Reviews from

in the past

idk how often I'll write reviews for games here; this is currently my first one.
with that being said, I don't recommend buying this. from the trailer and the screenshots, it looked really good. I got it on sale cuz I have live and so I only paid $2.39(normal sale price is $2.99. the good thing is I paid under $3,so idm the game not being that great.
the original price is $6.00. this game is not worth $6,imo.
i will say there are some spooks and jumpscare moments, but nothing all that spectacular. and the story is kind of all over the place as well.
the only thing i liked about the game was the cats u encounter and the fact that half the achievements are either making fun of the player or they are jokes in some way.
for me it felt slow paced. another thing to consider is the start button isn't the pause menu, for some reason the left trigger button is. and this game is quiet so u need ur tv loud as this game doesn't offer subtitles unfortunately. i have all but 2 achievements, and its not worth another play through so i just won't get those 2 achievements. i'm sure other ppl love this game, but for me it just wasn't what i what i expected it to be. i only got scared like 2-3 times throughout the whole game,so that should tell u how scary it is.
i mean if u really wanna play it,i suggest buying it on sale for the halloween sale that is going on right now. because like i said previously this game isn't worth the $6 original price.

A bizarre experience. It's so short that you wonder if you even played anything once you're finished with it. The setting is nice actually and fittingly unsettling. But the game is directionless. Most notably, it randomly pays homage, or more accurately, copy pastes the hallway from PT as a level. Not sure why it was in the game or what it added, but if you want more PT, here we are.

This could maybe work as a fully fleshed out game, but as is it just feels a demo for something more.