Reviews from

in the past

The final episode of the final season is another well-written episode with some good tense and exciting moments, some poignant character development, and a feeling of weightiness (whether real or imagined) to the choices you made throughout the season. It also serves as a conclusion to both the season and the series as a whole. That conclusion left me with mixed feelings. In the final act of this episode, they set you up for a gut-punch ending but don't have the stomach to follow through on it. This creates a plot hole large enough for a herd of walkers to pass through, but on some level, I get why they chose to end the series that way. It just feels like the ending didn't earn its payoff, and by not closing that plot hole, they missed out on what could have been some compelling gameplay. It might have been enough for a fifth episode and would have provided a more satisfying ending. TellTale was having issues then, so perhaps I'm being too critical. And almost nobody closes out a well-loved series in a way that feels satisfying to everyone. I see a missed opportunity, and I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. It's good for what it is, but it could have been better.

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Fuck man. That shit was SO GOOD! Fuck whatever happens in that Clementine Sequel comic. This is the real Ass ending I fuck with. I haven't even read that shit and I can already feel that whatever they do is fucked up and wrong.

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A beautiful ending. The one AJ, Clementine, and the school deserved. I think a lot of people will dislike there being one definitive ending, but I think that's great. This is what you fought for, and the game is telling you that you made wrong decisions along the way, but you raised a boy who can make the right decisions. There's no "perfect" ending, but there is no "perfect" route. All you did is what you thought was right, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I don't know what better ending there is thematically, narratively, or in terms of player choice. This is it.

This episode also had the hardest choice in the game in my opinion: telling AJ if he can make his own choices or not. I told him he wasn't ready yet. It felt awful, but he was talking about killing people and it was evident to me that he would continue to kill people if he simply thought they were bad, and that doesn't sit right with me. Unfortunately, telling him this gets Violet (or Louis, depending on who you have) killed because he doesn't believe he can make the right call. But it saves Tenn's life, and I know that Violet would gladly lay down her life for Tenn to live, so I don't feel bad about it.

Fuck you Lilly, I hope you ruminate on your pathetic life.

My choices:

-Told AJ he wasn't ready to make his own decisions (I love that the game later proves you wrong, but it saved Tenn so I don't feel bad)
-Let Violet rename the school ("Texas Two" this fucking girl lol)
-Asked AJ to kill Clem instead of letting her turn (every time.)
-Refused to teach Tenn to be like me (earlier in the game, I had Clem tell AJ the school and them can learn from each other, this feels like the natural progression of that. Plus, I'm not gonna turn this kids into soldiers if I can avoid it, even if that's an extreme of that)

Relationship statuses:

Lilly - Shamed (damn, the other option was "regretful" kinda wish I got that)
Louis - Shaken (feel so bad for this kid, but dammit, he's still got such a jolly and gentle heart, bless him)
Violet - Dead, but "Loved" if she were still alive
James - Dead, but would have left him "Conflicted" if he lived

Lilly, Louis, and Tenn are the determinants that are still alive.

AJ lessons:
-First lesson: Find the easiest way out
-Always aim for the head
-When you apologize, be as honest as you can
-It's ok to burp after a big meal. It's funny.
-It's not nice to take others' stuff
-Sleeping in a bed is way better than the ground. Trust me.
-Wrong to kill Marlon because he wasn't a threat.
-Atonement is hard, but people will forgive you
-The monsters won't be here forever
-Sometimes you have to show mercy to the bad people
-Doctors can help with trauma, but I think they're all dead
-Thought there were people inside monsters, but there's nothing in them
-If your grandma is dying, stop watching cartoons
-Even people who love you might not trust you with big things (this one hurt)
-And that can make you freeze up
-Killing is never easy or fun, so take it seriously.

I realized halfway through that that was kind of pointless to type out. Oh well.

It took them two seasons, but they finally made Disco Broccoli a good bit.