Reviews from

in the past

Pepino saifai, obtuso en sus mecánicas/puzzles como él solo, pero con guía es una aventura gráfica super immersiva.

This is a truly amazing game. I was expecting your standard point and click adventure game, but this one has really set the bar high on impressive storytelling and unexpected twists.

This is a gem for anyone who loves adventure game and deep stories. In this you start play as a detective who looks for a man who can find him where his brother is, but he never turns up for your meeting and so you go looking for him. This friend also knows the location of your character's brother, who he's trying to find.

You also get to play as one of the prisoners in a rehabilitation centre ominously named, Centre 7. You play as a man named Delta-Six who has his memory erased for the second time because he had attempted to escape. As him you attempt to break out yet again.

Again, I highly recommend it to everyone.

Edit: This was the game that got me interested in the company and all of their games! I've been playing so many for quite a few years and have been loving every release so far!

Beyond that, I love the message behind this one, very much tapping into exactly what make you, you. What is it inside us that makes us want to help the helpless or maybe something like a soul really does exist? The ideas in this game are thought provoking and my love for it is why I have often bought it for friends around the holidays, but only those who like this kind of game ;)

Very clunky shooing sections will surely frustrate people. On the other hand, it does have some kind of metaphorical value in the narrative. The story doesn't really spark until the twist in the end, which some might already guess it as the game is not stingy with hints. Maybe it's because it started out as a student project, the way the game implement its Cowboy Bebop references is rather ...inelegant. They are completely out of place and too on the nose. I wonder if the lobby of Hibiscus Highrise is a reference to Chef John.

Me and my buddy had a really good time with this game. The cyberpunk atmosphere comes across very well, emphasized by the graphics and especially the sound/music. I also liked the story, even if the final twist was a bit predictable. I found it a bit funny and also very awkward that an "action-packed" combat system was implemented, which was sometimes frustrating but not half as bad as I initially imagined. For a first time game (or at least a very early work by the developer) I think the game is pretty impressive. The budget obviously wasn't very high but they've created an all-round great gaming experience with a few minor issues. Definitely worth a look for fans of the cyberpunk neo-noir genre.

This one was pretty good, dug the vibes and storytelling.

This review contains spoilers

Man, I really wanted to like this more than I did. And it started off strongly - the art style and characters effectively create an atmosphere similar to the one in Blade Runner, which is the most obvious source of inspiration for 'Gemini Rue'. It's not only superficial, because the game tries - as any good sci-fi - to use its setting as a backdrop to ask some questions about the human condition, although to be perfectly honest I would've liked it to go more in-depth in the exploration of these themes. The characters in general are well established and display clear motivations for their actions, however I think they could've used some more fleshing out as by the end of the game most of them felt a little too one-dimensional. Point & click games have the luxury of not having to bombard the player constantly with new distractions and there were definitely moments in the story where writers could've added some more interactions between the characters (e.g. on the ship) to add some more nuance to them. The locations look great, although further in the game the budgetary constraints become obvious as we end up visiting the same places/seeing the same room, although it didn't bother me too much and I treat it as a nitpick. What did bother me, however, were some elements of the plot - namely the plot twists that felt a little too obvious, hence the revelations were not as impactful as intended. I think the game could've done without the shooting sections because they're a chore and I tried to get them done as quickly as possible. The puzzles were fine as they were usually easy to understand, with the exception of a few instances of pixel hunting required.

A bit of a slow slog but still a competent sci-fi noir with a decent narrative and a solid ending. Runs on a potato so can play it basically anywhere :) I finished it up on my night shifts. It has an almost game breaking bug with the first Stomper section in the later part of the story. Almost entirely ruined the experience. However, the workaround is available on the steam forums section for the game. So that kind of saved the day and the impending rue of restarting everything all over again. Another slight bummer is the lack of pausable cutscenes or dialogues. Any background interruptions and you'll have to reload from an earlier save to see what you've missed since you walked away from the game.

Great thing, very impressive as for a solo developer. Reminds me a lot of Blade Runner in terms of the atmosphere

Good grief, the gunplay mechanics. The adventure game puzzles were actually pretty good and logical (the one about getting the gun was particularly clever). But I couldn't stand the fighting. When they introduced the second dodge mechanic, I just threw up my hands and watched a walkthrough--though it turns out there aren't any more action sequences until the climax. Overall it would probably be a 3-star game for someone who is not me. I play puzzle games because I'm not good at shooters and don't really enjoy them, so can I really give that rating to something I couldn't physically complete?

Plot was decent. Low-key cribbing from Blade Runner, but it had good tension and a good payoff. Again, someone else would probably enjoy it a lot. Though there was one element I found kind of nonsensical.

ROT13 for spoilers:

Gur snpg gung gur qbpgbe jnf pbagvahvat gb birefrr guvf qvyncvqngrq snpvyvgl rira jura vg unq pyrneyl tbar gb fuvg, pbecfrf fgerja nobhg gur unyyjnlf, whfg orpnhfr gung jnf gur bayl guvat ur xarj ubj gb qb, jnf npghnyyl n ernyyl vagrerfgvat punenpgre orng gung V rawblrq. Ohg yrg zr trg guvf fgenvtug: gur fcnpr-Lnxhmn vf trggvat crbcyr ubbxrq ba fcnpr-urebva (n qeht jvgu jvguqenjny flzcgbzf frirer rabhtu gb xvyy lbh), fb gung gurl ner gbb jrnx gb erfvfg orvat fuvccrq bhg gb n "eruno snpvyvgl" gung vf npghnyyl sbe pbrepvat gur cngvragf vagb orpbzvat nffnffvaf ol fgneivat gurz naq jvcvat gurve zrzbevrf. Sbetrg jurgure gur crefbanyvgl/pbafpvrapr vf vaangr--jul jbhyq gurl tb gb guvf vafnar nzbhag bs gebhoyr pbaqvgvbavat hajvyyvat, jvguqenjny-fhssrevat, znyabhevfurq xvqanccvat ivpgvzf gb qb guvf wbo vafgrnq bs whfg uvevat crbcyr jub jnag gb or nffnffvaf?

Very Thrilling Story with twists. It was definitely worth my time. Although the game is 12 years old, the gameplay mechanism is good. The music, voice acting and art style were stunning.
It's sad that this genre is already dead. With present technology these type of story based games could have been more awesome.

Awesome game with cyberpunk/noir atmosphere

Stará dobrá Gemini R... Počkat! Vždyť není stará ani trochu. Pocta oldschoolovým motivy vyspělým 16bitovým klikacím adventurám pro dospělé; speciálně Beneath a Steel Sky a první Gabriel Knight se přímo nabízejí. Příběh a atmosféra (THX 1138 meets temný neo-noir) jsou největšími klady. Obojí zaujme od samotného počátku a nepustí až do úplného konce. Což není zase až tak dlouho, protože nejde o nijak rozsáhlý titul. Tuto skutečnost ještě umocňuje fakt, že se hra zdá velmi jednoduchá; i když vlastně není. Jen je za všech okolností přísně logická a drží se v mezích „co byste udělali v této situaci vy?" čili žádné zoufalé zkoušení "všeho na všechno". Což je dobře, jelikož vás nic nezastaví v neustálém postupu velmi zdařilým dějem, který je hardcore sci-fi až do morku kostí. Začalo to jako studentský projekt jednoho člověka pěkných pár let nazpět a skončilo to jako jedna z nejlepších „klasických" adventur současnosti.