Reviews from

in the past

I played this game's free to play section in 2016 when I was 6. I've been just scrolling down to the LEGO games in App Store on my iPad than I shocked by this game. I played but unfortunately sections after Phantom Menace are pay to play. I played again and again and again until I lose patient and unlock all things. I maxed the free to play section when I was 7. Now in this time, in Steam Summer Sale, I saw this game again and it was 8₺. So, I feeled little nostalgic and bought this game today. I'm still playing The Phantom Menace again with my friend. This game is a legend for me. 5/5!

This game was how I experienced Star Wars before watching the movies, and that gives it a special place in my heart.

I needed my dads help at the one pod racing mission but he couldnt do it either 8 year old me would then go on to beat it truly the highlight of my life.

it's a lego game, what can i say.

One of the greatest kid's games of all time.

classic, but very mindless

as a video game? near perfection
idk i have alot of nastalgia for this game - but i still think it
captures the magic of gaming + the george lucas era

if my brother picked grievous first … it was on sight

Didn't play this one much, honestly. The only Wii game I bought myself, mostly because I saw it so heavily discounted at a Gamestop (I think $12?) in 2017 and for the nostalgia factor. Having already completed the original two games on PS2, just tried this one out for a bit and enjoyed playing with the Wii and Nunchuk. Only played for one summer, and didn't play much Wii at that point. If we got this when it first came out (instead of the Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Harry Potter games we got instead) I'm sure I would've 100%'d it.

nie przepadam za grami lego na starym silniku...

nice relaxing game as all lego games are

This game is just really charming and fun! One of the best lego games, but I think everybody knows that at this point.

this game is really awesome

Great Lego game. One of the best

Nostalgia pura, amo demais.

This game is literally just the 2005 and 2006 games glued together and re-released with a slightly updated hub world, but is still a great remaster of two of my earliest console games from my childhood, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

They also did a thing where all the models look shinier than they did in the original games so that's cool.

It's a LEGO Game, but with Star Wars.

Better than average.

Who need see the star war movies when u have this master pieces

I 100%'d this and my brother deleted the save file

This is The Best Lego Star Wars game they ever made, while The Skywalker Saga is absolutely amazing but this was just truly wonderful not only could you play all movies up to then you COULD STILL MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTER. I just don't get why Skywalker saga removed that, if it was in it would be THE BEST Lego Star Wars game ever made.

i think it's overrated's still very good, but some levels are soooo shit

I used to play these games to learn the stories of the Star Wars movies cause my parents wouldn't let me watch them