Reviews from

in the past

a sprite scaler style shooter so authentic feeling that you can't really tell when you've successfully passed a projectile or not

This developer never seems to miss no matter what breed of shm'up they decide to tackle next, and Missile Dancer 2 is no exception. I'm not the biggest fan of rail shooters like Space Harrier, but I still found myself enjoying this one immensely.

The game mimmicks Sega's classic super scaler arcade games and plays similarly to the aforementioned space harrier, after burner and super thunder blade. That being said, it's somewhat more forgiving due to having three hit points and waves that weren't meant to munch quarters. I feel like anyone with a passing interest in the genre could pick this up and play it without being frustrated too much, at least on normal. (There is of course hard and expert, so it's not like the people who live for these kinds of games are necessarily left out)

The only real issue with this game is the same issue I've had with the older quarter munchers in this genre- visibility. Even after multiple playthroughs, I still had moments where I'm not exactly sure what hit me due to the perspective. There are also white puffs of smoke that cloud the screen whenever you use your missiles (which you'll be using quite a bit) and they just so happen to be the same color as the regular bullets coming from enemy crafts. One other person actually pointed this out on steam, but the dev's response claimed that adding transparency would "change the design" of the game. Weird.

I do hope that issue gets resolved at some point, but as it stands, this is still another great game that provides an arcade experience sans the steep learning curve. If you enjoyed the dev's other games (raging Blasters, terraflame to name a few) you should enjoy this as well.

Got the Expert 1CC during a shmup kumite. Really awesome game, you have the fixed axis movement of Space Harrier with weapon pickups and lock-on missiles ala Rayforce or SA2 mechs. Nice blend of speed, chaos and control. My only personal gripe is the length, it's 16 levels and a lot of that is re-cycled environments and enemy sprites - new patterns of course, but it looks samey. I think an 8 stage game with unique art for each level would've been the tighter choice.

A great little “shoot them up” (shmup). I recommend this title