Reviews from

in the past

This game is a stinker. WHY IS THERE A GEAR SYSTEM IN A FIGHTING GAME THAT BOOST ATTACK DAMAGE OR HEALTH! It just makes the game a who can get better stuff out the loot boxes rather then a im gonna beat you to a bloody pulp with skill. The competitive king of the hill mode was the saving grace for me and my friends. But there have been moments were one person will clearly hit someone but the animations are so trash it’s only visual and no one takes damage. Maybe it’s a hit box thing and not an animation thing but it’s frustrating. Game is a meh for me.

Good story, don't like the gameplay

The game really gives you what would you want from a DC concept fighting game.

i love nrs jank!!! i love nrs jank!!!

can't play anymore bc my inventory is full of sick gear I will Not be disposing of

story was 9/10
pvp was 4/10
fuck flash and blue beetle mains

m not particularly into fighting games, but this is pretty good fan service for fans of comics and the DC universe. The company tells the story in a relaxed manner and takes turns beating the next villain. There is a half-dead online mode where you need to collect “power” like in an RPG for your characters from random loot boxes. Unfortunately, I don’t like the format of endless grinding in fighting games, this is not why we love this genre of games.

Я особо не увлекаюсь файтингами, но это достаточно неплохой фансервис для поклонников комиксов и DC вселенной. Компания достаточно не напряженно рассказывает историю и по очереди бьем очередного злодея. Присутствует полумертвый онлайн режим, где необходимо собирать как в RPG "мощность" для своих персонажей с рандомых лутбоксов. К сожалению, не люблю я формат, бесконечного гринда в файтингах, это не то, за что мы любим этот жанр игр.

4.5☆ - I'm a sucker for DC and this game is incredibly well made. Not the greatest fighting mechanics but the story and character design is incredible.

Bastante mediocre respecto a su predecesor

Story is severely worse (especially if you’ve read the comics)… but Hellboy is playable so it’s an improvement
still 6/10

I really liked the first one but the story in this one is rubbish.

só me interessei pelo modo história, depois que zerei o game, nunca mais o abri novamente

This shit is so boring and repetitive. Most characters feel janky and lack the feeling of satisfaction to play as unlike other fighting games. Story is dumb too, NRS should stop having poorly written cutscenes with a few fights put in to remind you that you're playing a game, serve as "story modes"

The online is so fun. Great story and still expanding on one of the greatest comics of all time

Quase chegou no mesmo nível do antecessor.

meu pai me comprou esse jogo bêbado, quando ele acordou ele demorou pra se lembrar que ele me comprou esse jogo quando tava bebado e pôs a culpa em mim

Feels like a pretty basic fighting game. Enjoyable, but not something I will stick with in the long term. Hope to at least finish the bonkers story mode.

I am not good at fighting games

Graficos otimos e historia ainda melhor que a do primeiro, joguei apenas a campanha mas pelo que joguei gostei demais.

Injustice 2 was fairly fun for me, had a lot of friends who played it in 2017 but game did fall off hard rather quickly

wow. more injustice (okay but if the game wasnt both dead and ugly this would be fire)

Characters - 8/10 - Seeing how each character has a twisted personality from their comics variation is really interesting, especially Damian and Superman.

Gameplay - 7/10 - Not bad, just felt like normal fighting game combat.

Story - 8/10 - Batman vs Superman is always a 50/50 gamble, but Injustice does it very well.

World - N/A - It's a fighting game so no open world to speak of.

Side Content - 6/10 - Nothing that crazy good.