Reviews from

in the past

this game feels like a theme park ride except the ride is also trying to blow you up with laser beams

i am very unfamiliar with the genre, but every stage, enemy, and boss here feels so lovingly crafted, each aspect packed with depth and stratgies to uncover. the music is insanely rad, and getting into the rhythm of enemy attack patterns and level layouts feels really satisfying. it's beginner friendly too, thankfully for me, with level selection and up to eight continues earn-able through gameplay. through these systems i felt totally encouraged to replay stages and engage with the mechanics more.

eventually, you'll rip off the bandaid and go for a full game run, 1-1 to "ending" and feel badass doing it. then it's time for more research, more iteration, more cycles, because that "ending"...? well, uh, as i learned with System Erasure's subsequent game, the "end" is rarely ever the end.

a thrilling experience and also screw black garlic, black onion is where it at

I adored this one. I grew up playing Gradius, R-Type and most importantly - Ikaruga/Radiant Silvergun. This is very much a love letter to all of them.

One of these days I'm going to beat this game. After failing, today is not that day.
Game is great, plays well, looks beautiful, killer soundtrack.
Don't Give Up.

Awesome game but I had some control issues witching between the melee sword mode and back to the ship

I suck at Shmups, I got plenty frustrated, but I felt accomplished at the end of it all.

I just needed a one year journey through the genre and acquiring enough skill to get through this in less than a week. First time I played this I thought I'd never make it to the end, so I spoiled myself of everything the game had to offer and oh my god I wish I didn't. This really is something special and a breath of fresh air coming from more traditional shmups and trying a lot of 1ccs of other games. Please try it, even though I think you'll enjoy this a lot more if you're experimented with the genre

It's the Undertale of Shmups.

PLEASE play it.

RATING: Fantastic

An excellent gateway game into the shooting game (STG) genre, with solid design and gameplay that, while certainly difficult, isn't painfully punishing, and fills its stages full of cool set pieces and encounters, with allusions to other STGs t hat fans of the genre can pick up on and appreciate. The TLB sequence is a work of beauty, and is best experienced blind.

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I just realized it's not Zero Ranger, it's Zer Oranger.
Anyway, this is what you get when you mix Thunder Force's spectacle and weapon system with the insane stories of Metal Black and Undertale. Then again, I haven't played many other shmups so the inspirations could lie elsewhere. It's very fun still.
I have say tho, Super Hydorah is still better.

this beautiful game made me love shoot em ups

Finally beat the true ending of this after quite a long time, aetstheticly one of my favourite games, and the music is incredible. a very easy game to complete normally but getting through it with enough lives to attempt the true final boss is just the right level of challenging. incredibly cool game

ahahahaha não entendi nada, muito bom

This game is really good but also oh god that second loop completely demolished me. Felt hype as hell and finally truly understand the appeal of bullet hell but I am just not built for that second loop. Shame, seems really cool.

Music also slaps

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It's very frustrating to get to the end of the game and then realize that you could reach the true ending but you only have one chance or else you get sent back to the beginning. But, at the same time this game is very beginner friendly in terms of shoot-em ups, has an interesting aesthetic, interesting mechanics all to it's own, and is on Steam. Every other shoot-em up that is worth your time isn't that accessible. So I have no choice but to praise it.

I can't tell you how pissed off I was when I realized I just blew my shot and have to start all over. The game becomes a cakewalk the second time through so it doesn't take too long to get back to the end and try again. I can't say that for most shoot-em ups.

Soundtrack is pretty good too.

I'm not exactly a shmup guy, but this was pretty great, and I could reach the end so I guess they did a good job into making it pretty accessible. The music is super hype.

FUCK IT KILLED ME HOW CAN I BE SO BAD?... Ok another try lets go.

Has one of the best OST of the recent years.

Played this because I enjoyed Void Stranger made by the same devs. I'm not the biggest shmup fan but I did enjoy my time with it. Didn't feel compelled at all to keep playing after beating all stages to get the true ending. It felt like I had seen 99% of what the game had to offer at that point and I wasn't going to grind my ass off to get the final 1% in a genre I do not enjoy that much.

Esse e muito potente ta, estética linda também.
Foi um insanidade no final, tive o save deletado, mas consegui zerar.

En reiteradas ocasiones, los gamers buscamos ese título que irrumpa con la fórmula clásica a lo que nos vemos acostumbrados, un juego que de alguna u otra manera rompa las barreras de su propio género.
El caso más cercano en el mundo de los indies es el de Undertale, videojuego que trabaja con los elementos del RPG y los moldea a su favor, junto con muchos más rasgos que le dan al título un carisma inigualable. Pero hoy no vengo a hablar de Undertale, aunque sí de un gran título que logró emular su fórmula de una manera magistral.

ZeroRanger es un Bullet hell que, si bien es quizá el juego más de nicho que me he atrevido a reseñar, es también uno de los que más ha marcado mi experiencia como jugador.
Este título peca de pertenecer a un género comúnmente conocido por su elevada dificultad, pero la forma en que opera es espléndida, recompensando a los jugadores por la paciencia, la constancia, y la persistencia. El título trabaja constantemente con mecanismos progresivos de obtención de vidas y powerups, como es de esperar, implementa de una forma espectacular la integración de otros géneros de videojuegos, además de situaciones bizarras y tensas.

Entrar en detalle sería spoilear la experiencia, pero es suficiente afirmar que los plot twist bastan y sobran, los finales alternativos agregan una profundidad narrativa preponderante, y la banda sonora es simplemente espléndida e inolvidable.

Sin duda, un título de naves y disparos que, de todas maneras, no se trata naves y disparos, el que incorpora influencias de la cultura ñoña, sobre todo de anime (Evangelion, Tengen Toppa, etc) y de otros videojuegos, especialmente títulos clásicos y que apela, por último, al concepto del eterno retorno, con la ayuda de glitches, borrado de datos, y reruns (intencionados) que tanto nos gustan a aquellos que buscamos una experiencia única.

Eğlenceli mekanikleri, harika müzikleri ve estetik grafikleriyle kesinlikle oynanması gereken bir bullethell oyunu.

I'm incredibly bad at shmups, in fact this is the only shmup I've ever played, yet this game is genuinely fantastic and with a surprisingly amazing plot (won't get into too many spoilers).
I played this game a few months ago but now that I remembered to log it, I'll just say that if you like shmups you're really gonna like this much more than I did

The definitive answer to the question "What if Radiant Silvergun was good?"

Video game perfection. Could not have chosen a better first shmup experience.

Just when you thought you finally beat the game, you realize it's just getting started.

It's got the soundtrack, the art style and satisfying gameplay. I couldn't ask for more from a shmup. Learning how to get through the levels and improving slightly every attempt to finally reach the end was incredibly rewarding.

Zero Complaints... hehe