Reviews from

in the past

did another run. dex/pyromancer character. legitimately one of my fav games ever. its comfort food through and through. i had never done the dlc before so it was super cool experiencing that for the first time.

The true Metroidvania. I really wish I had gone blind into this pilgrimage like I did with Super Metroid, ‘cause my jaw would’ve been dropping harder than the Gaping Dragon’s. This is some of the most fun I’ve had exploring and role-playing in a video game (at least until I gave in and donned Havel’s Armour). Sadly, knowing beforehand the binoculars are the best weapon in the game trivialises it. That didn’t stop Ornstein and Smough from piercing my boar-headed, axe-wielding ass a new one.

So glad this was my first souls game. It rewired my brain to look at videogames in other ways, to find value not just in their quality, fun factor and what not, but also what they make you feel. And it felt magical.

talvez eu não tenha me divertido tanto por que foi minha primeira experiencia com um soulslike, mas hoje compreendo o quão bom esse jogo é e com certeza pretendo jogar de novo

Honestly I don't know what to say. I've always hated hard games and this game was sold to me like "the hardest game ever" for the longest time, so I never wanted to have anything to do with it.

For some stupid reason I gave it a try and I became hooked to it. I mean I was hating how unfair some enemies were, but there was this new, weird feeling that was telling me "this game is laughing at you, it thinks you can't do it". That feeling made me keep playing throught the game.

I must say, the start of the game is great (with the exception of a few things, like the Capra boss fight) but the moment you set foot on Blighttown everything starts to crumble. I honestly can't believe how they thought this zone or Tomb of Giants were good enough designs for this game.

The game feels clunky as fuck too, it has aged very poorly but the OST, the unique feeling it gives the user, how every part of the map is connected and how dense the lore is (although I don't get what the fuck it's about) makes up for it big time.

Solid 8 or so, I'm already downloading DS3 (I am skipping DS2 because I've already been told how stupid that game is and I ain't going through that) and I intend to keep beating all of the souls-likes one by one.

historia incrivel, gameplay meio dura no inicio mas depois de 5 minutos acostuma, de fato um dos meus souls favoritos, jogo simplesmente fenomenal!! vale muito a pena cada segundo dedicado a ele, tanto é que platinei ele. ele foi simplesmente a minha primeira platina da vida.

It has some flaws, weird physics, crazy tracking AI, camera collision. But overall, a masterpiece. It's crazy to link all of these maps together. The exploration is punishing but fun, combat is actually quite slow-paced, it more about stragegy

Não há nada a ser falado desse que não tenha sido destrinchado ao longo dos anos, mas talvez seja a melhor metáfora de eterno retorno já feita, que também é uma forma de estruturar a experiência dos jogadores de videogame em geral (seguir ordens e interagir com leis e signos desconhecidos à exaustão)

it's a good game , but i'm still searching the 1st bell after 11 hours playin' that game. so the question is : is the game too hard or am i just a sh#t ?

Some of my favorite level design ever, feels compact but intricate, good amount of collectables in the form of armor and weapons. Still need to play the dlc.

To this day it is still a masterclass in design.

Memorable bosses, incredible areas, spectacular soundtrack.

I'm still missing a story, the lore is very good but without a story to go with it, it ends up falling short for me.

Revisited this game for the first time since 2013 to get the Platinum for it. The game is not without its issues but the map design of the first half of this game that leads to Anor Londo is still some of the best in all of From's catalogue. A true classic and one that's always fascinating to look back at for one of modern gaming's most influential series.

magnum opus, todo o simbolismo do hollow afeta a gameplay que vc faz, caso voce desista do jogo, voce so fica vazio, mas se voce completa e consiga acender a chama, voce tambem fica vazio, os bosses, ost, tudo nesse jogo fica em completa harmonia, o layout do mapa que faz voce beija ate o cu do miyazaki, de fato esse para mim é o melhor da trilogia, ele tem de fato a gameplay mais lenta da from, mas ele ainda continua no meu coração como meu favorito, simplesmente incrivel

These games really are something special.

After finishing Bloodborne around 2020, the next logical step for me was to dive back into their first (easily accessible) game, Dark Souls, which I had played for around thirty minutes back when it released before giving up. This time around, I found it easier getting out of the starting areas (but still, fuck those skeletons), and could actually enjoy playing through most of the game - I did end up skipping a certain endgame dragon, since at that point I was too eager to start the next game in the series.

My one regret is not being more stubborn the first time I discovered the game, since some of the magic got lost simply due to the outdated graphics and so many similar games waiting for me. The latter point also made me resort to a walkthrough, but I can still easily imagine how alluring the original Dark Souls must have been at release. Even with the aforementioned issues, the storytelling and challenges has stayed with me ever since, and having played through the first game adds something to every new FromSoftware game I play.

This game absolutely rocks. My first playthrough I messed up, but this game really encourages you to learn its mechanics, underlying systems and world building and rewards you for that. Have still not finished it tho.

Once you understand the controls, this is a great game. Challenging and addicting, won't play for all achievements again.

Feels dated compared to newer FromSoftware titles but it still plays fantastically well

como que um remaster tem mais problemas que o jogo original

Really good game. The atmosphere is definitely worth the difficulty to experience. The bossfights like artorias and Ornstein and Smough are what really make this game worth the play.

Ce jeu est à la fois incroyable et à la fois une purge. Le jeu est rempli de moments et de concepts très cool qui ont forgé la licence des souls mais serieux qu'est ce que c'est punitif pour rien des fois, la frustration est maximisée à tellement d'endroits que ça m'en a presque fait péter un plomb à plusieurs reprises. Le jeu reste bon et difficile comme on l'attend d'un souls mais serieux y'a beaucoup de moment ou j'en avais marre.

Probably my favorite game I’ve ever played. I truly felt accomplished whenever I conquered a boss or an area. Great music, brilliantly interconnected world, memorable environments, and challenges worth overcoming; this is a must-play if you can handle adversity.

sinceramente o melhor jogo POSSÍVEL, simplesmente fizeram o melhor dos dois mundos, elementos de rpg em um jogo de rpg de ação. acho que um dos, se não o primeiro jogo de rpg de ação que se destacou em proporcionar e criou até mesmo um tipo de jogo próprio.

conhecido como souls like, sinceramente o melhor e o pai desse gênero. poderia ficar horas e horas falando sobre, não sei muito da lore, mas sei que ela é interessante dado as falas dos meus amigos sobre.

bom no que se propõe desafiador, porém não injusto e com o tempo você se tornara o pika do jogo, tanto em dominar o estilo do jogo e tecnicas, tanto de upar de nível.

vale a pena gastar o tempo para se tornar o MISTER FODA.

Nunca um jogo conseguiu fazer eu sentir o que eu senti quando joguei pela primeira vez ds1

to fazendo uma run de todos os souls usando a moonlight greatsword e n vou mentir q APANHEI pros boss da dlc q sao resistentes a magia

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a segunda experiência mais especial que eu tive em um jogo (dessa vez, zerado)