Reviews from

in the past

Mario Kart with spunch bob that looks strangely good.

After buying Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 for dirt cheap, I didn't know what to expect. I'm the kind of guy who likes very good games, but I also enjoy mediocre stuff. Back in my day, you could have licensed shovelware for days. These days, the mobile market pretty much had completely absorbed all of this market, and we don't have a lot of budget licensed console games no more.

That said, I had kind of a blast with the second game. I played all the cups and most of the challenges. I thought about getting NKR3 too. It wasn't too expensive on Steam Sale. I got it.

NKR2 felt like Mario Kart 8 on the antonym of steroids. It was a very OKAY game. The driving is kind of fire, though. It isn't amazing, but I would have to lie to say that I was not entertained.

NKR3 feels a lot like Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. They figured out how to make water, and they went all out on it. Every track has a water part in which your kart becomes a boat. The boat parts play a lot like the normal parts, though, so it isn't a big nuisance, just an annoyingly reocurring aspect of the courses. It is most glaring when the course itself doesn't mesh well with the idea of a water part. You have water parts on the FARM course, and I bet I won't finish this game without seeing water on the DESERT courses too.

The game looks super good... Besides the fact that they cranked the bloom up to the moon. I recommend you to play this game with sunglasses on. What I mean is, the courses look good in a technical level, and the character models are great.

You get coins for racing, and you can grind for new characters, karts and motorcycles. Yes, they put bikes on NKR 3. Bikes are so light and fast that I feel stupid for racing with my karts sometimes. I still do it, though, because some characters look like they are more of car-persons.

This game have you choosing an ultimate skill + a pair of passive skills that guarantee advantages under certain conditions. All these skills have cooldowns. The ultimate must be charged by getting "slimed" in the races. You can do this by racing over slime puddles, picking up slime coins, or if you get in front of slime pipes that spit a lot of slime on you. The passive skills recharge over a short time.

NKR 3 also implements shortcuts, usually in the form of slime slides... Those are fast grinding sections in which you go really fast down a slime slide. There are little walls here and there to hinder you velocity. If you time your jumps to skip those, you can go really fast.

The shortcuts aren't well hidden, though, and it's so hard to miss them that they feel like the canon course.

I'm saying all this mediocre details, but NKR 3 is kinda fire ngl. I'm having fun with it, and I recommend it on sale. (I paid like $5,00 for it and found the purchase to be totally worth it.)

Heart touching cinematic masterpiece, it puts saving private ryan, citizen kane, and pattington 2 to shame , I laughed, I cried, it moved me man. We will never get anything better than this