Reviews from

in the past

talvez o melhor jogo de pirata que já joguei.

é no mar que esse game brilha.

mesmo após anos o mundo aberto ainda parece grande e recheado o suficiente.

costumo elogiar muito a história da sequência desse aqui, o Rogue (apesar que o mesmo poderia ter sido mais trabalhada e aprofundada). mas esse aqui também não fica muito atrás na qualidade da história que conta.

a história do Edward é linda.
ver a trajetória dele passando de basicamente um qualquer ganancioso para um homem que reconhece o que tem de importante ao seu redor (como amigos e família) foi muito bonito.
uma pena já ter sido tarde demais para seus amigos e sua esposa, mas ver o encontro dele com sua filha foi uma linda tela de créditos finais.

agak kurang demen storynya, tapi gameplay mayan seru

“gay people, pirates, assassins, and gay pirate assassins” -tom scott

incidentally, this is the other best one.

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 4.5
Story/Lore: 4
System: 4.5
Chracter: 4.5
Total: 4.4

Still the best Assassin's Creed game

"In a world without gold, we might've been Heroes!"

probably the most well written and acted AC to date. a story about how we must take responsability for the hurt we put out into the world, one way or another. edward is a wonderful protagonist and the story is engaging. the experience is tied together by the naval gameplay, a masterclass in open world design and in-world locomotion.

only hampered by a few outdated gameplay mechanics and the modern-day section.

even years later, i still cried when i heard anne singing at the end

Game has a good concept with the whole pirate thing but I’m not a big fan of stealth games I wish I could finish at least one ac game but I don’t have the patience

Se bat avec rogue pour le meilleur jeu de la franchise des scènes folles, une histoire captivante et des combats épiques

Pretty good so far. Typical busy work Ubisoft, but the boat stuff is great. Just wish it was an open ended RPG instead of a stringent story.

Faz tempo que joguei, não me lembro muito da história mas me divertiu muitooo quando a gameplay não tinha navios envolvidos, talvez seja uma opinião impopular mas é isso ai

Sinceramente, acho que esse é um daqueles jogos que não se encontra mais igual e não faz igual tbm pois sua formula hoje em dia já é datada

Amazing game! I love pirates in general, and this was only my second AC game, so I only had Mirage to compare it to. The combination of sea battle, sailing and assassin missions made the whole game a lot of fun. Definitely enjoyed and would revisit

ubislop still better than sloporant

Cool Pirate Game. The ship mechanics are fantastic! Sailing the seas on the Jackdaw with the crew singing lovely sea shanties while looting merchant ships and battling the Royal Navy truly makes you feel like a pirate. And Who doesn't want the opportunity to role-play as one?

This game probably has the best combat of any Assassin's Creed game. It's not too complex, flows freely, is fast-paced, and is a lot of fun. Although I generally despise Ubisoft, they have yet to disappoint me in one aspect: the music, which is, once again, fucking amazing. Being primarily sea-based also gives kind of a new feel to the open world.

The only criticism I have is about the story. Assassin's Creed 3 ruined me to the point that I can't bring myself to care about anything happening outside the Animus. Inside the Animus, the plot wasn't much better. It could have used better writing, the characters and the plot had too much potential that was just wasted but that's kind of the story of every AC game post Ezio trilogy. The only silver linings were Edward's development, particularly at the end of the game, and the story's conclusion.

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Peak Pirate kino.
The freerunning locales are surprisingly robust for a post AC3 game running with the same system. Combat is incredibly braindead easy and very fun for what it is. And the ship combat, improved from the 3 system, is clearly the highlight and the primary activity.

In addition, Edward Kenway is one of the better written protagonists since Ezio. Following a similar journey from a reckless drunkard idealist into a tempered warrior with a purpose higher than coin.

Hope you like circling around big boats and swinging onto them to kill everyone aboard cause you'll be doing that a LOT, and it somehow never gets old.

Except for the ship stealth sections those can fuck themselves. The best part of the boat """""stealth""""" sections is when you get off the fucking boat and get to jump around on trees shooting crocodiles and stabbing dudes.

Edward kenway é um cara muito massa

Okay assasin's creed game, absolute blast of a pirate game

My introduction to the AC series, and not a good one.

Excellent combat and exploration mechanics

I think it's the best assassin creed game

One of the best AC games.

eu fiz 100% 3 vezes eu era uma criança sem nada melhor pra fazer

o combate em terra é sem sal mas o na água é melhor q mt jogo saindo hoje em dia

A god pirate game? AND BY UBISOFT? I bet they can't make it again
looks at Skull&Bones
Yeah, apparently they can't

è il mio preferito tra gli AC

As the winds don't blow its time to go.
Leave her jhonny leavet.

The best Assassin’s Creed game.