Reviews from

in the past

I lost my mind when I saw this was announced on IGN's website in 2008. (Or was it GameSpot? Was I really just trawling those websites for upcoming games?)

I don't know how to justify a five-star rating other than to say that it's exactly what a huge Beatles fan like me would have wanted in a game like this. I mean, my username is "Ringo." Of course I wish there were more tracks, and there were some weird omissions — where is "She Loves You?" — but it's got a lovely art style and a fun career mode. There are also enough little extras and collectibles in there to intrigue big fans.

The Beatles' popularity has never been higher in my lifetime than it was in Fall 2009, and this game is a huge part of why. I will always look back fondly on nights playing with friends and family, even those who wouldn't otherwise play video games.

Not even remotely enough songs on this. They're lucky Don't Let Me Down is on here or it'd be .5 lower

Tinham me emprestado a guitarra, fui feliz por muito tempo.

"Hey Paul, I'm on the Xbox 360!"

It's alright. Better if you are obsessed with The Beatles.

my beatles phase got me into the rest of the plastic guitar series

This game’s sense of visual direction should be noted by lots of non-rhythm game developers. It has a really strong sense of color, sensible usage of post processing and great camera angles. My biggest complaints about the visual experience is that the members of the Beatles are basically always some level of smiling, and that for 3 chapters you’re playing in Abbey Road. Both of those complaints are probably counterintuitive considering it’s trying its best to be accurate to reality, and the Abbey Road sessions still give way to some of the most imaginative sequences in the game.
Personally this is my favorite UI design in any of the Rock Band games. The overall look of the gameplay elements like the highway and score counter really compliment the on screen visuals super well with their understated colors.
I think my favorite moment is the haziness applied to the visuals with the I Want You So Bad/She’s So Heavy outro. The hard-boiled look perfectly matches the song’s sound and the combination of sight and sound hits a truly perfect combination that almost gives the player a contact high. Slamming the door shut with a hard cut to black and kicking you to the results screen is pretty damn cool.
Lots of moments can be brought up similarly to the one mentioned, but simply put this is peak presentation in all of rhythm games. Harmonix was on top of their game and looked like they had a blank check from EA to pursue their vision, which was met damn near flawlessly. The only problem this game has is one outside of its preset restrictions, being that it’s all Beatles songs. Thats great from a hardcore Beatles fan and music enthusiast perspective, but their library lacks in the technical ability that some other bands that are prominently featured in the Rock Band and Guitar Hero franchises bring to the table. Literally the only reason I’m not giving this Beatles themed video game a 5 out of 5 is that it’s too good at being only Beatles themed. Crazy, right?

this game deserves to be recognized as not only one of the best rhythm games of the seventh generation, but also one of the most interesting and best attempts to retell the Fab Four's story

What a great game, so many awesome songs on here, loved playing through with the various stages, the story that took you through the discography. Played it pretty recently, too

if you complete this game do you become the fifth beatle. serious answers only.

Solid game, just too few songs on the disc and the songs that are on there aren't the most difficult either. The career mode is really cool and they did a great job with all the cutscenes. I love the realism feature that makes the crowd cheering noise louder than the actual song.

A great entry on the Rock Band franchise. Played a lot back then in the PS3.

I love the Beatles, so unlike other Rock Band/Guitar Hero games, I actually got my money's worth playing all the songs. I wish the charts were a bit harder to play, though.

This whole game is just one giant love letter to The Beatles and their music.

game goes hard ladies and gentlemen. they should've just mapped every beatles song though they're kinda pussies for not doing that

best soundtrack in a non-scored game

it's cool to have beatles songs but if you only have a guitar you're going to sit there and be so bored.

The best band specific rhythm game I can think off, full stop. This game has the best Career mode of all band specific games, where you go through the Beatles' career throughout their years. While missing a few songs from them in the game (Hey Jude, Let it Be, Help!), the setlist amazingly represents their full career. The dreamscapes during the songs in Abbey Road Studios are also amazing to watch. Probably my favorite rhythm game off all time

It's hard to put into words how much I truly adore this game. Before its announcement, the notion of The Beatles, of all bands, getting their own Rock Band game was a pipe-dream. The fact that it even happened is worth celebrating, but on top of that, it's an amazing game! While it is VERY easy, it is still very fun to play. The game is loaded with fun collectibles to unlock through completing the story mode and beating challenges (one of my favorites is an old Beatles Christmas record that you can actually listen to.) The game has a wonderful art style. While not realistic looking, Paul, John, George, and Ringo are all modeled to be instantly recognizable; with lots of personality in their facial expressions. Another part of the game's presentation that blew me away was the "dreamscape" songs. Because they stopped touring so early, the band never played a lot of their most legendary songs to a live audience. So for the entirety of the Sgt Pepper era though Abbey Road era songs (and a few others before and after that time), the background visuals show the band in the studio, before transitioning to imaginary "dreamscapes" that reflect the lyrics and tone of the song. Getting to actually see the Yellow Submarine while playing Yellow Submarine is a treat, and it helps this game stand out from every other Rock Band game to this day. I am forever grateful I got to experience this masterpiece of a music game on the day of release.

This is THE best presentation of either game series, the menus and UI elements look authentic, very colorful opposed to the darker venues in the other games.

I am shocked this came out before Green Day Rock Band seeing as it doesn't even have an ounce of the personality this game has.

Another step above GDRB is it's ACTUAL songs, not to say Green Day isn't good, but Beatles has songs with more varied songs, play the first 5 songs in each games story mode (NOTE: I played Guitar), count the amount of times in GDRB you are just doing the same, split chord string, reverse split chord string, opposed to the more open ended nature of a Beatles track

It is still wild to me that this game happened. Sure it could've used more songs and Pro Drum support, but if you like The Beatles and Rhythm games this is just an amazing product.

worth it for the cutscenes alone, this is a pretty good selection of songs spanning bangers and hidden goodies

required playing for anyone going through a beatles phase

uma ótima porta de entrada pros rock band.
jogo muito bom e com diversas expêriencias nas músicas, a parte do Sgt Pepper's é maravilhoso de se jogar.