Reviews from

in the past

hm, i remembered this exists. horrible

the first game that got me into rpgs. the mogeko series is terrible, the villains are poorly written because funamusea cannot write so she overuses a terrible trope every game to add to the “edginess” of her stories. however, i still hold nostalgia for the okegom series. these games made me want to tell my own stories that weren’t backed by a major studio or with stunning graphics.

it still sucks though. go play witch’s heart instead

The first half got me hooked up and i was like "okay this is some promising rpg maker shit" and then i was punched in the gut by the most boring tedious repetetive experience i had in a long long time
They really couldn't put idfk a single puzzle to beat the boring walk escape talk formula?
omg i had so much expectations cause i love deep sea prisoner as a creator

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I love the artwork and character designs, but not (most) of the story.

Idk what to say. Its weird as hell

Um jogo nostálgico que deveria ter ficado na mente mesmo, porque que coisinha peba...

silly ass game tbh, it was funny and stupid sometimes

Culpa de la chica danganronpa.

I think it was one of the first Horror RPG Maker games, and it was what introduced me to this creators and play their other games. Plot is cute gorey and fun! The brother can go to h*ll though.

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Being able to steal infinite panties makes it infinitely better than the remake.

I replay this game atleast 2 times every year since 2014/2015. Peak fiction.

Sape que historia contar........aunque un poquito edgy la verdad.

Despite having some wildly gross stuff, it works very well as a psychological horror piece. It’s enough to make my skin crawl.

Muito bom, mas eu não sei se recomendaria pra alguém hoje.

lindo essa obra prima que traumatizou criança e fez uma geração de pessoas ficarem dessenbilizadas com temas horrendos

Juego otaku sin mucha chicha

si no tienes nada bueno que decir no hables

Esse jogo é pura esquisitice. Ele não é muito bom, mas não chega a ser ruim, da pra jogar. O jogo só parece desandar completamente no final verdadeiro, parece que só atiraram pra todo lado pra ver o que aconteceria. Toda teoria sobre esse final é forçada demais. Um final padrão e clichê conseguiria ter sido bem melhor.