Reviews from

in the past

Fascinating implementation of cooking in a video game that mimics how persnickety and difficult it can be to get right. It's a little too dry for me though.

borin. a good time waster. played this in cemestry class got an A ez w gg.

Fun little game which helps pass the time. I did not complete everything, but I still play occasionally when I have some time to kill. The game mechanics are interesting, limited exploration, resource management and crafting. It's fun, but becomes a bit repetitive so I stopped playing for more than 15-30 minutes at a time after a few days.

Very repetitive w/ little things to do

É relaxante, terapêutico, até fiquei maluco jogando sozinho, tava tão imerso que até esqueci a hora. Acho que a quantidade de diálogos ainda é pouca, poderiam adicionar mais opções e NPCs diversificados em att futuras os DLCS

I wish the economy was better and I wish there was a reason to make multi-part potions other than salts. Hopefully this will be a more fleshed out game once it leaves early access.

I just be in my cottage brewing dangerous spells and mischievous elixirs

i be brewing up a storm being all magical and shi

This game is pretty chill. Potion Craft is a relaxing puzzle game that you can play for about an hour. I will say that it gets repetitive after a while, even when you get the alchemy machine.

Very unique take on potion-making mechanics with the potion map, but the core gameplay loop is a grind and ultimately doesn't expand enough on the core mechanic to allow it to reach its full potential

Cute game but got boring early on.

Art style is pretty... Progresses in the most boring way.

+ An entertaining little game with a neat gameplay loop.
- I played it for like three days. A week after putting it down, I completely forgot it existed. Not exactly memorable.

- Interesting concept of making potions and being a merchant and shop owner for potions.
- While some of the mechanics can get a bit deep with the map-potion explorations, it just feels repetitive by the ending of it or grindy with the alchemy machine.

Relaxing game, perfect for playing in the middle of online classes

very cool and interesting concept but this gets boring pretty fast

Maybe repetitive but damn that's chill

Divertido, mas depois de um tempo fica extremamente repetitivo

La cantidad de contenido actual, tras dos años de early access, da a entender que los desarrolladores han pasado la mayor parte del tiempo crafteandose cervezas.

- Es relajante. No tiene límite de tiempo, así que puedes tomarte todo el tiempo del mundo para ir mejorando y desbloqueando el mapa.
- Tiene muchísimo potencial, pero le faltan horas de dedicación por doquier.
- El cameo de Geralt está simpático.

- A la media hora de juego ya has visto todo lo que el juego tiene que ofrecer. He llegado hasta las tres horas sin encontrarme ninguna mecánica nueva.
- Los diálogos se repiten constantemente, y eso que no son demasiados.
- El jardín pide claramente ser una mecánica principal del juego con microgestión, pero se mantiene en un estado muy limitado y randomizado.

i'll finish that game but i need a break, it's fun to play and that game has many specific mechanics that makes this game very unique

I liked this game, it's a nice puzzle game and good for relaxing. It doesn't give much instruction when it comes to moving around the map which I thought was a little frustrating but maybe that's a find out as you go or look it up type of thing. The art is reminiscent of illuminated manuscripts and I'm a sucker for those so it definitely had me with the art style. I also enjoyed the repetition it was kind of calming just doing the little potion tasks over and over. I haven't completed it or know if you can even complete the game but I enjoy what I've done so far.

Das Spiel hat ein sehr coole Art, wie es das Brauen von Tränken darstellt, leider entwickelt es sich im späteren Verlauf zu einem reinen Grind.
Was ich vor allem etwas schaden finde, ist man nicht wirklich ermutigt wird eigene Kreationen zu entwickeln, da es für die meisten Kundenaufträge reicht einen Effekt zu haben.

A fun, charming little game about brewing potions and building up your reputation as the greatest alchemist in the kingdom. There's a certain joy to building your repertoire of potions within your recipe book and having them on hand already for customers. The 100% grind was a little tedious though.

Jouer les petits alchimiste avec des mini-jeux satisfaisants.

Pra o que se pretende a fazer, funciona muito bem, mas perto do final começa a ficar chato pela quantidade de crafting que precisa ser feito pra avançar. Mas me deixou viciado por um bom tempo.

C'est sympa 2 heure, pas plus.