Reviews from

in the past

I HATE this game. Its meh, but ill never forgive that its first achievement only gave 1G, thus making my gamerscore uneven and the only way to fix it was to get the last achievement and its like impossible

One of the best games for local multiplayer eva! There's no I in teamwork! Don't even try it in single player, it's fucking awful.

5 stars because I honestly can't think of anything wrong with this game. It's been quite a while since I've played, but I remember the laughs with my wife and sense of achievement when we beat a tough level or eventually got all 3 stars for the level. Yes, I do remember the fights too, but that is not the game's fault. Get through the frustration, learn how to communicate and take your pride out of the equation, and you'll have a boat load of fun. Cute characters, great idea, never found a level that we couldn't conquer with some work, and honestly I never felt it was totally unfair. For what it's worth, my wife is not a gamer but this is a favorite of hers. Probably the one game she will play without hesitation.

Chest hurts after screaming "DO NOT TAKE MY F#€&@%! TOMATOOO" at the top of my lungs

It's pretty fun all things considered :D

Overcooked is a good game, I just don’t really like it. My fiancé on the other hand loves it and makes me play it with her. I’m just not a big fan of the stress of it but I can see it’s well put together with unique levels and a silly art style. I’ll even admit I did have some fun when I wasn’t stressed as heck.

Already had played this on the PC and for that reason I decided to get the original game for the PS4. It's a really cool game to play with friends.

I thought that it could be difficult to play on the ps4 due to the controlls being different but it's not difficult at all!

I do want to like it, but being able to enjoy this is circumstantial. I have a friend group that generally likes party games, but the way this works it ended up being a 2 timer then lay dormant in my switch library. I tried playing on my own just to finish it, but single player is technically there, but barely works on your own, and is definitely not as fun.

"PASAME LA SAL" - ahh juego sin segunda parte

Absurdamente bom pra jogar coop, mas precisa ser com pelo menos 3 pessoas. Do contrário, vai ser extremamente fácil (até se for pegando as 3 estrelas). Tirando o final broxa pra cacete, é um jogão. Me diverti muito com os crias.

very fun game but overcooked 2 better

Pretty fun with friends, but it has very annoying difficulty spikes.

say bye to your friends/family/fiance

do NOT try this game with your fire sign friends who might or might not have unresolved anger issues

Finally played through this one from start to finish. Pretty tasty :3

This is a pretty genius idea executed MOSTLY well, though I think some levels miss the mark a bit and the game overall feels like it could have been more (luckily this is what the second game aims to improve on).

I am a big fan of the different silly cooks and the level of variety both within the actual levels and foods you're cooking. My main complaint is some levels just feel more arbitrarily annoying rather than a fun challenge, but this is a rare case. There is also sometimes a clutter of Ui on items or stuff is simply out of camera, these camera issues combined with the somewhat frequent imprecision in what you're currently going to grab/set an item on AND the speed required to get 3 stars, can add some of the wrong type of difficulty, the unsatisfying difficulty. But I must clarify, this is rarely a problem, the game is mostly a very fun cooking romp. I don't know how it fares solo, but with 2 players it's a very good time.

I am excited to revisit Overcooked 2 and try out all the DLC's, there's a lot to expand on from the base that Overcooked 1 has created.

Overcooked RANKED

I think I understand why Gordon gets so mad now

admito que nunca me interessei muito por Overcooked, mas quando eu joguei um pouco no Xbox dos primos da minha mina (junto com ela) eu fiquei bem interessado no game, compramos ele + o segundo que tavam na promoção e sendo sincero, o jogo é muito divertido! Ele começa bem fácil e vai gradualmente ficando cada vez mais difícil, à nível de reiniciar a fase mais de umas 40 vezes. O legal de Overcooked, como qualquer jogo desse tipo que tu faz as coisas nas pressa, é a memorização das coisas. Você pode até se estressar muito e ficar putasso com a fase, como eu fiquei, mas a cada reinicio você aprende mais e fica mais calejado na fase em específico, tu aprende como aquela fase funciona e qual a melhor estratégia pra conseguir mandar os pratos à tempo. Tem uma boa variedade de pratos no jogo, todos relativamente fáceis de fazer, mas o tempo pra eles serem feitos, que dependendo do prato é bem curto, tempo da fase, que pode ser bem curta também, e principalmente a quantidade de comandas entrando, que é gigantesca, torna tudo mais frenético. No teu foco pra mandar tudo o mais rápido que der tu pode acabar até batendo com o outro player e cagar tudo, seja porque tu matou ele jogando-o pra água, lava ou até mesmo pro espaço, ou só porque tu tá atrasando ele mesmo, o que é ridiculamente divertido se você tá afim de trollar. Tiveram vezes que eu genuinamente quis quitar do jogo, mas ele é bem viciantezinho e muito divertido, a satisfação de conseguir passar de uma fase difícil é enorme, por mais que tenham fases que foram claramente feitas pra serem jogadas com mais de duas pessoas, o que eu achei chato pra cacete, porque fica muito injusto. Jogo muito legal de jogar com amigos e até com namorada(o), recomendo dms.

Played the story mode with my little sister over the holiday - very fun little game! It has cute art and an almost quaint soundtrack. It's got a good difficulty for both kids and adults. (and harder modes for those that want it, as well as new game plus, though I didn't have the time to partake in that myself.)

My biggest complaints come from the story mode wrapping up with very little "huzzah", and the controls overall are a little finicky at times, but that might just be the fact that I'm not amazing at the game. The burrito levels haunt my dreams lol

Janky and basic compared to its successor. I wasn't expecting something as strong as the second game, but I'm surprised by how huge the gulf in quality is! Ah well, I still had an ok time playing through this with my partner.

My girlfriend almost broke up with me several times and then we killed a giant meatball

Fun game!

AWESOME, going to my cousin's house and connecting all of our controllers to the xbox, i remember screaming at them so they could FUCKING play better.

good game, good times.

The story is nothing, the characters are okay, but the gameplay is simply amazing. Levels are interesting, going for three stars feels challenging at times but never impossible.

O jogo é massa, mas não jogue com sua namorada, lei maria da penha tá aí.

tão chato e ruim que podia fazer parte da discografia da anitta

sou burra nao consigo fazer nada neste lixo mas mt legallllkl

Simultaneously fun and frustrating diner dash of a game that is best played through co-op. Chaotic as hell, but managing to finish each level after numerous attempts makes for an extremely satisfying experience.

Fun party game that ends in yelling!

man i love this game so much i played this full game with my neighbour back in the day