Reviews from

in the past

Checkpoint e movimentação pesada poderá atrapalhar sua jogatina.

Remember playing this as a kid, Didn't understand the story very good but I remember enjoying the game very much.

Its a competent platformer, i kind of wish it wasnt the first game i've played in the jak and daxter franchise

i cannot comment on the quality of a random psp game i played when i was a child. but i can comment on the funny matrix reference being stuck in my head for over a decade. whihc i think counts as quality to me.

Como um jogo solo, nada a reclamar e até divertido, como um spinoff "legal", e interessante ver o que o Daxter fez nos dois anos que ficou separado do Jak porem a historia e meio qualquer coisa.

In similar vein to Secret Agent Clank, a short and sweet romp, nothing more, nothing less.

It was unnecessary story-wise, but it was all done to give Daxter the game he deserved and an adventure to shine. The minigames were fun

A pretty underrated platformer.
Has it's imperfections, and the dream sections are pretty bullshit, but I like it despite all of that.

Remember being upset I couldn’t play as Jak

This was cool but one mission frustrated me so much I abandoned this game
Might play again, someday idk
That minigame where he turns into Neo from The Matrix was cool

Daxter fumiga Ohio.

Plataformas 3D liviano, con una historia simple que no busca retconear nada de los Jak porque todos sus personajes hacen como si no hubieran existido.

Tiene minijuegos quick time events parodiando películas de la época, no son la gran cosa pero entretienen un rato.

Peca de ser corto, aunque sus niveles son bastante grandes y Daxter es gracioso así que se lo paso 🗿.

Uno dei giochi che mi ha tenuto più incollato su psp

A great game with awesome gameplay and artstyle. It gives me so much nostalgia. It was super fun and addictive. Might replay it.

My favorite game, played this alot it has a special memory in my brain

I remember nothing about the gameplay, all I remember is I thought it looked gorgeous as a kid

l'ho rigiocato dopo molto, bello giosu

This was around the time Sony wanted every secondary character to have their main game on the PSP. It was fun though. Not as good as the main games but I had a good time.

Very forgettable. Doesn't have a lot of appeal or staying power.

Whoever thought of giving the small playstation mascot an entire game on the small playstation deserves a raise

Un spin off muy digno de la franquicia Jak n Daxter. Narra lo sucedido en el lapso temporal en el que Jak queda a mercer de los experimentos del Barón Praxis.
Muy divertido, sabe tener su propia identidad, los minijuegos haciendo referencias a películas son una pasada y el Relámpago Naranja se siente tan vivo y fiel a su personaje como en los juegos originales. Fantástico

Daxter top personagem mais carismáticos dos games.

I was having a lot of fun playing this one, but sadly my PSP broke. One day I'll get another PSP so I can play it again, and then I will update this review.

Passed the game on psp, I liked the game as a whole, it was a bit boring towards the end due to small puzzles, you can’t control the camera even in the fight with the bosses, it really bothered me, but I liked the game, it took a couple of days

Helo aquí, el primer videojuego de PSP que termino aunque no el primero que pruebo. Hacía mucho tiempo que quería jugar Daxter pero supongo que nunca sacaba tiempo para ello y francamente, tremenda estupidez con lo cortito que es. No considero que ninguna de las historias de la saga de Jak y Daxter sean grandes historias, mas bien un pegamento que hila los escenarios y las acciones a realizar dentro del juego en cuestión, y este no es ninguna excepción, de hecho está incluso underlevel en ese aspecto pero francamente me da igual, es exactamente lo que esperaba. Solo buscaba un rato de diversión en el que es el primer y único juego que ha visto (y probablemente vea) el acompañante precursor.

Cortito, divertido y un festival de fanservice para aquellos que nos encanta la trilogía original. Y los minijuegos referenciando escenas del cine de su época no tienen precio.

Mind you, I've played this on a very surface-level method, I usually can't be bothered with collectibles.

I was having cold feet going for this, then I was relieved that it's all good cause High Impact Games wasn't in charge. The game is overall decent. Platforming was good, the floating mechanic was a bit iffy; Enemy designs were nothing complicated. The bosses were a bit unforgiving and lengthy though. Story takes place between the two years of Jak's imprisonment in J&D 2 (working all his way up to save him. What a top lad.)

Daxter was an awesome addition to the famous Jak and Daxter series. Daxter the ottsel was hilarious throughout the story and had so much personality, adding tonnes to the game. The platforming in this game was amazing for it's time and still holds up really well. For the target audience, it can present some genuine difficulty and feel extremely rewarding to overcome its challenges with its charming ps2 style cut scenes that guide you through your journey.

I gourd damn love this game! Fantastic music, I never knew I was being fed breakbeats my childhood. I can't compare the platforming to anything, but everything otherwise is just so pleasant, I gave a copy of this game to a friend. The visuals of this game were insanely and jaw droppingly good quality for its time and platform. The levels near the end get a little repetitive and are a little less enjoyable artistically, the final boss is weird and seems patched together, not upset I missed it as a kid for not being able to finish it.