Reviews from

in the past

It never gets boring to play this game

I don’t like stealth games so my experience with this game wasn’t good

First time completing an entry in this series and I had an absolute blast. Despite each map always having one or two design choices to gripe about, they're all super replayable and memorable in their own way. Sapienza specifically stands out to me above the rest. I felt like I could stay on that map forever and never want to leave.

Kinda morbidly fun for like three missions but then I got bored with the repetitiveness and annoyed with getting lost all the time and just started gunning down the targets in broad daylight and seeing if I could get away with it, the answer was usually a resounding yes.

It's hilarious to me that these evil billionaires you have to kill won't ever notice you following them no matter how long you do it or how ridiculous the disguise you're wearing is but if you're dressed in a scientist costume and happen to run into another scientist they'll instantly bring the entire security force down on your ass

For a game that gives you a lot of freedom, it feels intent on holding your hand.

Each level is incredibly detailed, a true spectacle of level design and a veritable assassins playground, but I guess it's indicative of modern games in that it never wants to let go of the players hand and risk alienating them.

You can turn the opportunities off, and I highly recommend doing that otherwise the game becomes a paint-by-numbers challenge. But even with that off you get the NPCs playing Extras just waiting for 47 to walk by so they can loudly announce the targets achilles heel.

It's a let down but it doesn't diminish the quality of the game, everything from the design, art, to the voices are immaculate, if you can look past why citizens in Paris sound eerily similar to the ones in Marrakesh.

Hitman is a wonderful entry into the series, I just wish they would make it a bit more of a challenge, and push players outside their comfort zones rather than letting them follow a linear path, especially when they've designed such a rich series of levels to explore.

God remember when having a target see you kill them counted as getting a witness and ruined a perfect rating??? Thank god I can just play 3 instead.

Fr it's good but not very exciting

Played a bit of it but didn't get hooked quickly enough, but seems like the kind of game I would love once I get used to it. Will re-play it in the future and give it another go.

Goated! best stealth game series i've ever played is hitman

I bought Hitman as soon as the Paris map was released, and I've sort of just never stopped playing it. This soft reboot of the series takes the sandbox level design of the older games and dramatically increases the scale, filling each environment with discrete NPCs and little important details about the world. The implicit class commentary in the older games is made explicit in this one; all 47 needs to become invisible to his wealthy targets is to wear the outfit of a service worker.

A huge amount of the gameplay in Hitman consists of the player obtaining a work uniform of some kind and observing a target, or someone associated with a target, and discerning both their schedule and their motivations. Each target has a number of ironic, narratively-appropriate, cinematic kills attached to them, and because Hitman levels are designed to be replayed over and over again, your sort of always getting to know the targets and the people surrounding them more and more intimately, each interruption you make into their schedules revealing more and more specific information. Each Hitman level is therefore like a spy novel-puzzle box, where narrative and gameplay are always neatly in sync with one another. An all-timer.

I still don't know how the most stealthy assassin in the world can go around with a giant barcode in his head

Loved playing through all of the different, can't wait to complete more while playing Hitman 2 and 3

Has the mechanics and aesthetic of a Hitman game, but lacks the amazing level design

(Played on Professional)

So much variety and a lot of replayability.

I like it, I never played a hitman game before trilogy so I think this was a good introduction for me, though I don’t think it’s the best part of the trilogy. Some targets, particularly the side targets in certain missions like ken morgan, felt a bit like “filler,” but a lot of the main targets were pretty good, Jordan Cross being one of the best in the trilogy. Also some maps look a little worse when compared to the rest of the trilogy but they actually kinda grew on me when I replayed these levels for certain gear.
Overall, yeah I like it.

Fuck the Colorado map though

It's fun when it's stupid but it's stupid when it's not fun

wow, REALLY enjoyed controlling this wicked cool bald guy..

Molto molto carino. Centinaia di modi diversi di completare le missioni.

One of the only games to make episodic content work. An absolute gem of a game that manages to combine a good espionage plot, well considered mechanics, and a thoughtful implementation of progression to extremely great effect. Probably the best game of this type for sure.

a very fine stealth game, I think only major problem is storyline is pretty terrible but apart from that it’s very Good

The first entry into the World of Assassination trilogy still has some of the best maps of all 3, and set the template the other games would follow. The trilogy is so interlinked now that it can be hard to talk about each individual entry, but I would say the original is still the best.

Perfect stealth sandbox with unlimited replay value that isn't MGSV.

This review contains spoilers

IO Entertainment came back and revitalized one of my favorite game series. Absolution game out in 2009 and spit in the face of 47 and stealth shooters as a whole then we got nothing until 2016 when Hitman popped up. The studio went back to it's roots and, starting slowly to prove interest and design, slowly released several maps that proved (much like Bloodmoney) that Hitman cannot die.

Here we are years later and the series is still thriving. Level design is painstaking, overheard conversations are hilarious and executions can be as violent, thought out or dramatic as you want them to be. It's truly a modernization of the old Hitman games, except they chose to take out the annoying gigantic maps with 300 well armed soldiers. IO chose to put you in smaller, carefully planned playgrounds with dozens of ways in and out and it's up to you to patiently stalk your prey.

Excited to play more.