Reviews from

in the past

Not as bad as everyone says but certainly not great

Aside from the great character creator features this game just doesn't understand what made Saints Row great for both old fans of 1-2 and 3-4.

You know you've fucked up when the character creator you released to hype up the game is better than the actual game

really sad that this is volition's last game. not because it's bad, but because i had a ton of fun with it. performance issues on the ps4 and a lack of endgame content aside, it had a really likeable characters and a more sincere writing than i remember earlier saints rows having.

i remember earlier this year seeing gamers marvel at how the same team that developed the RE3 remake were responsible for the RE4 Separate Ways campaign, and i got reminded how most of them have absolutely no notion that the people who make games are professionals doing jobs, and if everyone got laid off at the first fumble, there would be no room for improvement - ever.

anyways, thanks for the good times Volition. ya'll will be missed.

The game is much worse than the previous parts, the only positive thing is that you can make a sexy character, the city is empty, okay, at least it’s free in epic, but even so the game sucks.

Among its variety of characters are zany one liners and tongue in cheek humour that are a staple of the series that fans have come to know the series for.
Not too familiar are the side missions to increase and take over each region of the map, similar to previous instalments.
The game itself felt a bit too similar to its predecessor, which isn’t too much of a bad thing - but just expected there to be more differences coming from a reboot.
Story wise was nothing particularly exciting but the flashy cutscenes and sarcastic tone kept me intrigued to see how the story unfolded.
One great aspect is the character customisation - with such a wide variety of different looks and clothes to choose from.
Would I have enjoyed the game as much if it hadn’t been via PSPlus? Probably not - but overall I had an enjoyable time that on occasion felt bogged down by repeat side content.
I think complete newcomers to the series would find a far better experience here.

no lo pude terminar si no lo regalaban con plus no lo tocaba ni con un palo

Definitely the most dissapointing Saints Row

All of these changes… and for what? A very predictable ending as well

One of the most underrated games that ever got released! This game is so enjoyable and had such a funny story, of course you can't expect a huge story with serious stuff, because thats not what Saints Row is about. Saints Row is just funny and random stuff, while you are building up a criminal empire! I really loved the game and I had such a fun time going for the platinum and 100%. I recommend it to everyone who didn't play it because it had bad reviews.

errrrrrrrrm............ what the woke???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I don't give bad ratings to games since I like to see posivity in them but this is the worst game I've played on PS5. The side characters had way too much goofiness (and to be clear I love the comedy from Pierce, Shaundi, Matt and others from previous games) but I never saw anything serious about these ones. They are bland and although there were comedy jokes that made me laugh it didn't feel right. The protagonist had some elements that I can abroad with. He's too goofy too but after a while we saw his serious side and I wished that is what we got from the beginning. This is NOT a saints row game to me. The music to me in this game was TERRIBLE and even being able to make ur own playlist didn't make it better. The best part of this game for me was the way the cars look and I can jump and flip them. That was awesome.

Todo un despropósito a nivel general. Una de las mayores decepciones del año 2022, y probablemente el juego que entierre esta franquicia para siempre, una pena.

The mechanics of this game are painfully mediocre. This would be alright if the game gave you anything to work with story/character wise. This game was clearly made for an audience. What that audience is, I have no idea and I don't think that Saints Row knows what audience that is either.

Not as bad as everyone’s said

Is it weird to say that while yes this is the worst Saints Row game it's also overhated af. like the gameplay can be fun its just the story that's dog water

horrible game.

customize the church, cars, characters, etc are quite fun sometimes but the game is awful in everything besides that.

Não vi graça nenhuma. Eu sei que a ideia é não ser real, mas é impossível não esperar um mínimo de realidade quando se trata de um jogo de mundo aberto que se passa na atualidade da terra. Os desenvolvedores simplesmente quiseram fazer um jogo porraloca que não tem sentido nenhum.
E o pior, é que eles querem ser engraçados. Infelizmente nem isso conseguiram.
Por incrível que pareça, esse não é o primeiro jogo da franquia que eu tento. Mas foi o último.

screw everyone who likes this game, this is probably one of the worst games ever made straight up slop and tarnished the saints row name forever

On Monday at 3am, I decided to stay awake and get this platinum. It took me about 3 days of nothing but playing this.
Was it worth it? Is it really as bad as everyone says it is?
Here's my thoughts on the reboot of Saints Row:
Right off the back, Saints Row begins with an incredible character creator. I seriously adore the creator and the work that was put into it. You really can just be anything and anyone you'd like to be. The best part is that you can change yourself at any point in the game. Something I believe every game should offer. Sometimes I want to change my voice or my gender for the fun of it and this game lets you mix and match every bit of character at any point in the game. It manages to make one of the better custumisations into perfection in my opinion.
So my character looks good but does it look good in a good game? The answer is yeah, if you're nostalgic for older gen games.
The thing with this reboot is that it literally is just another Saints Row. It takes the first game and adds the insane whackiness that 3 has. It isn't serious AT ALL and that's what makes it a fun game. If you miss that feeling of being a kid playing a PS2 or 360 and you're down for a little more mature of game to laugh at, THIS is the game that gives that feeling.
It's an extremely fun video game. Walking around with my tits out and not censored as I flame punch enemies into a train and then fly away in a helicopter only to wingsuit out of it and land on a car.
This game isn't your oscar bait Sony experience. It's not your insane esports game.
Saints Row 2022 is a shut your brain off and have fun kind of game.
That being said, alllllll the issues that apply to those older gen games is all present here. The biggest issue with Saints Row is sadly exactly what it is. It's a PS3 game that looks like a PS5 game.
As it stands now, this game has awful bugs and glitches that can mess up save data, crash the game, make it so that you can't shoot or NPC's don't act as they should. It's a nightmare sometimes and I didn't even encounter half the amount people were reporting.
Even outside the glitches, Saints Row suffers from god awful side missions that litter the map. The platinum grind rears It's ugly head out when you realise the game is 10 hours story, 30 hours exhausting side missions that go for 2-5 minutes each and add NOTHING to the story. It is all just "we have an open world game and we needed you to have something to do"
The story is not very inspiring, however I liked the characters. I think the room-mates trying to make it in a city of crime is just dumb fun. It's cool to see them rise up as dorks to bad asses. Each of them really felt like friends. They may not be the original crew everyone loves but I think they fit the story really well even if they don't hit AS hard.
They're young adults making a name for themselves because why the fuck not and that is Saints Row to me.
Overall, Saints Row is a fun ass video game that is riddled with glitches and uninspiring side content that bore me to death. What is there in the story, the jokes, the character creator is extremely solid and a great foundation for the series to keep going.
It's 100% a wait for sale, wait for updates game but if you're looking to blow shit up and have enjoyable cringy jokes to back it all up, then check it out.
Not all games need to be serious but they do all need to work ❤