciated.