Reviews from

in the past

Can't tell if this game isn't as good or if I'm just not as young and imaginative anymore... anyways the open world concept was a neat idea that works pretty well and I liked the DC characters expansion game (even if it's a bit short).

Combining 2 games that are already great and putting em together
The writing system isn't great but what do you expect from controlling this game with a joystick, but that still takes a lot from the experience

5:36 for my Unlimited replay (finished March 9th), 6:58 for my Unmasked replay (Finished March 10th)

Unlimited (3.5/5):
Simple, fun, yet also repetitive to a fault. Didn't spend nearly as long on this replay and didn't bother going past the 60 required starites. Wish there were QoL changes added to this rerelease (namely having a saved set of nouns/adjectives) but otherwise I found the onscreen "keyboard" to be pretty fluid. It's one of those games where you don't realize just how insane some of the programming behind this game had to be when you played it as a kid.

Unmasked (1/5):
Legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played. Takes everything about Unlimited and makes it incredibly restrictive, repetitive, and anodyne to fit with WB's DC branding. The Mr. Mxyzptlk challenges were barely thought through (oftentimes making some tasks impossible to complete because of the bullshit restrictions) and attaching point counters to every move the player makes is just plain awful. This game somehow punishes you for even daring to be creative. It's a shame this one sucks so much because it brings things down for the whole package.

I finished Unmasked on 4/16 and Unlimited on 3/18. Both games are simple, but just wanted to blast through them to complete them off my list. Charming and I think my nephew will enjoy them soon now that he's reading a bit.

Both of these games are pretty solid