Reviews from

in the past

this game used to piss me the fuck off oh my god i wanted to eat my gameboy out of frustration

This was an interesting experience, but the gameplay is repetitive.
The story is the same as in the film, of Manny and Sid taking the child to the family, only without a budget.

Firstly, Manny's gameplay is very good, the idea of throwing the kid to pick up some objects and using his trunk to attack the enemies (apart from the sound effect when you click on the down arrow and the up arrow). The bosses that Manny faces are very easy because you simply go to the boss and pick up an item, attack the item on the boss, it's very repetitive and boring, the only one is the bird's boss fight that I didn't understand how to do at all, but I managed it.
Secondly, Sid's gameplay is the most different and difficult, you don't have to take a break because if you stand still the game camera runs away and you die, and if you lose all your lives you go back to the beginning of those stages, at least there aren't that many Sid stages in the game (if I remember 3 out of the 10 stages in the game).

Thirdly, the game's soundtrack doesn't make sense, the happy music in the underground stages is very annoying and repeats very quickly,but it's a very good soundtrack.

Lastly, one of the things is when the gas weasel lets Manny fly (I don't know how the developers came up with these ideas) there's a game over song when I first played I thought I'd lost the game (what an idiotic idea that song was).

In short, this game is good, except that Sid's stages are horrible and the bosses are boring,I hope that the second game made for the Nintendo DS will be interesting.

very very unusual game. visually only slightly below average and the music follows suit. gameplay is bad, miserable even. what makes it interesting to me is how little it has to do with ice age. i truly believe the team that made this were just shown 10-20 photos from the movie and told to make it a platformer.