Reviews from

in the past

Really solid game, I just wish there were more maps. I played a ton at launch, but it's still a good game to go back to when you have a couple friends over. I did like the online though and the music is peak.

its a solid remake of old mario party games. At times it feels like they removed some features that gave the original games their charm but its networking is phenomenal and makes it easy access to playing with friends around the world without too much issue. But I do with there was more that pushed it to a full Mario Party title.

The most disappointing Mario Party yet. The boards are boring. There's not nearly enough content, especially when it comes to mini games. There are zero side games that focus on mini games rather than the boards.

the proper way to do a party game on the switch.

It’s fun but gameplay feels wonky

Lo de spamear stickers en el turno de otros está risas, pero por todo lo demás es mejor título Super Mario Party, tanto por los tableros como por las mecánicas.

Mario Party, in nearly any iteration, is just a lot of fun. Superstars is no exception, but there is one glaring issue–there isn’t nearly enough of it. There are just five boards and a hundred minigames with limits on how much you can alter in terms of game rules. Nintendo, you have a good thing, give me more of it. Most of the content here is envisioning older maps which should cut out the early stages of design work. These games sell gangbusters, just take a sliver of the profits and pump them into making these games bigger. Port the boards from Super, make more, I don’t have a strong feeling on what boards just more of them. It is a lot of fun but at some point you get tired of running circles on Peach’s Birthday Cake.

Is it bad of me to say the best Mario Party game every made was a this one? I mean apart from the polish and the updated roster and game mechanics it just boosts a compilation of great mini-games from the other games, and the sheer amount of them gives the game a huge plus. The maps are updated nicely and some of them I'd argue might even be better than the ones they originated from.


Board Rankings:
Horror Land- 9.1/10
Woody Woods- 8.6/10
Peach’s Birthday Cake- 8.3/10
Yoshi’s Tropical Island- 8.0/10
Space Land- 7.1/10

And with that I have finally rated the vast majority of the video games I have played in my life. I do have about like a dozen or so games I have played but am choosing not to rate or review yet because my goal is to replay those and have that done by the end of the year, so if that happens my total official number of games played would be like 142 I think.

If there were like 10 maps or any sort of DLC for this game it'd be the best Mario Party.


How fucking good this Switch game look

A blast with friends or family.

Mesmo giro para jogar com outras pessoas para passar o tempo

Won the mario party college tournament with a huge coin mini game gamble. Actually felt god like. We got free food it was hype.

I miss the ally system and only 5 boards really holds this back.

Solid mini game selection with an actual functioning online. The board choice leaves a bit to be desired but other than that this is an actually competent Mario Party release for the first time in over a decade, even if they had to do a remake to get there.

So much fun to play with friends and family

I’ve only been hit by the lazar beam one time and it was the worst day of my life.

i tried to speedrun this liek squeex

A melhor experiencia de mario party que ja tive até hoje, é uma junção das coisas boas dos outros jogos, porém sinto falta de alguns mapas diferentes.

Después de las fallidas últimas entregas, se regresa a la fórmula original. Recopila algunos de los mejores tableros y minijuegos de la saga con cierta variedad. Aunque los añadidos son escasos, es un título sólido y equilibrado.

Really solid mario party game. Everything looks good and the minigames and boards are all solid. A great time with friends and the likes. My only problem is the lack of unlockables or incentives to play alone. There are unlockables but they are barely worth it.

I wish there were more then 5 maps for a full price game.

É incrível para jogar com os amigos. Vejo-me igualmente jogar isto sozinha durante muiiiiiiitas horas.

bah.. c'est sympa quoi, les mini jeux sont cool mais il vaut pas celui sur DS, il est pas incroyable mais c'est un vrai bon moment à plusieurs quand même (mention spéciale pour le mode enfants qui permet de jouer en famille et que tout le monde s'amuse)

Probably the best mario party in recent years

Some DLC would have been fun.