Reviews from

in the past

First and probably only MMO I have ever played, love this game, was so sad when servers died, but so happy to learn that it came back with homecoming. Easy to jump back into

Amazing character creator and opportunity to RP with your friends. Outside that, pretty standard MMO fare. Some decent build customization, fun environments, and break from the "holy trinity" team style offer some staying power.

Best MMO I played as a kid and the best MMO I still play now. Viva La Private servers.

mmo's will straight up have some of the most amazing character creators of all time and then have everything else be boring as shit

Thanks to the power of a private server, City of Heroes had come back! I loved this game back in the day and the idea of a server bringing it back I was ecstatic!

The huge variety of customisation, the collectable badges that work like achievements before they were a thing on PC and the world was vast with such great lore with a PDF comic tied into the game.

I don't think I'll ever find a replacement for this game that has no microtransaction bullshit.

Stream + gameplay